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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Love this bit........... "over the years, the stories I’ve written have always been accepted" Hersh's Account of the Bin Laden Raid is Journalistic Malpractice https://www.lawfareblog.com/hershs-account-bin-laden-raid-journalistic-malpractice Hersh is also on the record as stating that the official version of the Skripal poisoning does not stand up to scrutiny. He tells me: “The story of novichok poisoning has not held up very well. He [Skripal] was most likely talking to British intelligence services about Russian organised crime.” The unfortunate turn of events with the contamination of other victims is suggestive, according to Hersh, of organised crime elements rather than state-sponsored actions – though this files in the face of the UK government's position. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/long_reads/seymour-hersh-interview-novichok-russian-hacking-9-11-nerve-agent-attack-a8459596.html Anyway this piece addresses his fictional account of the Nord Stream blasts: OSINT picks holes in Seymour Hersh’s Nord Stream claims Open-source analysts argue that the journalist's theory doesn't add up https://unherd.com/thepost/osint-picks-holes-in-seymour-hershs-nord-stream-claims/
  2. Indeed, deflect the facts and focus on Kamala. In March the International Court of Justice made a preliminary decision to fast-track the procedure (pdf download from the EU) The process of trials and convictions is well under way. The ICC (International Criminal Court) sent a team of over 40 members to Ukraine in May. Meet The People Helping Prosecute War Crimes in Ukraine On May 25, 2022, three months and one day after the invasion, the United States, the European Union, and the United Kingdom established the Atrocity Crimes Advisory Group (ACA) as the agreed trans-Atlantic community mechanism for addressing atrocity crimes in Ukraine. https://www.mccaininstitute.org/resources/events/meet-the-people-helping-prosecute-war-crimes-in-ukraine/ Of course on another level Ukraine with the help of international lawyers has already started with war crime courts having convicted at least one Russian soldier already.
  3. Nuland: US supports Ukraine striking targets in Crimea https://kyivindependent.com/news-feed/nuland-us-supports-ukraine-striking-targets-in-crimea U.S. approves of Ukraine striking Russian-occupied Crimea https://www.politico.com/newsletters/national-security-daily/2022/08/17/u-s-approves-of-ukraine-striking-russian-occupied-crimea-00052364
  4. The GOP’s Habitual Lying Is Hazardous to Its Political Health Whenever any Republican says that fraudster George Santos doesn’t belong in Congress, that he’s some kind of aberration, I have to laugh, I mean, of course he doesn’t belong in Congress, neither do most members of the House GOP caucus. But his lies are not unusual in his party; they’re just more outrageous, on the GOP’s continuum of liars, he’s surely one of the most brazen. But he’s not alone, lying comes as naturally to many congressional Republicans as breathing, this is still the party of Trump, who proved there’s no consequence for habitual lying https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/republicans-social-security-medicare/
  5. A big enough balloon would do the job.....lol Send her to China. Seriously though, this is dangerous rhetoric from a pure nutcase. image
  6. Can you provide a link to there being just 40 instances of people being racist at a UK football match in 2022?
  7. I supplied a quote from the the "UK Crown Prosecution Service" not me. Lets not make this personal eh
  8. A lot of anomalies and non existent reports in 2022 plenty more for you to find if you want to do some searching Man who made racist gesture during Newcastle United home ... Jul 20, 2565 BE — The order forbids Asher from attending any regulated football match in the UK https://beta.northumbria.police.uk/latest-news/2022/july/man-who-made-racist-gesture-during-newcastle-united-home-game-banned-from-every-football-stadium-in-the-uk/ Football fan banned for racist abuse at Norwich City vs Crystal Palace Premier League match https://www.itv.com/news/anglia/2022-09-01/football-fan-banned-for-shouting-racist-abuse-at-premier-league-player Harrow Crown Court was told that once outside, the 27-year-old launched a racist tirade at the stewards. Scotland Yard said the thug punched, kicked and head-butted four people during the violent outburst. https://metro.co.uk/2022/12/11/london-football-fan-jailed-for-attacking-stewards-and-police-at-england-game-17917066/
  9. You're now talking about something you claimed didn't exist... .lol. Carry on
  10. "You haven't because they don't exist " 30 March 2022 A Leeds United football fan has been sentenced to a 12 month community order for racially harassing a steward at a football match. https://www.cps.gov.uk/london-north/news/football-fan-sentenced-racist-slur-against-west-ham-steward 12 January 2022 Unfortunately, we also saw the return of reports of racist and or homophobic chanting during at least three cup ties: Crystal Palace vs Millwall, Spurs vs Chelsea https://www.cps.gov.uk/cps/news/dpp-max-hill-how-were-taking-action-against-racist-and-homophobic-football-chants
  11. You really need to stop telling me what to put in my replies. Regards asking me for more links to suit you and your conditions.....lol , I've already provided credible links, its Thai time here as i said, goodnight
  12. Didn't you even read your own link ? "Data for the 2020/21 season has been omitted from the analysis because no matches were played at the clubs’ grounds due to Covid restrictions." Yes I did
  13. One in the face for Putin who thought he was taking Kyiv in just a few days last year..............lol
  14. Well you got me, ok there's no problem, people aren't worried, the victims to the abuse are no problem, ignore the stats and polls and ignore the link just provided despite it stating clearly there were 48 fewer matches played in total because of lockdown restrictions. Goodnight
  15. Oh so that's what swayed so many polls in the UK, a mix up between seagulls and Zeig Heil. Honestly your claim it affected the polls is laughable and you've provided no proof to substantiate your claims. Racism arrests rising at London football grounds as campaigners call for action Racism arrests at London club football grounds rose during the past six years, analysis of Met Police records shows. Statistics acquired through Freedom of Information requests show both total and per-game arrests increased between 2015/16 and 2019/20. https://www.swlondoner.co.uk/sport/14022022-racism-arrests-rising-at-london-football-grounds-as-campaigners-call-for-action
  16. ? So your claim that the poll was swayed because of numerous false newspaper reports has no basis in fact
  17. You provided one link that in no way supports these claims: Well of course people are going to think racism is increasing in football if there are numerous false newspaper reports of it happening Your link is in reference to the a "Cardiff City fans' leader" who is denying claims made by Reading who are each investigating two incidents of alleged racist and homophobic abuse, with the Royals confirming after the game a match-day steward had reported two separate accounts of alleged 'discriminatory' abuse. This is not a false newspaper report let alone numerous reports
  18. Well of course people are going to think racism is increasing in football if there are numerous false newspaper reports of it happening Feel free to substantiate your claim that there are numerous false newspaper reports of it happening
  19. You may want to read the post I was replying to and the accusations made against the Guardian. Besides its the view of the majority of British people: Following the racist abuse hitting the headlines, seven in ten football fans in England (71%) now think that professional English football has a serious problem with racism, a rise of 17 percentage points since the opening stages of the tournament in June. This represents a significant conversion among those who had previously acknowledged that racism existed in English football, but did not consider it to be serious: 36% previously had held this view, but this has now shrunk to 24%. https://yougov.co.uk/topics/sport/articles-reports/2021/07/22/belief-racism-serious-problem-english-football-sho
  20. Great speech by both Zelensky and Biden. Putin was wrong, after one year the West is united and stronger than ever to defeat Russia in its illegal invasion.
  21. Hope you weren't in Phangan last month when this UK women had the top of her finger bitten off Female British tourist has part of her finger bitten off 'like something out of a horror movie' by Russian woman after argument broke out over a beanbag on a Thai beach
  22. Really, the Guardian has a hatred for the working class? Can you provide proof of that along with the exaggeration of it in football? Does the Sun also have that hatred when they report racism in football or perhaps the police? The news comes just days Brentford condemned racist abuse aimed at Ivan Toney on social media after Saturday's draw against Arsenal. In a statement, the Bees said Toney had been subjected to a "barrage of abusive, racist direct messages" on Instagram. Last month it was announced that racist football fans who troll players will be banned from matches in England and Wales for up to 10 years under Government plans. https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/21395586/brazil-soccer-racism-rule-points-deduction/ Unfortunately, we also saw the return of reports of racist and or homophobic chanting during at least three cup ties: Crystal Palace vs Millwall, Spurs vs Chelsea and Reading v Cardiff City. This disgusting behaviour will never be tolerated by those who truly love the game, and by most of society. https://www.cps.gov.uk/cps/news/dpp-max-hill-how-were-taking-action-against-racist-and-homophobic-football-chants
  23. Racism in football has always been a huge problem, one which just gets worse. As with this incident, complaints are made to social media companies but nothing gets done. Its also not just social media but a whole host of cultural problems. Its impossible to focus just one aspect and miss the dozens of others that are contributing to football supporters (not all I know) acting out racism at matches. English football is consumed by racism and hatred. Can the cycle be broken? Wave of abuse directed at players on social media is part of a deep societal crisis but perhaps football can provide a solution https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/feb/08/english-football-is-consumed-by-racism-and-hatred-can-the-cycle-be-broken
  24. I don't consider the OP hyperbole at all. Its a genuine concern
  25. What makes you think Russia doesn't need military help from China? Its already had to go to North Korea for missiles/rockets and Iran for drones.
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