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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 12 hours ago, steven100 said:

    This topic is too sad for me …. 

    ..it sure is..we're just trying to help a 'friend' who is reaching out..at least you only have to address the issue once then you can rest a little bit easier in a foreign country knowing she is being taken care of well.

  2. 21 hours ago, Eindhoven said:

    Never let them take your keys. Easy enough to find someone to translate a ticket. I did. Your friend should polish up those social skills.

    ...first thing you do when stopped..turn off engine, lock the ignition and put keys in your pocket.


  3. 18 hours ago, HHTel said:

    Read my post for goodness sake:


    Did I not cover that?

    ...probably. I was posing the question, i wonder if they will realise that it is not just as easy as it seems, citing this example in some Australian states where the legislation has been challenged. I am not privy to all the Court Appeals publications but can only relate what has appeared in newspapers out of public interest, particularly NSW, WA and TAS. I cannot object to what the local authorities decide on, but you can rest assured the offenders will try to find a way around it. Just raising the point out of Forum interest. Cya. 

  4. 19 hours ago, HHTel said:

    I have.

    In the UK:

    Point systems are used all over the world.  The numbers differ between countries and even between states in the US.  However, the principle is the same whether deducting points from a start value or totting up to a maximum.  A 13th point is allowed in New South Wales if you can prove yourself to be a 'professional driver'!


    I invite you to show me where the '13th point' has been challenged successfully. 

    New South Wales.

  5. 10 hours ago, HHTel said:


    They are neither 'demerit points' or 'merit points', just the terminology that's being used.


    Check it out, not just Thailand but the many countries using similar systems.


    ...check it out yourself HHTel..i made the comment: i wonder what Thais system will be, as in other countries there have been legal challenges to the 12th point loss, making it when the next or 13th point has been infringed on...geez!

  6. 1 hour ago, HHTel said:

    Not true.  Merit points work on two levels across the world. 

    1.  A given amount of points which get subtracted until they reach zero

    2. Points are added until they reach a maximum.


    There is no '13th' demerit.  Once you've reached zero then you cannot drive.


    ..legally you would have to incur a further demerit point loss...for the sake of it i called it the '13th' of 'next' penalty before you physically have to surrender your license.

    By the way...these are 'demerit points' not 'merit points'...you get those from a monk..????

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