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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Hamas will except nothing unless its all on their terms, they are terrorists who broke the last ceasefire.
  2. You can discuss the adjectives in the topic for it, I'm not interested with them here.
  3. Also includes the "release of hostages as a key condition for the ceasefire." There's already a topic running on it here: https://aseannow.com/topic/1320352-us-proposes-security-council-resolution-backing-temporary-ceasefire-to-stymie-rafah-push/
  4. No, no fact at all there, just a sick conspiracy theory..............
  5. You may have THEORIZED that but it was also well known and reported months ago. I told you before, I don't entertain your conspiracy theories.
  6. lol, now calling me an apologist, here, your post..................... My response...... Obviously too difficult to face and reply to? What happened to the..........It's my hope that people would be more willing to debate the actual issues and I think things would be far more productive and far more civil if we all agree to avoid the mud slinging. You fell at the first hurdle. I am more than happy to respond to the question you put to me after
  7. Why did you ignore every single question put to you, can't answer them? As soon as you've gone through them I will get to that for you.
  8. Have you topped it off with a celebration cigar yet?
  9. Its more likely Hamas will refuse a pause because they have zero intention to release the hostages regardless. Why else put delusional demands in place? Did you forget what their leader have said about carrying this on again and again?
  10. "Looking for a compromise is the only solution and that's what the world wants. The religious nutcases on both sides might want to fight to the last enemy but that's not what the world thinks." Who appointed you the worlds spokesperson? 1. Did you note what the ICJ ordered the terrorists to do? Release the hostages immediately with no pre conditions. 2. Did you note what the UN Security Council resolution stated? Release the hostages immediately with no pre conditions. Have you noted that despite those clear orders from the worlds court and UN that Israel is still willing for the terrorists not to obey the above, that Israel is compromising by stating they know Hamas will not abide by those orders but are still willing to negotiate a ceasefire based on a hostage/prisoner exchange? Why did Hamas break the last ceasefire and hostage deal? Who has not compromised here?
  11. A credible link to those other reasons, you know rather than your unsubstantiated claims that its lies and propaganda?
  12. Do you think that aid waiting for the UN to pick up for 3 days after its been cleared by Israel is disgraceful? UN still complaining of starvation? Israel is facilitating aid into Gaza quicker than the UN can distribute it. This is the content of 500 trucks on Gaza’s side of Kerem Shalom, AFTER Israeli inspection, waiting to be picked up by @UN agencies. It’s day 3 that aid is waiting for the @UN to collect it. Israel slams UN on aid to Gaza, says it needs to ‘scale up operations’ The Defense Ministry’s liaison unit to the Palestinians chastised the United Nations on Thursday for not keeping up with humanitarian aid operations in the Gaza Strip. Since the beginning of the war, aid groups have charged that they are not receiving enough supplies to keep up with the demands of Gazans in the embattled enclave. But the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) posted photos on X of what it said is “the content of 500 trucks of humanitarian aid on the Gazan side of Kerem Shalom, AFTER Israeli inspection, waiting to be picked up and distributed by UN orgs. https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-slams-un-on-aid-to-gaza-says-it-needs-to-scale-up-operations
  13. What a strange statement, there are Israeli's at risk of death everyday...................
  14. Video found in the Khan Yunis area some time ago. Just released after getting permission from family in Israel. The terrorists with their hostages who were only 4 years old and 9 months old at the time, along with the mother. BREAKING: @IDF releases security cam footage of the abduction of Shiri Bibas and her two little children, Ariel (4) and Kfir (9 months), on October 7. #BringThemHomeNow IDF finds video of Bibas family in Gaza, ‘very concerned’ for mother, youngest hostages The IDF on Monday released what it said was recently discovered footage showing mother Shiri Bibas and her two young children surrounded by gunmen in the Gaza Strip hours after they were abducted by Hamas-led terrorists on October 7, and expressed serious fears over the captive family. The clip from surveillance cameras in Khan Younis showing Bibas holding Ariel and Kfir, who were 4 years and 9 months old, respectively, at the time of the kidnapping, is the first proof of life of the three members of the family since they were dragged into Gaza, IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said in a press conference. The boys’ father, Yarden, was kidnapped separately and is also still held in Gaza. https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-finds-video-of-bibas-family-in-gaza-very-concerned-for-mother-youngest-hostages/
  15. Can you demonstrate how you asserted that from his post?
  16. This is 5 years old and since then plenty of evidence has been found, numerous credible links to the evidence have been posted in the appropriate topics. Oh and here's some actual up to date news. The US is no longer suspending the funding for UNRWA, it has stopped it for good. Congress has made clear that U.S. funding for the agency will stop for good, the U.S. special envoy for Middle East humanitarian issues, David Satterfield, told an event hosted by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace on Friday. https://apnews.com/article/gaza-israel-palestinians-united-nations-unrwa-refugees-3400ea1f1ce125ed2cb4e47cc39bf105
  17. This is not how you make deals but then again Israel is dealing with terrorists: Senior Hamas leader says operations like October 7 will 'guarantee a potential deal' Senior Hamas official, Osama Hamdan, spoke to Iran’s state-owned PressTV about a potential deal for a ceasefire in Gaza as part of a hostage release negotiations. Similar to other leaders from the terrorist organization, he called for more “resistance” like the “Al-Aqsa Flood” massacre on October 7. Hamdan reiterated that the lack of a deal was due to Israelis not being “committed to their agreements and promises,” despite the previous ceasefire reached for the release of hostages being broken by Hamas, as well as a long-term truce before the attack on October 7. https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/middle-east/palestinian-territories/1708326714-senior-hamas-leader-says-operations-like-october-7-will-guarantee-a-potential-deal
  18. Why is religion at the core of this conflict? Several religious factors pertinent to Islam and Judaism dictate the role of religion as the main factor in the conflict, notably including the sanctity of holy sites and the apocalyptic narratives of both religions, which are detrimental to any potential for lasting peace between the two sides. Extreme religious Zionists in Israel increasingly see themselves as guardians and definers of the how the Jewish state should be, and are very stringent when it comes to any concessions to the Arabs. On the other hand, Islamist groups in Palestine and elsewhere in the Islamic world advocate the necessity of liberating the “holy” territories and sites for religious reasons, and preach violence and hatred against Israel and the Jewish people. https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/religion-and-israel-palestinian-conflict-cause-consequence-and-cure
  19. Try a little harder, you are missing a big chunk of the core of the conflicts
  20. No but I don't make things up such as..................
  21. Yet again, what you think has no basis in reality, a little like your delusional peace plan
  22. Stephen Harper: Israel's war is just, Hamas must surrender or be eliminated It is foolish to think a two-state solution will emerge while so many Palestinians still reject the existence of a Jewish state. From that perspective, Israel’s war objective — the elimination of Gaza’s Hamas regime — is essential. Leaving the job unfinished, with Hamas’s existence tolerated and its actions contained, has been tried, and it has failed. The Israeli people cannot be reasonably asked to return to the pre-war status quo. That is the position our own nations took toward the attacks launched by Nazi Germany against us. Israel has as absolute a right to absolute security now as we did then. https://nationalpost.com/opinion/stephen-harper-israels-war-is-just-hamas-must-surrender-or-be-eliminated
  23. But you said that 30,000+ civilians had been killed, that's just not true. Hamas terrorists are included in those. So yes you missed it Anyway 75% of Hamas is destroyed so far: Netanyahu says IDF has destroyed 75% of Hamas battalions in Gaza https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/netanyahu-says-idf-has-destroyed-75-of-hamas-battalions-in-gaza/
  24. You missed the 10,000 Hamas killed and thousands out of action injured?
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