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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 8 hours ago, fruitman said:

    Did the car dare to horn to the biker?


    ..let's hope so but i doubt he had time to evaluate the situation let alone sound the horn or take evasive action...the white car was travelling at excessive speed when the m/cy proceeded to change lanes..(i would estimate the car's speed at 120kmph and the bike at 40kmph..this speed estimate is supported by the video footage showing the huge distance the white car traveled as it swerved to avoid striking the m/cy...the motor cy appears to maintain the same speed and indicates and moves back to the left lane...without so much as turning his head to see what happened..this would indicate to me it was Mr. Magoo's twin..an elderly male riding oblivious to what he had contributed in part to)..he may well have checked his mirror and not seen the white car barreling down on him on the right side... the white car should have been in the left lane as it approached the m/cy but inexperience on the part of the driver who could have braked and easily avoided such a violent swerve at the last second which caused him to lose control...the driver made no attempt at correcting the skid...of course the following car should have stopped immediately as should the rider of both motor cycles...it is the job of an emergency vehicle to 'chase down' other vehicles....checking for injuries and rendering assistance is the most important aspect here IMHO.

  2. 12 hours ago, bangrak said:

    It's years ago, but in several places I could not convince the owners I was not Steve Davis (though I'm not ginger and don't wear glasses...), even had to play pool once, having no other choice, I went for it, telling I would play with my 'bad hand' (while it was my best), so happy they were, telling I was so polite (though I did the best I could), LOL!

    There even was that 4-star-L Bkk hotel where they called me Michael Schumacher, and though I kept saying no-no-no, time after time, they kept giving me fancy free upgrades and local transportation, go figure...

    I guess for, many, Thais it's as hard to make a difference between us as it is for us between kinds of Thais and staff from neighbouring countries...

    Oh, and I met a guy in a bar who is, really, looking a lot like George Clooney, I 'discretely' spread it around, he seemed embarassed at the time, but I guess he didn't have to pay any drinks to the ladies to get some interest from them, or free drinks...? I saw him again, later, and felt sorry, as he told me he didn't appreciate the attention he got, as the girls had been speaking around... 

    ..isn't vanity a wonderful thing.

  3. 31 minutes ago, SpeakeasyThai said:

    Why does the driver of the car who is filmiing this find it so amusing? It's not funny whatsoever.


    ...childish antics, giggling like a silly schoolgirl..allowing the offence to continue and possibly escalate into a fatal accident..he could easily have sounded his horn, flashed his lights and even draw alongside and tried to get him to pull over...the amazement continues at a risk to others.

  4. 9 hours ago, Dave66 said:

    doesnt anyone think there is a bit more to it, you dont just fall of a bike going straight or minor bend he was already half off the bike as he went past that car and looked like he was already unconscious .

    ..looked to me his handlebar (L) side got hooked over the side railing which forced his body up and off the bike..as his head and chest couldn't get free of bike it catapulted him over the rail, just centimetres from striking that light bracket.

  5. 10 hours ago, Telecom66 said:

    Hey Tandor.


    While I agree that from our Western perspective it looks like the Thais are treating a dead body as a spectacle - that is actuallt the exact opposite of what they are doing.


    Please allow me a moment to enlighten TV members as to why Thais do this.


    Thai's (Buddhism) belive that after you die and the Ceremonial Rights of Cremation are performed, your (soul or spirit) gently rise and floats up with the heat from the Cremation Kiln, to be reborn again with either a higher status if you were good, or with a lower status if you were bad. That is why there is a week of daily "Bathing Rites" at the temple to cleanse the spirit of all the pollution and baggage from this life, prior to cremation. This is the exact reasons why Thai's often treat soi dogs like their own.


    The cremated ashes are a physical reminder for your loved ones - but the Cremation Ceremony is where what we in the western world refer to as out "Spirit" or "Soul" is uplifted for Buddha to return to earth in a new form as he sees fit.


    Therefore, when a Thai comes apon an accident where there are dead body's, there is a sense of duty to help see the spirit on to the next stage safely. It is seen as disrespectful to leave the scene of an accident before the bodies have been removed. If it is a Thai cadaver, some people will pay their respects and move on early, because they feel that a Thai spirit has been taught Buddhism and understands the journey and where it needs to go.


    When the Thai's see a Farang cadaver, they believe that it's spirit will not understand the  Buddha spirit that is about to take it by the hand and help safely ferry the Farang spirit back to their own god. I use the term "Ferry" because it is a similar belief in Christian traditions to put coins on the eyes or in the mouth of the cadaver prior to burial to "pay the Ferryman". While it may seem that they stop and gawk, they actually have a sense of duty from their Buddha teachings to stay until the Farang spirit has safely been ferried to the next level. Typically this is either an Ambulance, Medical Examiners vehicle, or the Community Foundatiion Ambulances. 


    That is why the first responders that responds to a cadaver, look like they are performing religous rituals prior to collecting the body. They are merely preparing the spirit to commence it's journey to a new life.


    So next time you see Thai's "stopping and gawking", see it as a sign of respect to the deceased - not as a sideshow. Yes they will be laughing and smiling. For the Thai's, the spirit has the opportunity to go on to better things - and that is a cause for celebration.


    Thai's are actually celebrating at a funeral, even though it is a very somber and highly emotial time. Everyone still mourns the loss of loved ones and cries. But all the rituals you see are a celebration and transition of the spirit to the next life.


    If I was Christian's family and friends, I would be Thanking them for overseeing the safe transfer of Christian's spirit at a time when they could not be there to do it themselves.


    Hey Telecom66...thanks for your explanation...i was aware and am aware of how to treat a deceased at the scene of a sudden death having had an extensive career in that area, which embraced not only Christians or Buddhists...Respect and dignity are paramount regardless of what religion they maybe (a detail you would not necessarily be aware of at  the scene). 

    My point was the growing vehicle  and pedestrian traffic congestion on both levels...i think the fact the rider was thrown from the flyover to the ground below was the main reason an almost all male crowd had gathered...

    Regardless..this is 2017 and modern traffic control measures should be in place here so as to perhaps lessen the risk of further death and injury. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Seismic said:

    He didnt appear to be speeding to me, I think the pram appearing in front of him was probably as big a shock to him. While I dont condone his actions,

    I think the parents should shoulder the majority of the blame here.

    ...agreed..he pulled to the left of a vehicle that was stopping to let the people cross...he swerved around the near stationery vehicle and straight into the woman pushing the stroller..he should have twigged the car was stopping in front for some reason as there was no traffic directly in front of that vehicle!

    He also had room to move over to the left of the near stationery vehicle and thus avoid the stroller.

    I also saw that he calmly stopped his bike in a short distance and walked back to where they were..there was then a break in the footage and i could see him walk back to his bike and ride away. (Lets hope he went to the hospital to check on her).

  7. 11 hours ago, Essaybloke said:

    You're assuming lots of things here. The person pointing likely belongs to the coroner's office, so too the guy with the phone probably recording the scene on video. Do you know what they're talking about? No. Are they just taking happy snaps to show their mates down the pub tonight? No. They're cops or whatever doing their jobs, you know? The very thing many posters to this site often criticize them for not doing. No respect for the dead? You should see what happens to the body when they do an autopsy.  RIP Mr Finn.

    ...All autopsies performed here are done with dignity and respect in strict accordance with the protocols.

    Khunying Porntip will vouch for this.

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