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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 4 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Murder that what it was.

    Policeman had no reason to shoot him.

    hmmm...i think the gun went off just after he kicked the guy..the cop had the knife the guy in blue had taken from the victim who appears to be unarmed when the cop with gun drawn approached him. After kicking him you can see the victim reaching for the gun, just as the clip ends. I dont think murder as there appears to be no intent, more like manslaughter or accidental shooting. The officer should have put the knife down and holstered his pistol before approaching the victim as the victim was obviously non-aggressive and un-armed. Instead of provoking him and finding himself with both hands full, the cop was in no position to manually restrain him..the way i analyzed that scenario.

  2. 7 minutes ago, warcy said:

    Yes, retirees aren't really welcome in Thailand, it seems.


    If you are work permit holder, you're welcome to open a bank account but not a retiree(only some branches welcome retirees)

    ..money is money, or do we now discriminate the origin?

  3. 12 hours ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

    What kind of an anology, is that?? Comparing a 25 year old business to some ex Thai bird?? How odd.

    ..if you start to think its time to go, then youve already answered your own question..i think its a very appropriate analogy.

  4. 6 hours ago, thequietman said:

    Shark attack? Heart attack? Gonna go with the second one.


    Hope it was quick, and fairly painless.


    RIP. ????

    ..why speculate and make sweeping statements?...it could be one of a number of different causes..ie. brain aneurysm, AAA, heat stroke, alcohol or drug overdose, or both, vomiting, body cramp (stomach, muscle) etc.  RIP.

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  5. On 7/12/2020 at 2:57 PM, habfan said:

    Any one know when the amnesty for renewing your 5 year licence because of Covid 19 ends?

    ...i dont know when the amnesty finishes..however you have up to one years grace to renew your 5 year license before it fully expires and cannot be renewed.

  6. ...since when does 'half of the Thais' have a say..well its sort of democracy, but they need to go about it a different way, rather than some journo write a story on their behalf. Where is the poll result, when was it held, who participated..it must have been secretly distributed with not one foreigner aware it was being conducted. Good ole Thailand, just keep making it up as you go along.

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