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Posts posted by tandor

  1. ...ok, so they introduce a Demerit Point System for all the Licensed drivers/riders....which means more danger as all the Unlicensed users make a determined run for it...or will Traffic Police make a real effort and trace/rundown/kick off and lock-up this BIG percentage of users...i wonder what their powers will be..not only Unlicensed but Un-registered and Un-insured vehicles as well...the streets and compounds will be full.

    • Like 1
  2. ...so after the loss of 12 points you lose your licence for 90 days..hmm dont they mean your License will be Suspended for 90 Days..in fact you need to lose an extra point ie 13 to then not be able to drive and hand in your License...so you get your License returned to you after 90 Days; but how long is it before you get your full 12 points back?...or do you have to earn them back by waiting 12 months from the date of each offence where demerit points were applied?

  3. On 12/1/2019 at 10:50 AM, villagefarang said:

    I sometimes ponder the point of these seasonal rants about burning.  Does is make posters feel better about themselves or perhaps feel superior to the locals?  Does anyone actually think these farang rants will make any difference?  Is there any chance those of us who live here haven't noticed the smoke?  I don't like it when my neighbors burn their fields but picking fights with your neighbors can lead to worse things than a little smoke.


    I like where I live and understand it comes with the price of bad air, part of the year, which curtails my outdoor activity a bit.  I choose to stay and adapt while others are free to make their own choices.????

    ...hardly a rant when the Government acknowledged it was a serious issue that needed to be addressed immediately..best take it up with PM.

    • Like 1
  4. 19 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Result = almost no tourists.


    I do wonder how the 9,000 foreigners treated over the last year causes 448 Million in bills to be unpaid.

    Even if we're talking 10x the normal billing for foreigners.


    ..agreed...how about they stop 'foreigner bashing' and start taking care of us correctly.

    I wonder how many of us injured aliens who need hospital care have ended up there as a result of this countries negligence and not our own?

    • Thanks 1
  5. 21 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I don't know the answer but I find your assumptions a little strange.

    When is too fast too fast? Did anybody measure their speed? I don't think looking at them and thinking "they are too fast" is good enough.

    Why should the motorcycle automatically be liable? I.e. maybe the bicycle was suddenly wobbling from side to side on the street.


    Obviously I don't know what happened. But without knowing all the facts I think it's strange to blame the motorcycle driver alone.

    ..correct...whoever said they were riding at excessive speed needs to have at least 5 years experience in that area to assess accurately a vehicles' speed within 5kmph, or some other evidence ie video where the speed can be approximated from two stationary points...good luck to the OP.

  6. ..what poor sensationalising reporting of a serious event...just to name a few disgraceful points.

    a.  the body parts in the fridge ...how can a friend identify her friend from dissected pieces of 'apparent' human remains...impossible...and...and not her role to even suggest it..a job for the Coroner after DNA profiling brings a probability percentage of at least 98%.

    b.  why is there any need whatsoever to speculate on the origins of the pieces of flesh ie 'a breast'.

    Come on OP about time you showed some decency with your reporting...disgusting..iMHO.

    I can't 'un-suscribe' because i never 'subscribed' to your service in the first place.

    RIP poor woman who is being suggested to the Media Ghouls.

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