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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Complacency, and at 1:45am perhaps fueled by the booze, such a common killer here in Thailand. 


    Another unnecessary loss of life on Thailands roads. 


    Not sure how the Ganja relates unless he was also under the influence of that further exacerbating his complacency and lack of awareness of the traffic around him (witness said he pulled out into the road without looking and was hit by the vehicle).


    Was he wearing a helmet? if he wasn't, could it have made a difference?

    there's a lot of fluid on the ground; and its not engine oil.

  2. 1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    It's time that the rest of the world tells Trump and his "team" that he should relax and take a break.

    Maybe he should spend the rest of his presidency playing golf to avoid any more trouble.


    It's crazy that one maniac is able to drag the whole world down like that. And Trump supporters let him.


    It's time to boycott the USA is Trump goes on with this aggression.

    ...surely not every US president needs to have a war under his belt before he finishes his term in office.

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  3. 4 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

    The children's parents do not have clean hands and should have some form of punishment...then mandatory counseling with their child to get their parental responsibility act together...  

    ..thats it..they see the young child just as a money making item thinking they will forget it all by the time they are an adult..ludicrous inhumane logic..hope those little one's affected can deal with this terrible psychological burden forced on them.

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    17 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Wish it was that easy.

    From the photo you can see it’s protected from rain but during the morning the sun comes from the right ( which is not a great problem as it only hits a bit of it ) .

    The main issue is from 3.00/3.30 pm the sun is hitting it from where i took this photo and continues as the sun drops down heating it from top to bottom !!

    ...i sympathize with you OP...one thing i do quite regularly is to turn my floor fan onto 3 and aim it at me under the shower..its surprising how cool the air gets on the surface of your body...then when you've turned off the shower, just stand there a few minutes and let your self drip dry..it works for me...this method also works when you want to try to sleep..shower and still wet lay a towel on your bed or floor and with the fan on is quite pleasant.


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  5. 2 hours ago, xylophone said:

    "Differences in sexual development", well that sounds like something which appears to be a blanket description for everything and possibly nothing.


    As far as I can make out, Caster Semenya has no womb, no ovaries no internal childbearing apparatus and a couple of internal testicles, so how on earth that makes "her" a woman, then I've got absolutely no idea, apart from the fact that her mother may have raised as a girl because she didn't have the normal male penis equipment hanging out the front.


    It's about time the powers that be made a definite ruling stating that she cannot run under the guise of a female, because in my opinion, in no way, shape or form is this person a woman, apart from the fact "she" might like to dress in female clothes (sometimes).

    ..does she have one of those 'camel toe' inserts for her shorts. ????

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