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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 51 minutes ago, ubon farang said:

    And what do they do about Thais who do the same every night NOTHING What do The RTP do with a driver who was coming down the wrong side of the road when I was walking at 6 in the morning and the dumbarse did not even have his parking lights on I thought I was going to run over  They do NOTHING Put these  guys in jail but how about throwing the book at the Thai riders who do this also?

    ..cause they're 'soft cocks'.

  2. 14 hours ago, Salamat1 said:

    From: Godfree at Thailand Retirement Helpers <removed email address) 

    "A retirement visa requires you to deposit 65,000 Baht monthly into a Thai bank account. You may spend down that total amount each month but you must be able to show that a deposit is made each month for the 12-month period leading up to the time you apply for your yearly Thai retirement visa renewal. 
    Or you can make a non-interest bearing 800,000 Baht ($25,000 U.S.) deposit if you reside here alone or 400,000 Baht for those married to a Thai citizen. Three months prior to renewal, the full amount of 800,000 must clearly be on deposit in a bank and you must present the bank document to immigration for your visa renewal. This means that you will not be required to show that you have retirement income of 65,000 Baht each month. 
    Assuming there are 500,000 foreign retirees here, then they will be lending the country $12.5 billion each year, interest free, and Thai banks will lend this money out for interest income or profit. Nice work, Thailand! "


    Seems fairly emphatic it's non interest bearing accounts!


    ..sounds like 'extortion' to me.

  3. 17 hours ago, cleopatra2 said:

    The wording is clear. 2 months before application , and maintained for 3 months after extension granted. 

    The interpretation that it only applies for first time application would make the clause requiring the need to keep 400k throughout the year irrational as it is written.


    ..i agree..you must look at any law/regulation in the spirit in which it was made/draughted..i doubt whether these people could understand such complexity and would rather keep it simple.

  4. 23 hours ago, smedly said:

    The only issue I have is keeping the balance at 800k for 6 months instead of 3, the rest I was doing anyway


    I fail to see any practical advantage of the 6month balance of 800k - what is the point of it

    ..prop up the banking system so they can use your money for investment thus denying you the opportunity.

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  5. 1 hour ago, korkenzieher said:

    The way I look at it, since there is no way that I can accrue a right to stay, then this moving of the goal posts is a wake-up call on the precarious nature of retiring in the Land of Shake-ups. I would rather make the move now, say within the next 18 months, and on my own agenda, than be exposed to the risk of the rules shifting around me when I am a good chunk older and cannot quite so easily deal with it.


    I could deal with this change, but the writing is on the wall for me, for sure. Rules could also be changed back either once they realise the impact this has, or once the election is past. But the simple fact is that I don't want my life in my dotage, to be subject to the whims of ill considered (or conceivably malicious) immigration rule changes, every time someone feels the need to impress his bosses.

    ..good words..i have that uneasy feeling that more changes are in the wind ie increasing the 800k to one million.

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