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Posts posted by tandor

  1. On 4/25/2020 at 1:47 PM, NanLaew said:

    Pictures or it never happened.


    On 4/25/2020 at 2:02 PM, champers said:

    I thought people moved to Issan for the quiet life. What caused the fire?

    hmm...the wife was conveniently out..the dogs and cows can't speak or raise the alarm...total alcohol ban in place...glad he and the wheel-chair made it out unscathed.

    • Like 1
  2. 17 hours ago, Tony125 said:

    ..The US Sun newspaper and a guy dressed as a surgeon...sorry i do not accept either...however you would have to be rather stupid and reckless if you wore your gloves all day..this is why i put them on when i go out to a market, store etc, then discard when Im finished..in the meantime i try really hard not to touch my face..but having gloves on makes me more aware not to, whereas a bare hand may just find its way subconsciously to me face...anyway; you do it your way and i will do it my way, and lets hope we both stay Sars-2 free.

    • Like 1
  3. 9 hours ago, Monomial said:

    From Bangkok, the closest places to get alcohol:


    Rayong:   alcohol sales resume Thursday, April 16

    Ayuttaya:  alcohol sales resume Friday, April 17

    Chachoengsao, Ratchaburi, Pathumthani:  alcohol sales resume Monday, April 20

    Samut Prakan, Samut Sakhon, Nonthaburi, Bangkok: alcohol sales resume Tuesday April 21

    Samut Songkram, Nakon Prathom, Chonburi: alcohol sales resume Friday May 1


    Although from above it sounds like Nonthaburi may have changed to align with Nakon Prathom.

    ..need to keep the masses happy and half shickered after a hard days yakka..after all that was the purpose of creating beer.

  4. 13 hours ago, Tony125 said:

    ...you still dont get it do you..and want to keep arguing against common sense.

    The gloves of whatever synthetic material you care to put on will pick up/absorb the virus for sure as would your un-protected hands..if you have an additional barrier, which you take off and discard correctly, then sanitize your bare skin; it must reduce the likelihood of contamination..stands to reason.

    I suggest to you my friend you do it your way, and i will do it my way. No-one for sure will mock me or take me to task for wearing gloves.

    The whole of the planet will have to learn to live with this new virus until it is eradicated, which is highly unlikely into the forseeable future.

  5. 1 hour ago, wmlc said:

    How about the thousand per day foreigners who were just as recent as Wednesday last week stampeding the Meaung Thong Thani immigration centre. They were sitting in 4 levels of the car park with visors on and didn’t let up until 8PM and then started again the next day at 6am. What I don’t understand is all the negativity about Thailand. If you don’t like it, no need to be here and if you really don’t like it, no need to even post or read this forum. Do you all really have that much time on your hands?? Oops, maybe the answer to that is “Yes” Lol

    ...well fine time for Immigration to go 100% digital and fix the problems.

  6. 3 hours ago, Tony125 said:

    Of course you can give your opinion I am simply answering your question in older post where  "you" asked why no one seemed to be recomending wearing gloves. Gave you the answer. And as far as eye protection all the cashiers at Tops in Central Lad Prao had face shields or safety goggles and masks on when I was their Wensday. Also some 7--11 girls have them on and shoppers at Tops ----all had masks on and some wore wrap around sun glasses and a few safety goggles and 1  had a face shield.

    ..i was making a statement..posing the question..your reply meant nothing..there has to be a major flaw in all these cases..the huge amount of persons being infected..lets say one month ago most wore a mask..few wore eye protection as well, but a fair percentage of Asians do wear prescription glasses, which in itself is another barrier. This leaves the presence of the CoViD-19 that has landed by coughing, sneezing or transported by another human on their clothing, or on the surface of their masks, or on the surface of their skin which is then transferred to their face, eyes, mouth due to poor personal hygiene. I know that the human skin cannot absorb the virus and i also know that there are no ACE2 receptors on the surface of human skin. So there has to be an avenue where this virus is regularly getting into the recipients body, and that has to be by their own hand. If disposable gloves are worn whilst you are out doing your business and then stripped off one inside the other and then wrapped in your mask, which must be disposed of correctly; then you have dramatically increased your chances of not catching this virus. This month (April) is see many more folk wearing a visor but are still gloveless and handling a multitude of things, be it packaged or perishables plus the dirtiest thing of all, paper money! (I carry a zip-lock plastic bag and open it for the cashier to drop my money in..i seal it and disinfect it when i get home).

    As far as your shop staff goes..it is now obligatory everyone wear a mask when out in public; visors etc are optional. Keep safe Mr. Tony125.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

    Again unescessary as "an additional barrier " is not needed as the "first barrier" your skin cannot be penetrated by the virus and if you wash it often you won't transmit to your face/eyes. That is why you haven't seen the WHO/CDC Dr's or nurses recomend wearing gloves.  In the video I sent you a link to the nurse demonstrates why wearing gloves are not needed. If you touch your bare contaminated hand to your face you will also do it with a glove on. Hey if you feel safer wearing them up to you.

    Nurse Molly Lixbie..doesnt exhibit an aseptic technique, and being a nurse she should know better. I realise too that ACE2 receptors are not on the surface of human skin..Im talking about adding an extra barrier to those areas that are vulnerable..and very few wear eye protection...you go ahead with your ideas and i will wear my gloves..PS I am quite within my rights as TV member to express any pertinent view and offer suggestions.

  8. 17 hours ago, Tony125 said:

    ...wow! nice big font you've got there!

    ..i think Nurse Molly Lixbie is a nutter..imagine the amount of bacteria and viruses your hand picks up during a day..this is why i think it was 1930 gloves were introduced into hospitals and immediately there was an 80% reduction in germs/viruses and bacterium being carried and thus contaminating and infected other surfaces and patients and staff. Staph. Aureus is still a major health threat in any hospital..oh but then you probably knew that!

                        ..the idea is too take the gloves off after you've done your business.

  9. 19 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    Maybe I am missing something but that makes no sense, you dont get the virus through your skin, you touch a surface with a bare hand or with a glove, and then maybe touch face its the same, glove or no glove. What difference does wearing a glove make, the virus is either on a bare hand or on a glove covering the hand. If you are removing the gloves then sanitising your hand, what was the point of wearing gloves in the first place.

    ...the virus is alive on many different surfaces for varying times..this is how it is transferred to the eyes, mouth, nose by people mainly in an involuntary action. The wearing of gloves would make an additional barrier..as doctors/surgeons/nursing staff do. It does make perfect sense.

  10. 19 hours ago, Tony125 said:

    Hasn't been mentioned by WHO, CDC or anybody as totally unnecessary. The virus cannot penetrate your skin so if you wash hands often no need to be putting on and taking off gloves. Can't touch face or eyes if wearing mask or glasses/goggles.. That's is why WHO and CDC recommend washing  hands often NOT wearing gloves.

    ...i realise and understand that..Im talking about people who touch surfaces where the virus is then transferring to their eyes/nose/mouth. as few wear goggles etc.

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