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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. I suggest you read the article in full, its not just one provider that is changing its procedures due to this bill.
  2. I don't credit your opinion too much with your links. That's a deliberate personal comment by the way, part of a normal response to the conspiracy theorist you linked to.
  3. Whats that got to do with you linking to a conspiracy theorist? Oh yea, nothing, your standard practice.
  4. Singing from the same hymn sheet, the conspiracy theories never end This from 2022 Why right-wingers claim white nationalist group Patriot Front is an FBI sting The white nationalist group Patriot Front staged a march in Boston on July 2. Right-wingers think the group is secretly run by the FBI. Here's everything you need to know: https://news.yahoo.com/why-wingers-claim-white-nationalist-090410962.html
  5. LOL please don't quote this conspiracey theorist.............. Obama’s former aides angry, hurt over Ronny Jackson’s embrace of Trump’s conspiracy theories Former Obama officials expressed anger and a sense of betrayal after onetime White House doctor Ronny L. Jackson echoed President Trump’s baseless conspiracy theories about their former boss, President Barack Obama. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/05/14/obamas-former-aides-angry-hurt-over-ronny-jacksons-embrace-trumps-conspiracies/ https://archive.ph/2PAMJ
  6. You edited my response and left out the link that disproves what you claim. I don't entertain dishonest debates. End of
  7. I never claimed you were bringing in DeSantis but you may want to look at the topic OP and see why its brought in. Nothing to do with me creating a strawman. Like I said you claim that's how the word is being used now. That's only your opinion and not that of the majority of people. A new USA TODAY/Ipsos Poll found a that majority of Americans, including 78% of Democrats and 37% of Republicans, see “woke” in a positive light, and define the term as “to be informed, educated on and aware of social injustices.” https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2023/03/10/what-does-woke-mean-republicans/11427923002/
  8. What are you talking about. DeSantis splutters out woke in just about every sentence calls it the "woke mind virus". Of course its cheap name calling. Ron DeSantis Mocks Liberal “Woke Mind Virus” You are only explaining how the word is being used from your perspective not the majority of other people as in the links I've already provided in this thread.
  9. I said the majority of us are immune to cheap name calling. No virus here and your interpretation is just that, your opinion not factually based.
  10. It seems you've swallowed the DeSantis favourite term, the "woke mind virus" The majority of us are immune to cheap name calling based on negative interpretations by a minority group of right wingers and take the traditional stance that we are awake to injustice and discrimination for all. Its really very simple. I get no personal gain from it, I've lived my life like that and that's how my children were brought up.
  11. but the meaning I gave is how it is now being used. According to you and a minority of other people. So your definition: New definition (negative): Trying to pander and virtue signal, making it appear that someone is trying to help the groups from the old definition but are actually doing so purely for personal gain. (E.g. "Go woke, go broke.") What makes you think the woke group is doing it purely for personal gain and what is that gain? Have you ever thought they are doing it through empathy for peoples rights?
  12. Interesting article: GOP attacks on woke America are ‘hypocrisy of the highest order’ When pressed, Republicans have a hard time defining “woke,” so the folks at USA Today did it for them. Most Americans thought the word “woke” meant “to be informed, educated on and aware of social injustice.” Only one-third of the public thought it meant “to be overtly politically correct and police others’ thoughts.” Republicans like to rail against drag queens — but woke really means respect for all Americans regardless of race and sexual preference. The GOP’s affinity for cultural warfare and its apparent hostility to social justice is the trigger to a demographic time bomb that could damage the Republican Party for a generation. https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/3904322-gop-attacks-on-woke-america-are-hypocrisy-of-the-highest-order/
  13. This would be my weapon of choice but not enough to go round. In the absence of that or mobile air defense systems or machine gun with plenty of ammo then shotguns will do. The Iranian made Shahed Drones are low flying and slow. https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraines-anti-drone-guns-down-russian-drones-recover-intelligence-2023-2
  14. It may be sooner than we think, fingers crossed Grand jury in Trump classified documents case expected to meet this coming week after hiatus The federal grand jury that has been hearing evidence in the Justice Department’s investigation of former President Donald Trump’s handling of classified documents is expected to meet again this coming week in Washington, according to multiple people familiar with the investigation. Prosecutors working for Special Counsel Jack Smith have been presenting the grand jury with evidence and witness testimony for months, but activity appeared to have slowed in recent weeks based on observations at the courthouse and sources. It’s unclear whether prosecutors are prepared to seek an indictment at this point. The Justice Department would not comment on the status of the investigation. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/grand-jury-trump-classified-documents-case-expected-meet-coming-week-h-rcna87599
  15. I guess the Russians won't being needing these then: Russia Braces For Attack By 50,000 Ukrainian Kamikaze Drones, Seeks Shotguns https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2023/03/24/russia-braces-for-attack-by-50000-ukrainian-kamikaze-drones-seeks-shotguns/?sh=493bc7426ffc
  16. You should read your own links: But almost six years later, Biden’s trip to Beijing is coming under new scrutiny amid revelations about President Donald Trump’s efforts to dig up information to corroborate his unproven corruption allegations regarding Biden and his son’s work in Ukraine. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/biden-s-trip-china-son-hunter-2013-comes-under-new-n1061051 Your claim still remains false. Unless of course you can quote what country and what deal he got suddenly after a visit with Joe on Air Force One? "suddenly shortly after the visits he gets a business deal"
  17. That still does not support your claim: suddenly shortly after the visits he gets a business deal Which happens to be false: U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s visit Saturday to support Ukraine’s fragile democracy came soon after his youngest son was hired by a private Ukrainian company that promotes energy independence from Moscow. https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-europe-business-c49555d51eb243e09a42f7577fc5937f
  18. Well put it this way. I know what a woman is. I know that a man cannot get pregnant, I think trans people should have their own separate category in sports. I don't think its ok for boys dressed as girls to use girls bathrooms. They should have their own in an ideal world. So its nothing to do with your interpretation as I consider myself woke. Which to me is "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination of all kinds".
  19. From the link: Donnie is toast: "The level of detail in the recording is said to have angered and unnerved close aides to Mr. Trump, who are worried it contains direct quotes from sensitive conversations."
  20. Well they are a minority that are being targeted so obviously it would be a lesser number: More than half of LGBTQ parents in Florida say they are considering leaving the state More than half of LGBTQ parents in Florida are considering moving their families to another state over concerns that a new Florida education law – known to its critics as the “Don’t Say Gay” law – stigmatizes LGBTQ identities and creates a hostile learning environment for LGBTQ children or students with LGBTQ family members. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3828490-more-than-half-of-lgbtq-parents-in-florida-say-they-are-considering-leaving-the-state/
  21. Personally I wish they would stop the sexualization of child performers. But I don't shout about it, I just make a decision not to go to any of those events or change channels if its blasted in my face on TV. I am surprised the right wing don't have more to say on this though, an easier target is Pride I guess, seeing as they are a minority group. OVER-SEXUALIZATION OF CHILDREN IN THE MEDIA
  22. Her previous statement on this: “I’m excited to share the good news that just as I promised the J6 tapes are being released!” Poor dear, she often gets over excited.
  23. How would this work if the bible was banned in some schools in Texas? The Texas Senate passed a bill Thursday requiring each public school classroom to display a copy of the Ten Commandments What a complete mess.
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