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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 3 minutes ago, Scott Tracy said:

    To steal infers taking without permission with the intention of permanently depriving the owner thereof. I suggest the headline is a little fanciful. I think that, had things not gone pearshaped, the weapon would have been returned to its rightful place before the father got back home.

    Ah, to be critical and comparative is easy. There several places in the world where the right to keep loaded weapons at home could be considered to be enshrined in law. There are other places were certain weapons are banned. I don't know the regulations regarding service personnel and weapons in Thailand.

    However, In other posts earlier this week, a minister stated that a parent who permitted their child to drive, murdered that child if it died whilst doing so. Perhaps in this case, it is the parents who are culpable.

    ..for sure...the article appears to insinuate the boy took the gun to school a week prior to the incident..common sense and safety should have kicked in regardless of any regulation you would think..the father should be charged with aiding and abetting this wounding charge...IMHO

  2. 20 hours ago, johng said:

    Probably the horse owner is seeking compensation..just like the "owners" of stray dogs that get run over on the roads..in this case it looks like the Vigo owners damages are quite substantial.

    ...I wonder of the vehicles' insurance company refuse to pay out due to the vehicles' modification ie wide wheels?

  3. 13 hours ago, Gweiloman said:

    I don’t consider that racism but targeted marketing instead. Racism would be to say that a certain race of people are not welcome, much like what a Western nation did in China a long time back (Dogs and Chinese not allowed into parks). 

    ...exactly what the sign says...all else do not qualify...obvious discrimination.

  4. 39 minutes ago, uncleeagle said:

    Having been given morphine in hospital I cant imagine what 13 times more powerful would do because I was already in heaven when they had me on that stuff...I somehow doubt it can be true. After all, if it was true, then why would a controlled kratom not be used in hospitals instead of an equally controlled morphine?

    ...try 'approval' after about 10 years of studies and testing.

  5. 14 hours ago, emptypockets said:

    Can anyone actually show me where the Royal Thai Police advertise the 'TO PROTECT AND SERVE' on their vehicles or anywhere else? I think that is an Americanism. Happy to be corrected. Where I come from its the "XXX STATE POLICE FORCE". Not there to ether protect or serve, just enforce the law.

    ...to 'Protect and Serve' is the crux of all Police Services world-wide.

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  6. 9 hours ago, Lizard2010 said:

    Share on them

    I do understand it was not their responsibility

    But you do have to help people in need

    Not a very good impression off The Pattaya Police

    ...what!....it is their responsibility to serve and protect the community at anytime and under any circumstance...you are correct with your typo 'share' on them, because that is what they were waiting for..as if you can make baht notes appear from soiled clothing.

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