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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 13 hours ago, dave2 said:

    i showed the pics to a couple of thais tonight and they said yes they would be arrested

    for doing this so early


    but ive not seen the men in the pics tonight coz they are probably trying to get in some slappers knickers from birmingham in a bar somewhere ?



    zoe in yellow bar 2 may 16 20160502_133836.jpg


    ...are they 'wet-spots' or shadows ?

  2. 17 hours ago, Crossy said:


    The bike also went the wrong way, he should have gone to his right, he would almost certainly have missed the rear of the truck, going left pretty well guaranteed an incident.


    EDIT If something crosses in front of you head for where it came from, it's unlikely to go back that way.

    ...any inanimate object for sure..Ive seen plenty of animals double back at the last minute.

  3. 4 hours ago, Thaidream said:

    The best post on this subject or living in Thailand has been posted by Smileydude. I completely agree with his sentiments and second his perspective. You cannot live and exist in Thailand by expecting everything to be like it is in your home country. In addition, you cannot view everything from a Western perspective.

    Thailand has been around for thousands of years and is still a developing country. To live in Thailand, one must adapt and accept that Thai people view things differently and act differently.

    The majority of Thai people have no quarrel with anyone especially foreigners. They drive the way they do because they have been taught that way and emulate other drivers. We can all become frustrated, but sounding off to Thais and flipping the middle finger are considered incredibly rude and out of place in Thailand.  Confrontation is to be avoided in all aspects of life.  I, for one, cannot understand why foreigners cannot grasp this point. 

    If, s a foreigner living in Thailand, you are more irritated than not- you may want to consider a change of scenery. Thailand will not change for you- it will develop in the way Thais want it to develop in the same manner that your own country develops. Frankly, I find that Thai people are much friendlier than foreigners in most aspects of daily life.


    ..as cynical as i am..you can't just shower/shave/groom/dress in good gear and then decide you can just go out there and the world gives way to you and actually notices you and makes allowances...you just can't defy traffic and stride onto a crosswalk and expect them to come to a screeching halt..it ain't gonna happen..and quite a few foreigners have paid the ultimate price for their daring actions.

  4. ..I certainly feel for the OP...one has to compromise our western values including traffic rules in this place.

    Not at all in defence of the errant driver who didn't stop for you...but very few pedestrian crosswalks have signage and even less stop lights !

    Almost all have faded white paint...which makes it difficult for a driver...particularly an out of towner to know where the pedestrian crossings are situated.

    Being clean shaven, well groomed and nicely attired doesn't account for anything..just makes you look good in the Mortuary.

    Give it another try.


  5. 3 hours ago, dominique355 said:


    mostly because these rules are the result of a consensus or of a democratic process, not imposed arbitrarily by unelected rulers, dictators etc. and people see and understand the reason for the rule (education) and the rules are enforced.


    Rules that are imposed but not enforced are worse than no rules at all.


    But every judiciary systems should have a rule that nobody has to follow an obviously stupid and unnecessary rule.   

    ...many Thai drivers regard the road rules as 'guidelines' only and are prepared to flout the law and take the risk.

  6. 5 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    this is what happens when people have never had to take their police force seriously.


    they come to believe that no rules or laws apply to anyone anywhere, even in a super market.


    no discipline. no real concern for others. a unwillingness to call out bad behavior.   



    ...the police service is too soft on their own.

  7. 10 minutes ago, pepi2005 said:

    Let's just hope this is an April's fool joke.


    What's concerning though is that it sounds so realistic these days, with the military government doing their best to turn Thailand into yet another boring country - just without the natural protection and city planning measures.


    The blackmailing hotspots with alcohol checks at early morning hours by police troops like they have them in Pattaya now are so typical for Thailand: rip off tourists as much as they can, not thinking about tomorrow. Having such outlets and degrading tourists by having to show all kinds of documentation would be yet another straw on the camel's back.

    ...we'll be lining up for rice and flour soon.

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