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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Not sure what that has to do with my post but looking at the source this was an investigative piece from a reporter, perhaps his next one will be on Muslims, who knows.
  2. Its pretty much evident in most reports if you look, just ask Jeremy Corbyn, he should know...............or............ The far left refuses to recognize Jews as a legitimate ethnic group, and for Jews to think of themselves as such is “racist.” I wrote, “Exactly why Jewish solidarity is racist, but not solidarity among other groups, is never clearly explained, but it seems to have something to do with the fact that Jews aren’t a legitimate ethnic group to begin with,” and that the far left believes that Jews have a duty to ultimately “assimilate or disappear.” Braumold writes: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2016/05/10/when-antiracists-are-the-racists-left-wing-anti-semitism-in-britain/
  3. Reading the shameful report above, makes me ask the question of how an antisemitic incident is defined? I can tell you how to define an antisemitic post, just read yours
  4. 'Hamas's hands are covered in Egypt's blood,' says Egyptian ex-MP Tawfik Okasha, an Egyptian media personality and former MP, heavily criticized Hamas over their actions on October 7 and the consequences that followed in an interview with KAN News on Tuesday. When commenting on the current war, as well as the October 7 massacre, Okasha said, "I mourn for every death on the Israeli side and every death on the Palestinian side, but I do not mourn Hamas personnel that have been killed because they are a terror organization that has profited from the Palestinian issue. They are an organization that turned Egypt into a no man's land, and its hands are covered in the blood of Egypt. I will not forget it." https://www.jpost.com/international/article-785216
  5. A couple of the dead rats can been seen where there was close quarter fighting................ The IDF says it has uncovered another major Hamas tunnel network in southern Gaza's Khan Younis, believed to have been used by the terror group's senior officials. Troops of the elite Yahalom combat engineering unit and additional forces under the 98th Division raided the underground passages, where they encountered several blast doors and other blockages set up by Hamas operatives, the IDF says. The troops breached the barricades and identified Hamas gunmen in the tunnel, who were then killed in close-quarters combat and with other "special means," according to the IDF. The IDF says the tunnel — more than a kilometer long — included living quarters, as well as water and electricity infrastructure. It estimates that Hamas invested millions of shekels in its construction. "This tunnel is part of a strategic and branching underground network located below Khan Younis, which was used by senior Hamas officials and the [terror group's] Khan Younis Brigade for hiding and combat," the IDF says.
  6. Please bomb us and be ruthless about it? Don't spare any of us? Life means nothing to a martyr, especially if your a Hamas member and put civilians in the way. But their orders are a little more vile and to do with the hostages they hold. I trust you've never seen their propaganda videos
  7. Waiting for this elusive link to your claim again, how many times will I need to ask? "And they certainly deny that Hamas is still in power." "Hamas has not said if it has stopped police escorts of aid convoys." https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/us-envoy-idf-killed-palestinian-cops-escorting-gaza-aid-convoy-leading-them-to-refuse-missions/
  8. Does Israel recognize that Hamas is still the government of Gaza? Well this is what you claimed: "And they certainly deny that Hamas is still in power." Link? Yes Hamas police are everywhere, just follow the aid trucks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zxaVZWnrUA
  9. What has that link got to do with the Hamas being the governing body since 2007? Let me know when there's been a regime change. Israel is waiting.
  10. And they certainly deny that Hamas is still in power. Really, certainly?
  11. lol really, glad "you" think so. I wonder why John Kirby today said "it’s got to end in a way that keeps the Israeli people safe from any future attacks by Hamas, that doesn’t leave Hamas in control," Have they withdrawn from peace talks in Cairo as well
  12. Bit more than "deploying police officers and making salary payments" IDF soldier killed as heavy fighting flares up again in northern Gaza The Israel Defense Forces said Wednesday that one soldier was killed and two others were seriously wounded as heavy fighting flared again in northern Gaza, where the military had previously said it had largely completed its main operations to destroy Hamas forces. The soldier was named as Staff Sgt. Avraham Wovagen, 21, of the Nahal Brigade’s 932nd Battalion, from Netanya. His death brought the toll of slain troops in the ground offensive against Hamas to 237. Separately, a soldier of the 932nd Battalion and a reservist of the 636th Combat Intelligence Collection Unit were seriously wounded by an anti-tank missile in northern Gaza. https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-soldier-killed-as-heavy-fighting-flares-up-again-in-northern-gaza/
  13. Press gaggle briefing at the Whitehouse today, John Kirby talks about the need for an effective plan for the civilians but also: "Now, we understand that there are Hamas leadership — in fact, full Hamas units — that are now operating in Rafah, mixing among the civilians, trying to find refuge there. That’s classic Hamas conduct, and that’s inexcusable. And Israel has a right to go after them, of course, but they also have an obligation, as I said earlier, to minimize any harm to civilians. And that’s what we want to see." https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2024/02/20/on-the-record-press-gaggle-by-white-house-national-security-communications-advisor-john-kirby/ Also to note not leaving Hamas in "control" "So we’re comfortable with the approach that we’re taking. We all want to see this conflict end, but it’s got to end in a way that keeps the Israeli people safe from any future attacks by Hamas, that doesn’t leave Hamas in control,"
  14. Hamas are currently in talks in Egypt so I presume at least one of these officials is from there or maybe Qatar as hinted in the article. Arab officials place pressure on Hamas to continue ceasefire negotiations - report Reports from Arab sources reveal that senior officials from a country closely aligned with Hamas have urged the militant organization to cease fire, questioning the efficacy of its military actions. "You have achieved nothing, what kind of victory are you talking about?" the officials purportedly conveyed to Hamas leadership, emphasizing the need to pursue a ceasefire. Hamas responded, acknowledging the dire circumstances on the ground, citing a shortage of ammunition and disruptions to military operations. Additionally, amidst rumors of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar being unreachable, it was reported that he is suffering from pneumonia complications, adding to the leadership concerns within the organization. https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/middle-east/palestinian-territories/1708458881-arab-officials-place-pressure-on-hamas-to-begin-ceasefire-negotiations-report
  15. Does that give them an excuse for the surge in antisemitic incidents in Canada? Did these Canadian Jews have anything at all to do with any alleged incidents in Gaza?
  16. Yes I read it and? Yes I know the meaning and? Since when was it ousted from that roll officially. I was not aware Israel had declared victory. Last I heard Hamas was still invited for ceasefire talks
  17. Laugh away . HAMAS has been the de facto governing body in the Gaza Strip since 2007, when it ousted the Palestinian Authority from power. OPERATING AREAS Primarily in Gaza; also maintains a presence in the West Bank; Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon; and key regional capitals, such as Doha, Qatar, and Cairo, Egypt. https://www.dni.gov/nctc/ftos/hamas_fto.html#:~:text=HAMAS has been the de,the Palestinian Authority from power.&text=Primarily in Gaza%3B also maintains,Qatar%2C and Cairo%2C Egypt.
  18. You asked me for a link on a subject you discussed in detail before 2 weeks ago. I don't play games
  19. Hamas are still the official defacto governing body until they are not officially anymore.
  20. You can go back to the topic where you discussed it in detail before. You're welcome.
  21. They have no intention of releasing them unless they are under their demands which have currently been described as delusional. Fixed if for you.......yawn
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