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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 6 hours ago, Radar501 said:

    With the inevitable influx of rubber neckers and opportunists wanting a piece of the cave's new-found celebrity status, I fear the park will forever suffer from over-tredding and over-consumption.


    The title 'Eco Tourism' can be such an oxymoron.  Individuals who flock to such places for the natural beauty often contribute to the erosion of the very thing they seek.

    ..just what the movie-makers want..peace and quiet.

  2. 5 hours ago, Davmaac said:

    Yet you probably drink alcohol which is one of the most destructive drugs available.

    You probably think alcohol is OK because it's legal and you probably think you are better than the people who take illegal drugs.


    Truth is there's no real difference other than the legal aspect and people who requarly need to consume alcohol are also drug addicts.






    ..up to me what i do..and up to them what they do..called personal choice..end of story..I am not judgmental in any way, just expressing my opinion.

  3. 16 hours ago, Johnniey said:

    I find it hard to believe that some people have never taken an illegal drug. Never a little bit of ganja or a tab of LSD? A lot less harmful than cigs or booze, in fact can be very enlightening, in a spiritual way. I recently watched a great movie about Ram Dass and his experiments with Timothy Leary at Harvard in the 60's.

    All youngsters would have taken pot, I would have thoiught the older ones would have too, 40/50 years ago.

    ..i think and hope there are many out there who have never taken illicit substances.

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