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Posts posted by tandor

  1. On 3/27/2019 at 4:13 PM, cornishcarlos said:

    You could get a much better, up to date model for half the price. Most have high mileage though !! 

    ..wack in a new set of rings and big ends and should be good for another 4 husbands.

    • Haha 2
  2. On 3/25/2019 at 9:08 AM, BritManToo said:

    And Cambodia, and Burma, and Laos.

    ..i don't really think that any of the aforementioned countries and big China give a toss about air quality and standards when it comes to crop production.

  3. 12 hours ago, z42 said:

    I understand the need for border security, but treating all foreign visitors as potential criminals whose whereabouts need to be confirmed under threat of arrest simply isn't the way forward.


    This initiative is hardly likely to be welcomed by any side, be it the tourists or the tourism operators / hoteliers.


    Thailand needs less buraecracy, not more

    ...well, we can all thank Osama bin Laden.

  4. 3 hours ago, ShortTimed said:


    OK, last visit here about 9:00 at night, I witness a taxi cut to the outside lane and slam on the brakes right in front of a motorbike who then smashed into the trunk.


    Mid-20’s female riding pillion gets slammed to ground and is unconscious.


    Maybe 30-year old Male motorbike operator immediately goes up to unconscious female and starts shaking her to “wake her up” and as she continues unresponsive, he starts dragging her around by her arms.


    Being an EMT, finding an unresponsive subject on hard pavement after a vehicle collision, the first concern after making sure no cars may run us over, is to stabilize the neck and assume C-Spine injury and avoid moving the patient except to roll them on their back and to look for additional trauma such as bleeding or compound fracture.


    So I don’t attempt to touch the female but do talk to a 3rd party Thai male to communicate to the motorbike operator that its not good to move her like he is.


    Next thing I know the motorbike operator decides its time to fight the nosy farang...ME.


    Fortunately, a couple Aussies saw the whole thing and moved quick enough to encourage my hasty retreat.


    In Canada, I am an EMT first responder trained to help others.

    In Thailand I am a guy who has learned to mind my own business at a safe distance...Lol

    ..all i can say is you should continue to assist regardless.

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  5. 38 minutes ago, pegman said:

    What a joke. Those Keystone Brit cops had a dead asian lady and an asian lady disappear 25 miles apart. Yet couldn't connect the dots. Was it 2004 or 1804? No doubt family and/or friends had it figured out. They lived with the husbend's family for bloody sake. A bit of foot work by the Keystones would have flushed that out. 

    ..no mention of Hindus.

  6. 23 hours ago, newnative said:

         Great post and I totally agree with everything you said.  The OP might be far happier in a city like Pattaya with people from everywhere.  I started in Rayong and always felt like the local Thais were staring at me--usually I was the only farang at Home Pro or Index.  When my partner and I moved to Pattaya suddenly I was no longer a curiosity.  Lots of support services, great hospitals, wide range of condos to either rent or buy, restaurants galore, great shopping choices, movies, recreation...  Maybe give it some consideration.

    ...i find as i get older i forget to zip up my fly sometimes..maybe that's why i get stares occasionally.

    • Haha 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

    My wife is a doctor and she was 1 baht "cheaper" (999.999 baht - lucky number BS).
    Plus the family returned the money the same day.


    You did well, and be glad you found out "quickly" how the family sees you.

    ..would Chinese burning money suffice..as it's only symbolic.

  8. 5 minutes ago, ParadiseLost said:

    But this would fly in the face of the new 'Social Media' driven world - no rules!


    How do you think the likes of that waste of space geek Zuckerburg would have become a f'ing billionaire if proper controls and identification protocols were required from day one? For instance journalists having to be accredited, news only being reported from reliable sources.


    Right wing scum, perverts and stalkers have benefited way more then the common person who show photos of their ugly kitten to their 'friends'. Look how effective the yellow shirt movement in France became - without social media it would have been a non starter.

    ..yes i understand where your coming from, but the general public and media users don't have to view/partake in any of that, they can regulate themselves..if FB/Twitter/Instagram/UTube etc etc are so good at what they do then as images/video is uploaded to the web site, the content should be immediately vetted and rejected/accepted, not allowing immediate view until passed..would this work?...i sincerely think so.

    After all Zuckerberg created his FB to communicate between two colleges, did he not...hardly his fault..we're in need of more serious regulating and analysis of content.

    • Like 2
  9. 57 minutes ago, farcanell said:



    they were “tightened” in 1996, or rather, further tightened in 1996, as the un zud government had previously tightened gun laws following earlier mass shootings.


    this latest horror, will see yet further tightening of the laws, in line with your last comment about constantly adjusting, which is demonstrably what the kiwis have been doing all along


    ...well that's a reassuring read..thanks for that...let's hope other countries follow suit..after the PortArthurMassacre the federal govt had two amnesties and a gun buy back, however a fair per cent hid their already illegal weapons.

    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    "...I can tell you one thing right now, our gun laws will change..."


    THIS is a proper response by a government in response to a mass shooting; try to enact new, better laws which might prevent atrocities like this from occurring again.


    Anyone listening?





    ...agreed..if the PM has made that statement; why weren't the gun laws tightened as they were in Australia, post 1996 (Port Arthur Massacre).

    Any PM/Premier/President/Leader must have a 'finger on the pulse' regarding world terrorism and be constantly adjusting/updating relevant laws accordingly...IMHO.

  11. 6 hours ago, usviphotography said:

    It isn't "begging" it is just the business model of the new media system. When you think about it, it is actually a lot more moral than the legacy system which relies on ad money from mega corporations. If you like the content people make, send them money if you want. If you don't like their stuff or just don't have money to spare, don't. In this system, the content creator is incetivized to please his users, not his advertisers. It helps free us from corporate influence. I've watched a couple of this guy's videos before. He seems to be entertaining enough. That Lindybeige dude from the UK who does military and history related stuff makes over $10,000 USD a month in user generated donations for his videos. 

    ..he's not my cup of Tetley.

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