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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 5 hours ago, tomyummer said:

    Bad enough for the violence and innocent victims, but to post it online (or film it live) is just plain evil and serves no purpose. Our society takes and abuses useful technology to the point where we probably shouldn't have it available to us. What a tragedy. Poor little one, RIP.

    ..take yourself out anytime...but leave them kids alone.

  2. 10 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    Thanks for the update. Do you get a receipt for the 1600 baht fine?


    Yes, yellow books mean bugger all to immigration. I think the confusion arises when they can be mostly accepted as proof of a Thai domicile to a third party such as a bank in the same way as the 'residence letter' from immigration is accepted for those who either don't have or can't get a yellow book. However, Amphurs don't ask for immigration letters and immigration ignores yellow books.

    ...i certainly did get a receipt which is stapled in my Passport as proof.

  3. 2 hours ago, NanLaew said:



    ONCE AGAIN, please state the Immigration office where this is a requirement.


    So far Chiang Mai and Korat have been mentioned but there are  plenty other foreigners reporting and extending elsewhere who are not being harassed as such.

    ..Chiang Mai..keep your shirt on!

    In my case I filled in the TM30 and signed it as the 'Housemaster or person Owning the property"  and presented that with a photocopy of the registered owner on the Chanot's, ID card. That was accepted without her being present and my 1600 baht was gratefully accepted too. (PS my yellow Tabien Baan meant nothing according to Immigration when it comes to the TM30..the yellow book is only issued by the Amphur Office and used for other procedures. I argued it was proof of my address, however when it came to proving i was back in the country i needed to submit the completed TM30 form. As far as i am aware that is the law and once again it is up to the relevant Immigration Office how they interpret it, based i would venture to say on their own knowledge of their own laws).

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