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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 17 minutes ago, connda said:

    Just to keep this real: The old city walls are not "ancient" at all but are of relatively recent construction.  However with that said, they are symbolic, and being symbolic they have meaning for Thais.  So spray paint their 'symbol' and look out below!

    If you want to see truly ancient walls, then travel from Thapae Road to Loi Khoh down Kampandin Road and look to your left - that is the "ancient" wall.  You could paint it, pee on it, park on it, climb it - Thais don't care.  It's the real wall, but it's fallen into the dust bin of history and no longer has any significance for Thais.  Funny how reality works, 'eh? 

    ..damage to someone's property..over and out.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Kerryd said:

    I often wondered when I would get to an Immigration queue and see 3 plane loads of people lined up and half the Immigration desks unmanned, and then see 2 more planeloads of people arrive just behind me.


    I know they schedule planes from different parts of the world to arrive in different "blocks". For instance, every time I have flown from North America, no matter which airline I flew on (China Air, Japan Air, Cathay) I would always arrive in Bangkok between 11pm and 2 am. When I flew from the Middle East (Thai or Emirates or Gulf Air), I would always arrive between 7-9 am.
    (I suspect they do that so they can have different groups of Immigration officers that speak different languages on hand, depending on what "region" is scheduled to arrive.)


    But they know, well in advance, how many flights are scheduled to arrive and how many passengers to expect (roughly). They also know how long it takes to process the average passenger, so they can calculate how many IOs are needed for each shift. 

    Then it's just a matter of  - do they cut back on the number of IOs and increase the wait times (maybe to save money on salaries by having fewer IOs on shift) or do they increase the number and reduce the wait times, but then have a bunch of IOs sitting around doing nothing for hours on end ?

    If they tinkered with the formula and adjusted the arrival times of the flights, they could probably increase the efficiency of the process greatly without a significant increase in costs. Not going to always work out due to weather issues and other delays that could still result in too many planes arriving too close together, but overall it could be an improvement.


    Also keep in mind, when Swampy first opened it was expected that they wouldn't hit their max capacity (of arrivals/departures) for something like 10 years. However, they surpassed those numbers within a couple years and had to start Phase 1 of the expansion years ahead of schedule, and then start Phase 2 soon after that (and now are talking about yet another expansion).

    I looked up the arrival numbers a couple months ago and except for 2 small downturns (after the tsunami and after the last coup) the numbers of arrivals (nationwide) have been skyrocketing every year.
    I think Swampy was expecting to hit an annual peak of 10 million arrivals/departures (passengers, not planes) within 10 years but passed that within 3. 
    The facilities are being "swamped" and there is no easy, cheap or fast fix to it. 


    More IOs manning the desks would be a good start though.

    ...if your coming in on a long haul flight, why can't the bulk of your processing be done automatically with data they hold, data from the passenger manifest..surely most prominent countries could engineer such a system, say controlled by Interpol..i wish for this.

  3. 6 hours ago, crazygreg44 said:

    horrible . . . . RIP young man!


    Watch the driver of the small white car emerging from it, just to firstly check his car for scratches and damage, before he turns his attention towards the injured . . . . . . . mimimimimi


    while I'd say both motorcyclists could have avoided the crash by using a little bit more of attention to their actions . . . . 

    ..even if i hit a small animal i would go see to it first..your not going to alter and damage to your car, but you may be able to help the injured to ease their suffering..disgraceful acts on that clip..RIP young rider.

  4. 8 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    Ha! I am not worried about scams as I am way too smart for them.


    As soon as my cash from helping that Nigerian General arrives, I'll teach those scammers a thing or two...






    ..i gave mine to that poor widow with 25 terminal diseases.

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