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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Calling the Kings subjects ignorant is pure ignorance in itself, I have no need to add IMO to that. You know nothing about the majority of them
  2. The BBC is a statutory corporation, independent from direct government intervention https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBC
  3. adding IMHO adds no defense to your remarks labeling the Royals subjects ignorant.
  4. Perhaps if people learned to be plumbers and electricians instead of "media studies" the country would be better off for it. The top 5 most popular Majors in the US are: Business Health Professionals Social Sciences Engineering Biological and Biomedical Sciences Media studies (Communication and Journalism) comes in at 7th So whats wrong with this?
  5. Agreed, this should not be a right left issue, its an issue of assistance to a sovereign nation being occupied/attacked by Russia and the horrific war crimes being carried out in the process on the civilians of Ukraine. The fake news on the war is a fed by a concerted effort by Kremlin trolls to create doubt, disagreements and chaos. Its achieving that very well. From the very start when Bucha was discovered the fake news Kremlin machine went into over drive. When that failed the nuclear rhetoric kicked in to feed into the W111 senario. “U.S. weapons equal WWIII” campaign is an orchestrated pas de deux between Putin and the trolls."
  6. Indonesia voted to kick Russia out, China and India abstained. Only the following voted against the resolution Belarus, North Korea, Mali, Russia, Syria, Eritrea, Nicaragua
  7. Putin remains an expert strategist....... now this one is sarcasm alert!
  8. Chinese not too happy with Musk..............never mind......lol China’s CCP warns Elon Musk against sharing Wuhan lab leak report A Chinese state-run newspaper issued a warning to Tesla CEO Elon Musk after he shared reporting on the U.S. Department of Energy’s “low confidence” assessment that the global Covid pandemic originated in a Wuhan laboratory. CNBC’s Eunice Yoon reported Tuesday morning on the warning from the social media pages of the Global Times, the English-language subsidiary of the government-controlled People’s Daily. The Global Times warned Musk that he could be “breaking the pot of China” after the Tesla and Twitter CEO responded to tweets that asserted that the Covid pandemic originated in a Wuhan research laboratory. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/28/chinas-ccp-warns-elon-musk-against-sharing-wuhan-lab-leak-report.html
  9. His opinion is that Russia are fighting against Ukrainian aggressors . He also thinks the moon landings are fake if you want to listen to his opinions.
  10. Just when you think it can't get any lower, this absolute nonsense arises. Complaining of lack of footage available........do they not realize there are 100's of deaths everyday from both sides, its world war 1 trench warfare stuff, if they want more footage get to Ukraine and film it yourselves in the trenches which is where the front lines are! Unbelievable here's just one of the right wing dingbats From the OP link: "According to Peters , the video is not a positive story about the resilience of the Ukrainian people, but proof the war is “100% fake” and that the damage was never inflicted in the first place." Original video tweet link https://twitter.com/realstewpeters/status/1629187093820854272 & his other piece of conspiracy nonsense https://twitter.com/realstewpeters/status/1629168244266237953
  11. The BBC fell for it as they are lefty plonkers. The NZ guy fell for it as he is a brainless murdering plonker The BBC pointed it out but never mind. The NZ guy is not a plonker, he's a murdering racist who killed 51 people and used the gesture in court, hardly a joke to anyone else (he may well be laughing inside), the relatives, fellow Muslims and those that are now associating the sign as racist when used in that context.
  12. Its published on NIH does not mean they endorse it: Study in Brazil on ivermectin as a COVID-19 prevention is flawed, experts say Concerns about methodology Dr. Nikolas Wada, an epidemiologist with the Novel Coronavirus Research Compendium at Johns Hopkins, raised concerns about the study's uncertainty over who was "truly taking ivermectin and vice versa" and poor control for factors that may predispose someone to catch COVID-19, among other issues. "My primary takeaway," Wada said, "is that this paper adds nearly nothing to the knowledge base regarding ivermectin and COVID-19, and certainly does not prove its effectiveness as a prophylaxis." https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/jan/28/facebook-posts/study-brazil-ivermectin-covid-19-prevention-flawed/ Plenty more facts in the article
  13. Just because a gesture starts out as a joke does that then disqualify it as you have..............."so there you have it" ? "The ADL says the OK symbol has become a "popular trolling tactic" from "right-leaning individuals, who often post photos to social media of themselves posing while making the gesture". It started out as an online joke on 4Chan - taking an innocent gesture and pretending there was a hidden meaning behind it, hoping to trick the media and left-leaning people into outrage. But the joke was so successful and widespread among the far-right, that many believe the OK sign is changing meaning. The man accused of killing 51 people at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, earlier this year flashed the OK hand sign when he was in court." https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-49837898
  14. What do you mean and what.....lol It proves your claim: "In Ukraine they are conscripting by FORCE no men between the ages of 16 and 60 are allowed to leave. They take them off the streets" Is false that's what. Exceptions: when a man can leave Ukraine under martial law - who raise three or more children under the age of 18; - who raise a child (children) under the age of 18 on their own; - dependent on a child with a disability under the age of 18 or an adult child who is a person with a disability of the I or II group, until he/she reaches 23 years of age; - adoptive parents, guardians, trustees, foster parents, who are dependent on orphans or children deprived of parental care under the age of 18; - engaged in constant care for persons in need, in the absence of other persons who can provide such care; - who left for other states for permanent residence, which is documented accordingly; - applicants for professional higher and higher education, trainee assistants, graduate students and doctoral students studying abroad in full-time or dual forms of education (students, listeners). https://visitukraine.today/blog/102/exceptions-when-a-man-can-leave-ukraine-under-martial-law
  15. Like I said Direct from a Ukrainian gov and charity website: In addition, the restrictions do not apply to people: who has three or more children under the age of 18, or who are raising a child (children) under the age of 18 on their own, or who has a child with a disability. https://dopomoha.org.ua/en/exceptions-to-the-restriction-which-prohibits-men-to-leave-the-territory-of-ukraine
  16. Good news, always thought it was a bit young, never knew any of my friends in the UK get married at the age of 16.
  17. Sounds like you'd also like a Russian passport.............
  18. Well this didn't age well........................... "Seagal was named in 2018 as a Russian Foreign Ministry humanitarian envoy to the United States and Japan."
  19. You can indulge in newspeak if you wish to do so if makes you feel virtuous, but this is a hard pass from me. You posted an emotional fueled rant without knowing the facts behind it, I provided them for you, apologies for the virtuous newspeak that you are now claiming I'm posting
  20. I would hazard a guess they use the normal ok sign, did you miss the important context mentioned
  21. Calm down, I didn't know about this either but a quick search brings up the info, what makes you think its a case of "self flagellating left wokies" From 2019 Its all to do with context. On Thursday, the Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish civil rights organization, added 36 symbols to its "Hate on Display" database including the index finger-to-thumb sign that in some corners of the Internet has become associated with white supremacy and the far right, Oren Segal, director of the ADL's Center on Extremism, told NPR that for years on fringe online message boards such as 4chan and 8chan, the "OK" sign has been deployed in memes and other images promoting hate. "Context is always key," Segal said. "More people than not will use the OK symbol as just 'OK.' But in those cases where there's more underlining meaning, I think it's important for people to understand that it could be used, and is being used, for hate as well." https://www.npr.org/2019/09/26/764728163/the-ok-hand-gesture-is-now-listed-as-a-symbol-of-hate
  22. This isn't about Ukranine conscription and no, you're wrong again, they do allow conscription age men to leave if they have children to look after. Male Ukrainian nationals can cross the border if they are financially supporting three or more children under the age of 18, are single fathers of children under 18, or have children or are guardians of children with disabilities "All" opposition parties are not banned either, those that have been banned are pro-Russian political parties that engage in anti-Ukrainian activities Time for you to start substantiating your posts because you're spreading false info.
  23. Hardly surprising when yesterday new court docs reveal how Murdoch has threatened to fire anyone who told lies on the Dominion case, so does that mean a mass layoff of hosts.....lol "News Corp chief Rupert Murdoch testified in a deposition that any Fox News executive who knowingly allows lies to be broadcast should be “reprimanded” or fired, a blockbuster new court filing states." “They should be reprimanded – They should be reprimanded, maybe got rid of,” Murdoch said during a two-day deposition earlier this year. https://lawandcrime.com/2020-election/dominion-bombshells-reveal-how-rupert-murdoch-paul-ryan-and-foxs-top-lawyer-secretly-reacted-to-trumps-wild-election-claims/
  24. Carried out by researchers, despite claiming to have no conflicts of interest, are affiliated with BIRD (British Ivermectin Recommendation Development) Group. Another dodgy meta analysis study, I note you missed out in your quotes what it goes on to say: "We included preprint and unpublished data from completed but not yet published trials There are a number of limitations with this review. Several of the studies contributing data did not provide full descriptions of methods, so assessing risk of bias was challenging." And from an independent fact check Study’s underpinnings Experts said the trials that the study relies on are not high quality. Dr. Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security, said the study is a meta-analysis (an analysis of other analyses) "whose strength is dependent on the underlying studies that comprise it." Some of the studies analyzed in the ivermectin meta-analysis were not peer reviewed, said Dr. David Gorski, a professor of surgery and oncology at Wayne State University and chief of breast surgery at the Karmanos Cancer Institute, who has criticized the June study. "Pooling data from a large number of small, low-quality clinical trials does not magically create one large, high-quality clinical trial," wrote Gorski, who is also managing editor of Science-Based Medicine, a website that evaluates medical claims. Read more on its failings here: https://www.politifact.com/article/2021/jun/30/what-know-about-pro-ivermectin-groups-study-toutin/
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