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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 17 hours ago, JusticeGB said:

    And Boss travelled at 77kph, less than 60kph and 177.25kph. So naturally the "Witness" died of natural causes. Is the other "Witness" under Police protection?

    ..utter rubbish..the witness died of injuries sustained as a result of a motor vehicle accident...by the way...this so-called witness had never given testimony nor been challenged.

  2. 9 minutes ago, ehs818 said:

    I had a gf 4 years back when I lived in Chiang Mai. She was a caddy. Some days there was work, more days than that there was no work. No work equals no pay. She'd spend all day in the waiting que for a golfer and get none and get no money. It's not glamorous or fun. It's hot work, outdoors, and the tips can amount to very little.

    ..plus being hit on constantly from those little 4'8" tossers.

  3. 5 hours ago, ezzra said:

    this is sound like a PR stunt and for public consumption to show that the are still relevant and justify their positions and big salaries where many airlines are not predicting things to go back to normal anytime soon but that will not those talking heads from dreaming big...

    ..so cheap beach umbrella hire, no dual pricing, jet-skis without hidden damage, bungy cords and parasails that stay secured..wow! it indeed sounds like La-la Land.

    • Like 1
  4. 7 hours ago, mrfill said:

    He hit the bike from the rear so if it was travelling at, say 80kph (not unusual) , the closing speed is 90kph which seems about right for the damage.

    ..i disagree totally..if the Ferrari was travelling in your scenario, at 90kmph, that makes it a 10kmph contact..there would be hardly a mark on his car. The huge impact seen on the car is more like 170+kmph to cause that amount of damage to his car..would be interesting to know if the cars' air bags were deployed!

  5. 17 hours ago, colinneil said:

    New evidence, more BS, all they are trying to do is get themselves out of the hole they dug for themselves.

    ..really!..how about you let this witness tell his story..he's saying the Ferraris' speed is more like 170kmph which is spot on..just look at the impact damage..60-70kmph would be no more than a glancing scuff to the paintwork..No-ones digging a hole, this is from an independent witness..this is not the two airforce guys, one of whom died, this is another Prosecution witness that has come forward who obviously has credibility...not BS as you infer!

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

    I didn't know an autopsy could confirm that a death was an accident. Only in Thailand can autopsies confirm intent! 

    ..perhaps they left out those key-words..'consistent with'.

    Only a Coroner can make that finding once an Inquest has been opened, witness evidence etc heard and examined.

    When will they ever learn here!

    Lesson 1. Reporters and Police are not Coroners.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Bangkokianbaba said:

    My Glucose is under 100, around 97 before taking somwthing early morning!

    ..well you didnt mention that did you in your initial Post..not the place to ask what appears to be a complex issue..best get a Physician to do a full work up on you...Good luck.

  8. On 7/29/2020 at 8:19 AM, ezzra said:

    Common occurrences in older men like 70 and older, sure, there are medicines and procedures that one can try, some works, other just postpone the inevitable that is aging is not kind to men...

    ..at least the OPs property is safe as he does spot checks during the wee hours.

  9. On 7/29/2020 at 9:17 AM, stephenterry said:

    I would support consulting an urologist, and then be ready to undertake a PSI and urine test and go from there. A PSI score of >10 is an indication that the prostate gland needs investigation. Dizziness may not be a consequence of waterworks medication, and I would also suggest taking an ECG, as it's common for elderly people to suffer from arterial blockage. 

    Top Urology Hospitals In Bangkok

    1. Bumrungrad International Hospital
    2. Vejthani Hospital
    3. BNH Hospital
    4. Yanhee Hospital
    5. Sikarin International Hospital

    Neither options are dirt cheap, but it's better for your longer term health, than hoping it will go away. It won't. 


    ..i think you mean PSA !...PSI is more about your tyre pressure...????

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  10. ...seeing the Ferrari driver was such a nervous and shy character, maybe he should not have been allowed to 'pilot' such a powerful machine..ok let's say he was driving exactly within the speed limit, estimated by air-force personnel (wow big deal), who, may i add have spent most of their time in the air at supersonic speed and not on the earth with us plebs at 80-110kmph, maybe they got it wrong! However why did they not come forward at the time and make themselves available for scrutiny and questioning...Oh! and if the Ferrari driver was within the speed limit, why then did he make such a rapid exit from Thailand..maybe it was the concoction of cocaine/alcohol and RedBull...really!

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