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Posts posted by tandor

  1. On 7/24/2018 at 8:33 AM, darksidedog said:

    Clearly no one ever told him about hell having no fury like a woman scorned. I would suspect that he is soon to be her ex husband, cos I wouldn't get back together with someone who ran me over.

    ..i was impressed how he managed to maintain a firm grip on his smart-phone (probably the most valuable thing in his life now)..but i would put a red circle around his wife/car...to be avoided at all costs.

  2. 16 hours ago, Enoon said:


    And the same injury is thought to have been a likely cause of Achilles' death:


    "A more likely anatomical basis for Achilles's death, assuming an unpoisoned dart, would have been an injury to his posterior tibial artery behind the medial malleolus, in between the tendons of the flexor digitorum longus and the posterior tibial vein."



    ..yes of course.

  3. 11 hours ago, SoNowWhat said:

    HIV was first isolated in 1983 in France/USA so no pathology journals prior to this date would have any information about it.  Again cite your source if it is common knowledge. 


    I am not confused you are...if the body is not refrigerated the HIV will not remain viable very long, if it is refrigerated it will remain for around 2 weeks. Provide your source for this 'alternative fact' you are pushing because 2 posters now have said you are wrong can you prove us wrong? 


    There I will say no more.

    ..i know what i was taught..i said 'manuals' nothing about 'journals'. Manuals are documents formulated within all medical establishments to lay down procedures for the handling of all matter of things; to also comply with Work Place Safety Regulations..I dont need to answer you any more. 

  4. 5 hours ago, SoNowWhat said:

    Yes I know the meaning of exhumed...but since the survival of the HIV virus in corpses is only a few weeks under refrigeration your idea is impossible. You have also neglected to factor in the embalming that most corpses have undergone (as I am not an undertaker I wont be looking it up.)  Cite your source if it is so easy or admit you are wrong. A basic search easily finds the facts. Again it has nothing to do with the story.






    All searches all return this same answer from multiple reliable sources. Cite your source or stop lying. You are trying to stigmatize HIV with urban myths and falsehoods, educate yourself.

    ..you got confused with refrigerating the body and the virus living for a short period, whereas i am referring to common medical knowledge by Forensic Pathologist who have taught many that the HIV virus could live up to three months in a cadaver buried in the ground..as the virus is aerobic it would have enough air to survive..this information appeared in all Forensic Pathology manuals and i dare say was taken from relevant textbooks and references at the time..this is what was stated at lectures and were the instructions to be adhered to take additional precautions ie double glove, filtered air helmets/masks etc and to destroy all clothing after. Any exhumed cadavers are routinely screened for HIV and Hepatitis 'C' before any second or subsequent autopsy is performed. PS. I dont have to defend myself, so withdraw your accusation. I am educated and have considerable experience in this field. Another point you made was most cadavers are embalmed; this is grossly untrue and is only ever done at the specific request of the family; the majority of whom do not wish to add this considerable expense to the funeral cost.

  5. 13 hours ago, SoNowWhat said:

    Cite your sources for your erroneous assertions...all literature points to HIV remaining active in blood drawn from cadavers at about 14 to 16 days if they have been refrigerated at low temperatures. And so what? Why are you throwing out your spurious info? How does it relate to tattooing supposedly linked to HIV infections? Where the women cadavers? Had they been refrigerated? What's your point?

    ..exhumed means the coffin dug up and the remains re-visited..(you dont refrigerate coffins in the ground)..source is any Forensic Pathology Manual and historical studies since the HIV virus was first detected i think back in early 1960s in Africa..common knowledge...and very relative to the OP original post as he/they made ridiculous unfounded statements.

  6. 1 hour ago, RichardColeman said:

    Only if you had an open sore in your mouth or an open wound and the person infected had blood in their saliva and were extremely contagious with high viral load. Chance ? probably 1 in a million

    ..well you should say low probability then...i doubt it feasible you could stick your tongue in the mouths of a million infected people!

    Infected people have been known to spit in the faces of law enforcement officers..a bit like a spitting cobra.aiming for the eye soft tissue and mouth..don't you know.

  7. 2 hours ago, SoNowWhat said:

    Cite your sources for cadavers with viable HIV samples 3 years on?  As for being transmitted via saliva its hypothetical and a raft of conditions must be met.

    ..i said 3 months..not 3 years!...reference any Forensic Pathology Manual..sorry dont have the author or reference for you, but a standard in Forensic Pathology...re saliva, definitely possible but improbable..one can never discount the chances however remote..satisfied? 

  8. 16 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    Sounds like more than just tattoo needles involved

    ..agreed, more than likely Hepatitis 'C' if needle sharing/tattoo gun. HIV virus can take up to six weeks before it can be identified once contracted...I just wish these reports would wait until the testing has been done and the results then reported on. Both are notifiable diseases and can have serious personal implications..not to be treated lightly or confused with each other.

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