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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 20 hours ago, SiamBeast said:

    Normally house owners must report any foreigner staying on their premises within 24 hours - this means that my wife must report me when I arrive to her place from an overseas trip.

    However nobody cares and nobody does it.


    Hotels and guesthouses have an automatic reporting system that reports you when you check in.

    ..hmm..just wait for the time when you want to renew your visa and are denied until you pay the 1600b fine!

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  2. 21 hours ago, falang07 said:

    Police also intend to prosecute the person or persons who made the video and posted the footage on the internet under the Computer Crimes Act. "


    What???? Had they not posted this, no one whould have ever known!!!

    ..should have taken the clip to Police first if he felt so strongly about what he was seeing.

  3. 9 hours ago, Slip said:

    I don't intend to get into this with you for 2 reasons- 1) What I'm referring to is so common in the posts that it is obvious 2) Your gambit that I am in some way scared to name names on an anonymous forum is ridiculous.

    If you can't see what I'm referring to so be it. I've been around quite a lot longer than you so perhaps I recognise the comments that I'm talking about more quickly than you. If you are still having trouble why don't you have another read through the posts more slowly. 

    ...post songkran stress disorder.

  4. On 4/18/2017 at 10:23 AM, z42 said:

    Both at fault but what the cop was doing was actually inexplicible. He was actually cutting against flow and directly in front of cars going the correct way.

    At least the bike was going the right direction and not crossing solid lines when overtaking (but definitely going too fast for the road conditions)

    ..he was quite entitled to overtake as there was no oncoming traffic at that time..the police man didn't look to his right before entering the lanes.

    The road conditions were good, clear visibility, dry surface etc..but he was driving far to fast agreed...he leaned to the right to go around the policeman however the policeman hadn't seen him..if he had then it would have been  a near miss,.,fortunately there was no approaching vehicle.

  5. 16 hours ago, jubkhun said:

    I agree, but some on here will accuse you of being old and grumpy. Remember that for 10 consecutive days we are supposed to smile as we're being assaulted with water, ice and powder, often aggressively, often while riding motorbikes, and often when we're clearly trying to avoid it (sitting INSIDE bars rather than participating outside). Or, of course, we're told we must leave the city for 10 days, at great expense, to avoid it all.

    ...I didn't  reply to the OPs article fearing pathetic accusations from TV members!...I replied stating what i believe is the solution which would go a long way if the Government is serious about reducing the carnage on the roads.

    Ive lived here for quite a long time...yes Im getting old...but not grumpy or senile...the sentiments i express are not just mine but those of many many Thai citizens who object but feel they cannot complain for fear of reprisal...meantime the road deaths/injuries keep mounting.

    Let the revelers go to a designated area (in Chiang Mai the moat around the old city) and squirt to their hearts content; but ban the throwing of water at any motor cycle.

    It really is time the Government, reformists and legislators stood up to be counted instead of hand-balling this issue and shrugging it off as 'Thai tradition'.


  6. On 4/16/2017 at 2:05 PM, PomPolo said:


    Completely fair - and I am changing my attitude a lot, but I do love the country and don't want to become cynical, bitter and twisted towards any future relationship, I love the country and the people and am trying my best not to let my relationship experiences reflect on my opinion of what is my favourite country in the world.

    ..try to be stronger and try to resist the temptations which obviously have played on your generous nature.

  7. 13 hours ago, smedly said:

    RIP to this poor woman


    Police need to start taking action with these idiots removing the exhaust from scooters.


    what Thais are doing is completely removing the functional exhaust of scooters making them extremely loud as there is no longer a silencer, they think it is cool to have their scooter deafening people when in reality all it does is make them look like idiots - drops the performance of the scooter and keeps people awake at night.......IT IS NOT COOL and is immature and childish behavior.


    The Authorities really need to get a handle on this problem as the created noise pollution from hundreds of scooters running around is highly disturbing and there are more and more of them every day doing the same thing. The police have let this get well out of control. 

    ..looking and behaving like an idiot gets the attention they set out to get.

  8. 4 hours ago, dddave said:

    Then returned to the scene the next night.


    They will undoubtedly develop, along with United Airlines, a deeper appreciation of the amazing power of social media. 

    ..mating season for young sparrows.

  9. "Drunk driving is a major cause of yesterday fatality rates or 44.08%,"


    ...i think you mean Driving under the influence of alcohol...you can be 'drunk' on one standard beer and not exceed the 50mg limit. (for example hot day, drink down rapidly one beer and within minutes some drivers would appear drunk..slurred speech, unsteady, light-headed, particularly a young person with a low tolerance to alcohol...case by case of course).

    To establish the degree of drunkenness you would need to conduct a 'sobriety test'.

    How many of the your 44.08% were Breathalyzed and what percentage of drivers elected a Blood test..the results of which would not be available within 48hrs. ??

    You really should be more precise in your reporting.

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