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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 15 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    The finalising of Brexit is, March 29 2019. So we may get 41-43 at least for the next 7 months. I personally don`t believe a Brexit no deal will happen, the UK government simply cannot afford for this to happen. I take most of the media doom and gloom predictions with a pinch of salt.


    Time will tell, but in the meantime I`m going to have another few beers while I can still afford it.

    ..at my age with senility setting in, i can convince myself quite easily i already had one beer.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Bonobojt said:

    she'll be asking herself that for the rest of her life, wishing she could go back in time, blaming herself for the death of her young daughter...she's gonna need therapy or some kind of help  

    ..it is probable that even if the mother did a u-turn to drop off her daughter; this speeding pick-up would have killed them both on the mum's motor cy..obviously the pick-up came out of nowhere and struck her..at 16yrs of age (RIP) her ability to assess the speed of an oncoming vehicle was probably not fully developed..a terrible thing.

  3. 15 hours ago, Esso49 said:

    Firstly rest in peace to this poor girl.  Whilst it is a sad event the headlines could well be misleading as it states it was a speeding pick-up, came from nowhere yet stopped 15 meters from the incident. Below are some OZ stopping distance based on average reaction times for both wet and dry road conditions.  Coming from nowhere would indicate the driver would have only have seen the victim at the last minute. Based on this it indicates a vehicle speed far far less than the speed limit and far less than 40 KPH,  the minimum speed correlated in the chart.  Now given the fact that most Thais reactions are ,  what should we say,  delayed,  the vehicle was under no circumstances speeding.   Now given that Thais generally drive with less than average due care and attention,   what are the bets (if it were legal) that the driver of the pick-up was not speeding but most probably on the phone talking or possibly sending SMS.  No excuse of course and in a civilised country he would get a life driving ban and possibly 7 years inside by causing death through dangerous driving.  I fear however that as usual the sickner will be for the Mother to accept some payment in return for her daughters death,  the driver will get a 500 baht fine and give a Wai all around before he goes back to driving as "business as usual".  

    Typical total stopping distances

    We already know that a huge number of factors affect this, but let’s assume a medium-sized car with good tyres on a dry road:

    Speed Reaction distance Braking distance Total stopping distance
    40km/h 17m 9m 26m
    50km/h 21m 14m 35m
    60km/h 25m 20m 45m
    70km/h 29m 27m 56m
    80km/h 33m 36m 69m
    90km/h 38m 45m 83m
    100km/h 42m 56m 98m
    110km/h 46m 67m 113m

    And now if we take the same car on a wet road:

    Speed Reaction distance Braking distance Total stopping distance
    40km/h 17m 13m 30m
    50km/h 21m 20m 41m
    60km/h 25m 29m 54m
    70km/h 29m 40m 69m
    80km/h 33m 52m 85m
    90km/h 38m 65m 103m
    100km/h 42m 80m 122m
    110km/h 46m 97m 143m

    The figures above are from the Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads as NZ Transport Agency does not give any definitive figures.


    ..we all know Thai roads are very fickle and can vary greatly when they drive on their surfaces.

  4. 35 minutes ago, AboutThaim said:

    I asked myself that question and then I answered myself.  Why would anyone make a fuss only to have it dealt with in the way it was for the first complaint.  Who knows what the student was put through after the complaint?  Word gets around between students and they would be very reluctant to say anything to their parents knowing that the teacher responsible would be treated so lightly and then giving them hell at school because they complained.  It's well known in Western countries that a lot of rape cases are not reported because of the way the complaints are dealt with and claims that it was consensual by the perpetrator.

    ..for sure..all your points are valid..there is the fear factor, the embarrassment factor, the lying factor, ridicule factor..thats why bit is so difficult to build a strong case and really need corroborating evidence to get anywhere.

    I just wish that ThaiVisa.com stop publishing such topics for a forum to discuss and just let the matter be dealt with according to law..all this speculating does nothing for the children involved...thanks.

    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, colinneil said:

     A committee WAS SET UP!! What the hell, the man is a rapist and should be in jail.

    Fined 2 days pay, then allowed to carry on raping, bloody hell what is wrong with his seniors not responding properly after the first complaint.

    ..the man is an 'alleged' rapist..not proven..the first incident there was not enough reliable evidence to proceed..always extremely difficult to investigate any case of a sexual nature and to get enough creditable evidence to put before a court.

    Ask yourself this question..why didnt the next person come forward and the next as it happened..no mention of this..until a ground-swell of alleged victims decided to speak out via social media..bottom line..they went about it the wrong way..the authorities were there all the time..just need to make yourself heard.

    • Sad 2
  6. 6 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

    Wouldn't it be great, at times like that, to just pull out a 9mm and smile at the jerk ?


    ..if it was F1 she would have got a 10 second stop-go penalty for not letting him in..why push the guy when his car was obviously in front and at such an angle a collision would have occurred had they continued..stubbornness in my opinion..the weapon part of the incident is obviously a serious matter..but you can see how some drivers get antagonized quite easily.

    • Confused 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Radar501 said:

    With the inevitable influx of rubber neckers and opportunists wanting a piece of the cave's new-found celebrity status, I fear the park will forever suffer from over-tredding and over-consumption.


    The title 'Eco Tourism' can be such an oxymoron.  Individuals who flock to such places for the natural beauty often contribute to the erosion of the very thing they seek.

    ..just what the movie-makers want..peace and quiet.

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