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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 6 hours ago, robblok said:

    Not many if he was just followed discretely and radioed ahead to set up a new road block. There is no escaping anyone when your in a truck and the one following you (discreetly) is a motorcycle. 


    I would hate to imagine if the Thai police started to shoot more people if that became more common it would not weigh up against the benefits. Just my opinion of course.

    ...one of those little elves could have jumped onto the back of the truck quite easily.

  2. 9 hours ago, smedly said:

    that is shocking 


    and who else was involved - perhaps that is exactly were the problem actually is

    they never publish the age of the father do they...hmmm...cause most likely there have been multiple partners, a much older male, rape, incest etc. ..so the young females' age is revealed suggesting she has been promiscuous, when in fact it could be the opposite...and then there are the others who have abortions and those who never report the birth...what's the point in showing a picture of a young female with a PregTest in her hand..a bit too late for that methinks.

  3. 20 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    I really will never understand what is the connection between common crime enforcement and immigration law enforcement ? ... It seems it's always the Hon. Mr Big Joke behind every crime bust in Thailand even if it has nothing to do with immigration ? ? ?.... or am I missing something here?

    ..what were they all doing before he came along?

  4. On 1/11/2019 at 1:13 PM, Odysseus123 said:

    Sorry Marko-but didn't you post that you had run the previous wife's father off the road after he had tried a machete on  you?


    Didn't you also post that this one had totally stuffed up a holiday on you?


    And then you built another house..


    There must be something in the water over there..plus lead piping,of course.


    Sorry but I am just another tourist now-as I saw enough fleeced farangs to last me a life time..


    As for "quality of life"-it's rat droppings..


    This is for me..








    ..is that your bird in the white dress?


    • Haha 1
  5. On 1/10/2019 at 9:56 AM, johng said:

    If you collect beer bottles and a box for the bottles they will give you 12 baht for cardboard box

    better money comes from old car and motorbike batteries lead gets a good price..better still is copper wire..but they don't like it to be covered in insulation so some will burn it of others strip it by hand

    old mattresses the same much better price for just the metal springs..they even collect old mobile phones I suppose for the gold content...most anything with any value at all will be scavenged from the bins  which is kind of good in one way that we don't have to haul stuff off to an "official" dump site

    of course the bad thing is there are very few and far between "official"  dump sites...so lots of stuff just gets dumped in the rivers,fields or over someone else's wall !!!

    ..the Govt should subsidise the collection and recycling of general plastic bags, then things would start to look cleaner and tidier around this country.

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