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Everything posted by tandor

  1. Thai Criminal Code...i will try to find it for you.
  2. i disagree about the post mortem. If a Thai doctor is treating you and is prepared to sign the Death Certificate, then no autopsy is needed. However, your wife MUST contact your Embassy and City Hall for the document to release the body for funeral.
  3. the mere act of swinging the skateboard at the officer was an 'attempted assault' because it displayed intent to injure.
  4. ..anything to please our Chinese guests..yes you can whack me with your skateboard if you like, swear at me, spit at me..would you like to come to my home and meet my family whilst you wait for your next flight?
  5. ..constantly looking over his shoulder..always wondering. Of course we're not privvy to his personal story. Good luck to him.
  6. maybe not wearing his Tam...the report did mention severe head injuries. RIP
  7. i laugh at least a dozen tmes per day at the antics here....i should live to be 100.
  8. Brazen boyish Monks in Bras barred from Barbie Movie Barbecue
  9. Good luck Khun Chuwit..i don't think you will ever Rest In Peace. ????
  10. we're talking about a respectable Thai woman being treated very badly by several of her own...sore footed Monks don't compare.
  11. I have a recurring scenario thats been going on now for about a year. every once in a whille mrs smith will order a package online that gets delivered by a particular motorbike driver.
  12. let your wife collect her own parcels..if its pre-paid he can just leave it at the gate..if COD he will call her and she can PromptPay..that way you can hide inside and watch.
  13. just show him your 'weegeordie' and be done with it.
  14. if she severely lacerated her leg and didn't take strong anti-biotics due to her pregnancy; she could do. Looks to be an environment for a whole gamut of pathogens
  15. i reckon Jeer-at-the-sak was the cutting man in this procedure...he really looks calm and composed.
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