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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. The US had intelligence on this beforehand but were were careful not to pass it on for that precise reason. U.S. Suspected Prigozhin Was Preparing to Take Military Action Against Russia U.S. spy agencies had indications days earlier that Mr. Prigozhin was planning something and worked to refine that material into a finished assessment, officials said. The information shows that the United States was aware of impending events in Russia, similar to how intelligence agencies had warned in late 2021 that Vladimir V. Putin was planning to invade Ukraine. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/24/world/europe/us-intel-prigozhin-warning.html https://archive.ph/w42v5
  2. US estimates are 80% of those that were in Ukraine: About 80% of Wagner's troops in Ukraine have been drawn from prisons, the US National Security Council said at the start of this year. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-60947877
  3. I thought the majority were from Russian prisons. That's where he was recruiting the bulk of them until it got stopped. Video Reveals How Russian Mercenaries Recruit Inmates https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/16/world/europe/russia-wagner-ukraine-video.html UN experts alarmed by recruitment of prisoners by “Wagner Group” https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/03/russian-federation-un-experts-alarmed-recruitment-prisoners-wagner-group
  4. Putin makes a brief speech, now also confirming the deaths of some Russian pilots: "Putin said some Russian pilots had died in the fighting. Prigozhin previously said 30 Wagner fighters had been killed." "Prigozhin said the Wagner Group did not attack any Russian soldiers "on the ground" but acknowledged that they fired back on military forces that had allegedly attacked Wagner fighters from the air." https://www.npr.org/2023/06/26/1184390064/putin-speech-prigozhin-wagner-group-deal
  5. Don't normally bother watching the youtube vids but this has some good information and opinions including the confirmation of the downed Russian helicopters and plane.
  6. Her condition is not improving, still tweeting to impeach Biden but now also saying that her TV is spying on her.....lol "Last night in my DC residence, the television turned on by itself and the screen showed someone's laptop trying to connect to the TV," the GOP lawmaker wrote on Twitter. https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-suggests-shes-being-spied-1808884
  7. I suspect the cash found may also have something to do with it: Yevgeny Prigozhin, a well-known figure associated with the Wagner Group, has officially confirmed reports of a significant cash discovery during raids conducted by the FSB security service in Russia. The confirmation follows earlier media accounts regarding the seizure of a substantial amount of money from one of Prigozhin’s offices. In an audio message shared on his Telegram channel, Prigozhin acknowledged that the money found during the raids does belong to the Wagner Group, stating that it was intended for compensation payments to deceased Wagner fighters and other related expenses. https://bnn.network/breaking-news/war/prigozhin-confirms-cash-found-in-raids-belongs-to-wagner
  8. I was hoping to wake this morning to news that Zelensky had asked NATO countries to send urgent supplies of popcorn to replenish dwindling stock, but alas it seems the mutiny by Wagner is all over. Yevgeny Prigozhin had talks with Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko and he's heading to Belarus, all charges against him and his Wagner forces will be dropped. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-66006142
  9. Another image here from the BBC that shows just how close they are to Moscow and how quickly they got there. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-66006142
  10. Yea end game for this is so difficult to predict. Unless the National Guard and other Russian Military Units side with Wagner surely this is doomed to failure? Even so it shows Putin has now lost control and is very vulnerable. Keeping my fingers crossed this really is just the start of his demise. Not that the murderer boss of Wagner is any better though but at least he is saying that invading Ukraine was based on a lies.
  11. Further Wagner units are moving north through Vorenezh Oblast, almost certainly aiming to get to Moscow. With very limited evidence of fighting between Wagner and Russian security forces, some have likely remained passive, acquiescing to Wagner. Over the coming hours, the loyalty of Russia’s security forces, and especially the Russian National Guard, will be key to how the crisis plays out. This represents the most significant challenge to the Russian state in recent times. https://twitter.com/DefenceHQ/status/1672505632325238784
  12. Reuters also now carrying that, just published: A Russian security source told Reuters that Wagner fighters had also taken control of military facilities in the city of Voronezh, further north on the road towards Moscow. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/wagner-head-suggests-his-mercenaries-headed-moscow-take-army-leadership-2023-06-24/
  13. Looks like this is going to drag on till after the presidential elections, all explained well in the article below just published: Special counsel Jack Smith requests delay in Trump classified documents trial Special counsel Jack Smith has requested a delay in the classified and sensitive documents trial of former President Trump from August to December. Smith on Friday filed a request for the start date for the trial be set for Dec. 11, which would be about four months after the initial Aug. 14 date that Judge Aileen Cannon set on Tuesday. The filing notes that the case will require Trump’s counsel to receive interim security clearances because the case concerns classified information, which will require additional time for the counsel to review and process the evidence that the government has gathered. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4065600-jack-smith-requests-delay-in-trump-classified-documents-trial
  14. Lots of chatter, videos and articles of the latest developments between Wagner and the Russian military on twitter at the moment. Factions of Wagner have entered Rostov-on-Don. Main routes are closed, movement in Moscow with Russian military vehicles in the streets. Oh how I hope a coup would happen, but at the very least this is a significant development. Kremlin accuses mercenary chief of ‘armed mutiny’ after he vows retribution for dead fighters Russian leaders accused the powerful head of the Wagner mercenary group of an attempted coup on Friday after he vowed to retaliate against the country’s military command for allegedly killing thousands of his fighters. Officials boosted security in Moscow and launched a criminal investigation into Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of the paramilitary group that has seen some of the toughest fighting in Ukraine, “on charges of armed mutiny” after he vowed to stop the “evil” of the military leadership. “Those who destroyed our lads, who destroyed the lives of many tens of thousands of Russian soldiers, will be punished. I ask that no one offer resistance,” Prigozhin said in a series of audio messages on his official Telegram channel. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/ukraine-russia-wagner-mercenary-prigozhin-army-bombing-troops-rcna90870
  15. He's done the next best thing, designated the term cis as a slur. Musk is officially a free speech absolutcis https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/elon-musk-cisgender-twitter-slur-b2361734.html Oh and he also has problems in Australia now too. The country's online safety commissioner says Twitter has become the most complained about platform. Twitter has been 28 days to respond to the regulator or face potential fines of hundreds of thousands of dollars. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-65981699
  16. So Trump now knows who's going to be testifying against him and throws a wobbly............lol Maybe he also just found out about this also! Ex-FBI Analyst Gets 46 Months Behind Bars For Same Charge Trump Faces A former FBI intelligence analyst charged with the same violation of the Espionage Act as former President Donald Trump was sentenced this week to nearly four years in prison by a Missouri federal judge. Kendra Kingsbury admitted in 2017 to having more than 380 classified documents in her home in digital and physical formats while she was employed by the FBI’s Kansas City division, court records show. She held the highest level of security clearance available during her more than 12 years at the agency. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/fbi-analyst-classified-documents-espionage-sentence_n_6494a8d0e4b02f808ab48c38 Or that there are more tapes........lol Special counsel Jack Smith disclosed in a court filing Wednesday that investigators had more tapes of interviews with Trump conducted by non-government entities and recorded with his consent but did not say what the tapes said or how they were obtained. The new reporting provides more insight into how the special counsel conducted its investigation and what kinds of evidence it has. Prosecutors are required to turn over all of the evidence they have collected to Trump’s defense team, even if it is not going to be used in the case at trial. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/22/politics/trump-tapes-special-counsel-evidence/index.html
  17. https://twitter.com/hugolowell/status/1671696691097923585 Download link https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.648654/gov.uscourts.flsd.648654.30.0.pdf
  18. Trump could easily have avoided all this, its all his own making: Trump rejected lawyers’ efforts to avoid classified documents indictment The attorney, Christopher Kise, wanted to quietly approach Justice to see if he could negotiate a settlement that would preclude charges, hoping Attorney General Merrick Garland and the department would want an exit ramp to avoid prosecuting a former president. Kise would hopefully “take the temperature down,” he told others, by promising a professional approach and the return of all documents. But Trump was not interested after listening to other lawyers who urged a more pugilistic approach, so Kise never approached prosecutors, three people briefed on the matter said. A special counsel was appointed months later. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/06/14/trump-indictment-classified-documents-settlement/ https://archive.ph/fZ6RR
  19. Banging sounds heard, its a race against time now. 'Banging' heard in 30-minute intervals US media is reporting emails which say a Canadian search aircraft detected "banging" in 30-minute intervals coming from the area where the sub disappeared. It is unclear when and how long the banging lasted. The internal memos - reported by both Rolling Stone and CNN - say: “The P8 [seacraft] deployed sonobuoys, which reported a contact in a position close to the distress position. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-us-canada-65953941
  20. Also from the same interview, Trump tying himself up in knots over saying he would pardon Alice Johnson over drug offences but then being confronted by Bret that under Trump's new proposals she would be executed! Trump touts pardoning first-time nonviolent drug offender Alice Johnson and says she got “treated terribly,” but then Bret Baier points out Johnson would get the death penalty under his new proposal. "No, no, no. Under my, oh, under that? Uh, it would depend on the severity."
  21. Far too much attention being paid to this audio tape and the existence of the document, its a bonus if that is proven, however the indictments are based on evidence they already have 31 documents and criminal retention of national defense information (NDI) "This is not necessarily classified materials — confidential, secret or top-secret — as they can be declassified. But NDI is always and everywhere criminal to possess outside of a secure federal facility, and is always and everywhere secret because it shows military strengths and weaknesses and the methods and sources of reaching those conclusions." https://www.ocregister.com/2023/06/15/judge-andrew-napolitano-the-case-against-donald-trump/
  22. Its also a clear admission that he was deliberately holding onto items for his own personal reasons no matter how lame they are.
  23. At some point Trump's MAGA base may start to see just how duped they were, but I doubt it. Barr blasts Trump’s defense in document case as ‘absurd’ Former Attorney General Bill Barr blasted former President Trump’s defense in the classified documents case as “absurd” and said the former president “absolutely” was mischaracterizing the Presidential Records Act. “The legal theory by which he gets to take battle plans and sensitive national security information as his personal papers is absurd. It’s just as wacky as the legal doctrine they came up with for having the vice president unilaterally determine who won the election,” Barr told Robert Costa on CBS News’s “Face the Nation” in an interview Sunday morning. https://thehill.com/homenews/4056167-barr-blasts-trumps-defense-in-document-case-as-absurd/ John Bolton: ‘Very disturbing’ how Trump wanted to keep classified documents Former national security adviser John Bolton on Sunday said former President Trump appeared to have a “pattern” of wanting to collect materials “of interest to him,” including classified documents, and knocked Trump’s behavior as “very disturbing.” https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/4056132-john-bolton-very-disturbing-how-trump-wanted-to-keep-classified-documents/
  24. Well we know neither side wants negotiations, that African delegation visit was just a waste of time. No talks with Putin until his terrorists are defeated and pay for what they have done. Ukraine counteroffensive inches forward; Putin dismisses prospects of peace talks A delegation of African leaders led by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa met with Putin in St. Petersburg on Saturday to try to spur peace talks between Russia and Ukraine. Putin replied he was ready to review any peace plan proposal, but he poured cold water on the African initiative by listing numerous reasons why the proposed plan wasn’t meeting Russian demands. These include Russia’s right to recognize the independence of the Russian-occupied Donbas region — a red line for Kyiv. https://www.politico.eu/article/ukraine-counteroffensive-war-russia-invasion-piatykhatky-zaporizhzhia-vladimir-putin-peace-talks
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