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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. A different take on the dog ate my homework. Trump goes big and his swimming pool flooded the homework.....lol
  2. Wow, very telling, a legal and peaceful demonstration calling for action on gun violence by 1,000 women and you bring up Pride month! Whats even more ironic, the location was chosen not only because of the Covenant school mass shooting but also because of these: "the state has been the site of some of the nation's most infamous mass shootings, including Columbine High School in 1999, the Aurora movie theater in 2012, and Club Q, an LGBTQ nightclub, in 2022, organizers said." Its their children that are getting killed, the number one cause of death for young people in the US. This protest is not about gender issues, a shameful deflection.
  3. Yes but they had to tell the truth in court. Rather than the pack of lies they tell on campaigns
  4. Didn't watch them all but I did this one. Classic, a must watch in my view. DeSantis staffers were asked to define woke in a court hearing, sounds about right!
  5. Of course the science changed, the evidence was in the studies they carried out to prove it. Hence the evolving advice given. Flu by the way is not a coronavirus
  6. Really! Never knew they did crispy bacon, heard a lot about them, guess I will need to get one soon.
  7. Probably less bias than DeSantis and his crew especially with its links to facts
  8. Like I said as variants evolved the advice and science changed, in the US, UK and just about every country that administered vaccines but they still provided good protection from serious illness and death. This also from 2021 Analysis of nursing home COVID-19 data from NHSN indicated a significant decline in effectiveness of full mRNA COVID-19 vaccination against laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, from 74.7% during the pre-Delta period (March 1–May 9, 2021) to 53.1% during the period when the Delta variant predominated in the United States. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7034e3.htm
  9. Well the topic is: "It’s a scary time for us’: Florida Pride organizers on edge amid safety fears" If you want to expand it then go ahead and provide separate links
  10. His claim was an unsubstantiated opinion, my link (not my claim) was an official Ipsos poll from the US
  11. USA TODAY/Ipsos Poll found a that majority of Americans, including 78% of Democrats and 37% of Republicans, see “woke” in a positive light, and define the term as “to be informed, educated on and aware of social injustices.” https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2023/03/10/what-does-woke-mean-republicans/11427923002/
  12. To DeSantis just about anything he's against is woke But to the majority of American they see “woke” in a positive light, and define the term as “to be informed, educated on and aware of social injustices.”
  13. You may want to read the facts FACT CHECK: Human Rights Campaign Rebuts Florida Department of Health Disinformation About Gender Affirming Care Point by Point https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/fact-check-human-rights-campaign-rebuts-florida-department-of-health-disinformation-about-gender-affirming-care-point-by-point
  14. Whats wrong with additional funding to administer vaccines because of a health concern when it means that extra resources are needed in the hospitals to do this?
  15. I'm convinced we could get DeSantis to enforce stricter regulations on gun rights if we tell him the gun nuts have gone all woke.....lol
  16. They did, health authorities and countless studies all confirmed the vaccine effectiveness waned as the variants evolved. However protection for serious illness and death still strong. This from 2021 vaccines are less effective against the Delta variant compared to the Alpha variant. https://blog.ons.gov.uk/2021/08/19/delta-variant-and-vaccine-effectiveness-what-can-the-cis-tell-us/
  17. Well you responded to me and now you decide not to even watch the direct speech that confirms my claims. Indeed, have a nice day
  18. Steered at the helm by DeSantis: DeSantis rallies Republicans with attack on left’s ‘woke mind virus’
  19. Probably best to leave him to it, attempting to make up facts from his opinion, useless debating with such nonsense.
  20. You missed the link, it was at one time, times are changing with all the draconian anti woke mind virus rhetoric and bills put into place by DeSantis
  21. Agreed, stricter regulations work and also agreed, they can move else where just as DeSantis wish. "Florida is where woke dies" More than half of LGBTQ parents in Florida say they are considering leaving the state More than half of LGBTQ parents in Florida are considering moving their families to another state over concerns that a new Florida education law – known to its critics as the “Don’t Say Gay” law – stigmatizes LGBTQ identities and creates a hostile learning environment for LGBTQ children or students with LGBTQ family members. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3828490-more-than-half-of-lgbtq-parents-in-florida-say-they-are-considering-leaving-the-state/ Pity those regulations that work weren't also applied to more serious problems in gun control but that's a different topic and not considered woke by DeSantis
  22. Stricter regulations = more ristricted. The same as any bill intended to reduce an outcome. Unfortunely not the most important bill on ristrictions needed in Florida
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