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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Russians didn't know the UK Challenger Tanks eat Dragons Teeth for breakfast........................
  2. First is decide what curriculum you want for your children and which schools offer it. The UK Cambridge curriculum that ends with A levels or BTEC or the more US style, not sure of their exams and certificates? We opted for the UK Cambridge seeing as I'm from the UK and my daughter will probably end up in Uni over there. This being in Phuket though, not Bangkok. There are a few good Schools here but the top ones certainly have a waiting list. Take your time, its a big decision and a huge investment, but worth every penny for your children. Oh one last point. Check which Universities their graduates go to, a very good indicator of education levels attained. The school should also be able to provide you with A level results of prior students. I know you children are young but time soon goes.
  3. Wagner boss ranting again, don't know how much to believe of what he say's but who knows. Prigozhin says war in Ukraine has backfired, warns of Russian revolution RIGA, Latvia — Fresh off his claim of victory in capturing the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, Russian mercenary boss Yevgeniy Prigozhin warned that Moscow’s brutal war could plunge Russia into turmoil similar to the 1917 revolution unless its detached, wealthy elite become more directly committed to the conflict. In a lengthy interview with Konstantin Dolgov, a political operative and pro-war blogger, Prigozhin, the founder and leader of the Wagner mercenary group, also asserted that the war had backfired spectacularly by failing to “demilitarize” Ukraine, one of President Vladimir Putin’s stated aims of the invasion. He also called for totalitarian policies. “Russia needs to live like North Korea for a few years, so to say, close the borders … and work hard.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/05/24/yevgeniy-prigozhin-war-backfired-revolution/ archive link
  4. Bizarre, is Musk going to be DeSantis running mate? Over half of one of the official videos has him in it....lol
  5. You got that right, in fact the parent who complained about this poem wrote in the complaint form that it was authored by Oprah Winfrey and she wanted the truth be told about Cuba......lol. Form is in the link below. Salinas told the publication in Spanish that she’s “not for eliminating or censoring any books” but instead wants children to be taught “the truth” about Cuba. According to the complainant datelined March 29, 2023, Gorman is mistaken for 69-year-old talk show host Oprah Winfrey as the poem’s author. It is unclear what lines in “The Hill We Climb” Salinas objected to and the poem does not directly reference Cuba at any point. https://nypost.com/2023/05/24/amanda-gormans-biden-inauguration-poem-banned-from-miami-school/
  6. DeSantis has it down to an art form, he managed to use the word “woke” seven times in just over 20 seconds. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/ron-desantis-woke-republican-us-news_uk_6440fbaae4b039ec4e7cdab2
  7. This is the source of the Time article and it was actually 4 books barred for elementary pupils. How the power of just one parents complaint can affect the reading of all other students in elementary. Cancel culture gone mad in Florida. Miami-Dade K-8 bars elementary students from 4 library titles following parent complaint In March, Daily Salinas, a parent of two students at at Bob Graham Education Center in Miami Lakes, challenged The ABCs of Black History, Cuban Kids, Countries in the News Cuba, the poem The Hills We Climb, which was recited by poet Amanda Gorman at the inauguration of President Joe Biden, and Love to Langston. For Stephana Ferrell, the director of research and insight at Florida Freedom to Read Project, it underscores a growing trend to redefine what is considered age appropriate, “especially regarding books that address ethnicities, marginalized communities, racism or our history of racism.” https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/education/article275671496.html
  8. Here's an example of some of the scum that Target is bowing to. Tweet from journalist at the Slate and Wired. This has been going on since last year.
  9. Now also accusing her of racism...............for someone who claims he never met her before yet on the first meeting she's comfortable enough to call her husband "the ape". Has to keep adding to his lie tally count I guess.........
  10. That didn't take long, back to claiming violation of free speech laws and election interference. Trial date set for 25th March https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110419656132610861 Trump Hush Money Trial Set For March 2024 https://www.law360.com/realestate/articles/1680751/trump-hush-money-trial-set-for-march-2024
  11. Will be interesting to see if he is also less enthusiastic about the $17 billion investment and creation of 13,000 jobs, over the next 10 years in Florida. Or as you interpret less enthusiastic, hates the plan..........
  12. No that comes from Jamaal Bowman. "Jamaal Bowman calls out Marjorie Taylor Greene for racist tropes after she claims to ‘feel threatened’ by him" https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/nation-politics/jamaal-bowman-calls-out-marjorie-taylor-greene-for-racist-tropes-after-she-claims-to-feel-threatened-by-him/
  13. GOP senators unsettled by DeSantis’s escalating fight with Disney “This is the biggest or second-biggest employer in the state. Half the tourism that comes to our state comes to visit Disney. It’s a reason people come to our state. After they come there, people move there. So I think cooler heads need to prevail. My view is we have to do everything to help our businesses grow,” Scott said in an interview. Sen. Marco Rubio (R), who has represented Florida in the Senate since 2011, told Fox News last month it’s “problematic” if state actions toward an individual or business appear driven more by politics. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4012889-gop-senators-unsettled-by-desantiss-escalating-fight-with-disney/
  14. Where is the link to the claim the Disney CEO already hated the planned move? Considering 200 odd employees had already relocated to Florida? Great news for the California Governor however. A win for him. So the plans to invest $17 billion in Florida, and create 13,000 jobs, over the next 10 years now also not looking so good. The way things are going.
  15. Well this statement is as good as............ https://twitter.com/POTUS/status/1660390015174672385
  16. Biden Administration Announces Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine May 21, 2023 • Additional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS); • 155mm and 105mm artillery rounds; • Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) missiles; • Javelin and AT-4 anti-armor systems; • Laser-guided rocket system munitions; • Demolition munitions; • Armored bridging systems; • Armored medical treatment vehicles; • Trucks and trailers to transport heavy equipment; • Logistics support equipment; • Thermal imagery systems; • Spare parts and other field equipment. https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3402206/biden-administration-announces-additional-security-assistance-for-ukraine/
  17. Well who would have guessed it. Putin has banned Letitia James, Brad Raffensperger and the cop Michael Byrd who shot the rioter at Captiol Hill. What sort of threat do they pose to the dictator Putin...........lol Even Barack Obama is on the list.
  18. Here's a good example of where just one true MAGA and their cult beliefs can cause a mistrial. The danger of picking the wrong person was vividly illustrated in a recent federal trial of Timothy Shea, who was charged with stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from an organization that had raised money to build the border wall that Mr. Trump had campaigned on. The federal judge presiding over that case declared a mistrial after one juror out of 12 refused to deliberate, accusing the others of being “liberals” and referring to the proceedings as a “government witch hunt.” Mr. Shea was convicted on Friday after a second trial. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/31/nyregion/trump-organization-trial-jury.html
  19. Of course you can bow to Putin's threats, just as he planned, or you can act as one, as the west and Ukraine are doing. Call out those threats for what they are. Its very naive of you to believe that if we give in to nuclear blackmail, Putin will back off. "Russia will not stop. Russia will keep on going and will deploy nuclear threats in the hope of securing further concessions. Other nuclear countries will take note, and non-nuclear countries will rush to get a nuclear weapon so that their sovereignty won’t be threatened. In short, if we give in to Putin’s threats, we will be living with nuclear threats and nuclear proliferation for a very long time." https://www.thedailybeast.com/marie-yovanovitch-playing-the-nuclear-card-is-putins-version-of-flop-sweat
  20. It may be easier than that. All the Russian money and assets that has already been frozen by the EU and the West will go a long way.
  21. One step at a time eh. The Ukrainians are first fighting for their country back and the forced occupation finished. Their millions of displaced to return and those children who were kidnapped returned.
  22. Agree, one can only hope this historic election and vote will actually get the Thai voters what they deserve a new era of change with the dinosaurs left in the wings.
  23. Tell that to the Ukrainians who are fighting for their country and will not stop until Russia has lost. That's when the negotiations will happen. Putin's failed attempt at threatening tactical nukes on Ukraine has back fired. He was counting on the west and Ukraine to back down. Ukraine has already got back 50% of the territory Russia took over a year ago.
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