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Everything posted by tandor

  1. Geez! aren't you a nice piece of work. RIP to the deceased foreigner.
  2. "You'll get used to it in time"...means if you are any sort of a decent driver you will modify your Western training to be far more defensive and vigilant..learning to back off and let them go. By now you should have realised Thai drivers are aggressive and selfish, and as a result you have to adjust your driving style so as to avoid a collision. Alternatively, record their antics and take it to the RTP Traffic Division and report them. ????
  3. he was lucky to get a cab with a meter..where did he get the money for the fare..maybe some loose change in the police car!
  4. More bits of that flotsam from the submersible/alien craft may get washed up!
  5. 'i am'...'i am'...'I am' (not that difficult)
  6. ..fancy not shaving your legs!
  7. you'll be fine..they wake you every hour to check your BP and to make sure your resting well...(grrr)
  8. ...feeling a whole lot better now..will sleep well tonight...i bet he gets an ankle monitor in 3 months time.
  9. they're all 'bent'...a 'he' and 'he' disguised as 'he' and a 'her'..then its a 'he' and 'her', then back to a 'he' and a 'he'. Hope the deviant wore a condo, or at least had a wash with his change of tactics as M-pox is about.
  10. fits with 'sheryls' account..Indians would have used old chicken-wire for reinforcement.
  11. the 'alienation' begins.
  12. Happy Birthday for tomorra..no benefits whatsoever.
  13. ???? must be tempting for some folk
  14. how about resuming/increasing the spray programme in ALL moobahns as promised.
  15. you've just cheapened your relationship by discussing private information on here..she's just an immature Thai kid.
  16. ..he is conning you..wants wife swapping.
  17. well my friend it makes a HUGE difference...you can't believe what is reported on here..you will need to wait for the result of the Court hearing which maybe a year away. I thought as a foreign adult you would know this.
  18. To be fair after the public/family outcry that innocent folk were killed in the X-fire; the Government did invite all aggrieved parties to lodge their claim for compensation. PS. (I have no idea where that went).
  19. you know yourself that coming here has a strange effect on you.
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