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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Your constant use of IMO gives you an excuse to not provide evidence which of of course you can't, the other method you use to avoid being confronted with the truth and evidence is to put so many people you disagree with on ignore. That said its also clear you do actually go back and read ignored posts so here's a little more evidence for you from the ICJ case yesterday and one of the Israeli lawyers. Dr. Galit Rajuan, brutally dismantles South Africa in just a 4-minute presentation at the ICJ. There was another 3 hours of this with other lawyers. "In every single hospital Israel has searched in Gaza, it has found evidence that Hamas uses them for military purposes." "Dr. Galit Rajwan at the International Court of Justice in The Hague: "In the current conflict, many civilian deaths are directly caused by Hamas" English speaking vid 4 mins
  2. Assuming I am giving a right wing misrepresentation of facts on this forum is a false accusation; https://camera-uk.org/topic/guardian/
  3. Your quote Looks like the Houthis won't stop until Israel stops. My response remains the same and it is not a blameshift, it is reality.
  4. Why not, it was agreeing to a further extension of the Nov pause but Hamas refused
  5. Yes I tend to reply to posts but I see you ignored this one: "Pauses are always an opportunity for further talks and further ceasefires."
  6. then doing nothing, as you call it, is the better option. Except just about every real expert disagrees with the do nothing option. Experts react: What to know about US and UK strikes on the Houthis in Yemen The decision by the United States and allies to strike Houthi assets on January 11 was necessary and right. The Houthis had conducted more than two dozen attacks in the last seven weeks, disrupting global maritime traffic and threatening allies. But the US and UK strikes are unlikely to halt Houthi aggression in the Red Sea. For the United States and the coalition, the goal is to restore deterrence. That will almost certainly mean having to continue to respond to Houthi strikes, and potentially with increasing aggression in order to have a meaningful impact on Houthi leadership thinking. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/new-atlanticist/experts-react/experts-react-what-to-know-about-us-and-uk-strikes-on-the-houthis-in-yemen/
  7. You were the one that brought up Israel, have you forgotten already?
  8. A weeks long pause for hostage/prisoner exchange, Hamas refused. Pauses are always an opportunity for further talks and further ceasefires. So what are your suggestions rather than the strikes?
  9. Fresh strikes just announced carried out by the US on a radar site The radar site was hit by Tomahawk missiles, the military said in a statement. It was a "follow-on action" on a specific military target associated with strikes taken on 12 January and designed to "degrade the Houthi’s ability to attack maritime vessels, including commercial vessels", the statement added. Images of one of the previous strikes:
  10. More off topic whataboutery US and UK hint at military action after largest Houthi attack in Red Sea
  11. Yep seems you like to state the obvious except Israel would stop today if the hostages were released by the terrorists
  12. Not a lot of options available? What would some posters suggest? Let them carry on disrupting shipping? More than 2,000 ships have changed course to circumvent the area so far. A huge amount of resources are being spent on Operation Prosperity Guardian with the UK, US, Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, South Korea and Singapore, protecting Red Sea shipping. Sometimes you need to stand up and take the least worst options available. Biden Has No Good Options in Yemen The decision to bomb the Houthis was likely the administration’s least bad path. The strikes, which targeted Houthi military installations and missile supplies, were aimed at weakening the militant group’s ability to launch attacks against commercial shipping lanes as well as restoring deterrence against the Houthis and other Iran-backed groups that have stepped up their attacks on Western targets in the Middle East amid the Israel-Hamas war and humanitarian crisis in Gaza, U.S. officials said. Yet the strikes also revealed the limited batch of mostly bad options the United States has for dealing with the Houthi attacks as it scrambles to contain the regional crisis sparked by the war. https://archive.ph/aMSi2 https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/01/12/us-yemen-houthi-airstrikes-red-sea-israel-hamas-gaza/
  13. Only if you ignore what I wrote. You can still present facts and be bias. Media does it all the time. Do I really need to explain how that is done?
  14. IDF says it has completed operations in Khuza’a on outskirts of Khan Younis The IDF has completed operations in southern Gaza’s Khuza’a, on the outskirts of Khan Younis, where troops of the 5th Reserve Brigade killed numerous Hamas operatives and destroyed the terror group’s infrastructure. According to the IDF, the 5th Brigade demolished hundreds of Hamas sites in Khuza’a, including rocket launchers, observation posts, caches of weapons, around 40 tunnel shafts and major underground networks. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-says-it-has-completed-operations-in-khuzaa-on-outskirts-of-khan-younis/
  15. "In recent weeks, there has been a significant drop in the rate of rocket fire from Gaza" IDF says more than 700 Hamas rocket launchers destroyed since start of Gaza ground offensive The IDF says ground troops have seized hundreds of rockets, including long-range projectiles, and located many launchers, as the military works to destroy Hamas’s rocket launch capabilities. Together, ground troops and the IAF have destroyed more than 700 rocket launchers, the IDF says. In recent weeks, there has been a significant drop in the rate of rocket fire from Gaza, which military officials attributed to Israel’s control of the ground and troops capturing Hamas’s rocket caches and launch sites. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-says-more-than-700-hamas-rocket-launchers-destroyed-since-start-of-gaza-ground-offensive/
  16. Spokesperson of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs "The Israeli legal team dismantled today South Africa’s case, one false accusation after the other! South Africa tried to use the people of Gaza as legal human shields to protect Hamas’ crimes. By supporting Hamas, South Africa itself is in violation of the anti genocide convention! I am incredibly proud to be part of this amazing team!" https://twitter.com/LiorHaiat/status/1745824133827457223
  17. There was someone a lot more sinister sitting behind him. While the Israeli side had Hostage parents in the audience, the South African side had ex terrorists. Jabarin is a senior former member of the PFLP terror organization who recently announced that his people took part in the deadly terror attack of October 7. ▪️He was tried and convicted for his military activity in the PFLP and has served multiple prison sentences. ▪️Jabarin has employed several operatives of the PFLP in Al-Haq, all of which have served sentences in Israeli prisons on the grounds of terrorist activity. https://twitter.com/DrEliDavid/status/1745799447089442906 https://twitter.com/EFischberger/status/1745800345899475164
  18. Correct, however does not distract from the link supplied with evidence of its bias
  19. Francis Boyle pro Iran lover, what do you expect from such an anti-Semitic, anti Zionist, Pro Palestinian advocate. Not even heard the defence case from Israel and already claims they've lost..................
  20. There will be no hammer hitting any gravel either way for a few years yet
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