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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. How large is Trump's base currently? You may conveniently decide its best to ignore him after all this time, how many of the MAGA culties are? Do you know how many election denying officials got voted in? At least 124 Republicans elected in the US midterms have publicly denied the result of the 2020 presidential election. Trump is not out of this by a long shot yet.
  2. The link referred to by @placeholder Defying expectations, CO2 emissions from global fossil fuel combustion are set to grow in 2022 by only a fraction of last year’s big increase Thanks to record deployment of renewables and EVs, the CO2 intensity of the world’s energy supply is improving again after worsening in 2021 when the economy rebounded sharply https://www.iea.org/news/defying-expectations-co2-emissions-from-global-fossil-fuel-combustion-are-set-to-grow-in-2022-by-only-a-fraction-of-last-year-s-big-increase
  3. Elon Musk warns Twitter could go bankrupt amid company turmoil Twitter's new owner Elon Musk on Thursday raised the possibility of the social media platform going bankrupt, capping a chaotic day that included a warning from a U.S. regulator and departures of senior executives viewed as future leaders. The billionaire told Twitter employees on a call that that he could not rule out bankruptcy, Bloomberg News reported, two weeks after buying it for $44 billion - a deal that credit experts say has left Twitter's finances in a precarious position. Two executives - Yoel Roth and Robin Wheeler - who moderated a Twitter Spaces chat with Musk on Wednesday as he tried to assuage advertisers' concerns, have resigned, one person close to the matter told Reuters. https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20221111-elon-musk-warns-twitter-could-go-bankrupt-amid-company-turmoil
  4. Twitter a buzz with reports that the Russians have ballsed up the retreat and around 20k Russian soldiers still left on the wrong side of the river, no way across aside from swim, they are getting pummeled. Apparently the Ukraine army advanced far quicker than anticipated. Russian journalists declaring this a total catastrophe. Relevant twitter threads: https://twitter.com/ThreshedThought/status/1590834205956923393 https://twitter.com/IntelArrow/status/1590813948932423680
  5. Trump now saying the election in Pennsylvania was rigged. "they don't want to check because they don't want to make me right" https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1590842357750300677
  6. Youth Voter Turnout in the 2022 Midterms Delivered Key Wins for Democrats An initial look at youth voting patterns shared by the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement at Tufts (CIRCLE) shows that young Americans ages 18-29 overwhelmingly backed Democrats for the U.S. House of Representatives. CIRCLE’s analysis of the Edison Research National Election Pool exit poll found that 63% of young Americans voted for a Democratic candidate for the U.S. House, while 35% of young Americans backed Republican candidates. With the threat of a national abortion ban on the horizon to far-right candidates promoting climate change denial and threatening to reject election results, according to organizers, there was an overwhelming understanding this cycle of “the stakes of the moment,” said Sunrise Movement’s 25-year-old national spokesperson Ellen Sciales. https://www.teenvogue.com/story/youth-voter-turnout-2022-midterms-democrats
  7. Conservatives point finger at Trump after GOP’s underwhelming election results: 'He's never been weaker' Many conservatives say Tuesday's election results show it's 'time to move on' from Trump By Anders Hagstrom | Fox News https://www.foxnews.com/politics/conservatives-point-finger-trump-gops-underwhelming-election-results-never-been-weaker
  8. No fan of DeSantis but Trumps personal threats against him show just how low this creep gets. Donald Trump Threatens To Dish Dirt On Ron DeSantis If He Runs In 2024 "I know more about him than anybody — other than, perhaps, his wife," the former president said of his potential rival. “I would tell you things about him that won’t be very flattering — I know more about him than anybody — other than, perhaps, his wife,” Trump said Tuesday. Trump also claimed DeSantis, who was projected to win reelection to a second term as governor in Tuesday’s midterms, could “hurt himself very badly” if he ran. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-warns-desantis-wife_n_636b5461e4b021a4038f4534
  9. In speeches, Trump uses dozens of lies, exaggerations to draw contrast with Biden Even in a midterm marked by misinformation, conspiracy theories and false or misleading attacks, nobody does it like Donald Trump. The former president, in a burst of campaigning for Republican candidates while he readies his own third bid for the White House, is honing a stump speech based around juxtaposing current conditions with those during his presidency — a contrast he heightens by misrepresenting and exaggerating on both ends. The Post provided Trump’s team with a full list of the inaccurate statements and requested any additional substantiation. After the requested amount of time to review, spokesman Taylor Budowich did not dispute any specific items in the analysis. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/11/07/trump-falsehoods-lies-speeches/
  10. OMG correct, denied by Trump, nobody else, yes yes, so obviously Trump is telling the truth according to you................????
  11. That was not my question: I'll assume you do believe whatever Trump says then as the link clearly states: "President Trump has suggested multiple times to senior Homeland Security and national security officials that they explore using nuclear bombs to stop hurricanes from hitting the United States, according to sources who have heard the president's private remarks and been briefed on a National Security Council memorandum that recorded those comments."
  12. Trump says its fake news, do you believe everything Trump says? Scoop: Trump suggested nuking hurricanes to stop them from hitting U.S. https://www.axios.com/2019/08/25/trump-nuclear-bombs-hurricanes
  13. You are misrepresenting, well actually being totally dishonest about what AP News said. It did NOT say "So as per apnews some Phoenix voters reported waiting SEVERAL HOURS which was due to issues with 20% of the tabulating machine"
  14. Arizona County not MSM read the article The county said on Twitter Tuesday afternoon that wait times were under 30 minutes at more than 200 sites and under 10 minutes at more than 160 sites.
  15. Arizona officials correct false claims about ballot issues, wait times https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-arizona-election-issues-maricopa-county-434153602086
  16. Ukraine's Minister of Defense tweeting a response to the latest whacky claims from Russia..... in Ukraine, a partial mobilization has been announced, within which it is planned to call up about 300,000 mosquitoes. the project has the working title Mosquitoes against Moscowitoes Yes the Russians have outdone themselves again after the dirty bomb hoax "Combat mosquitoes" follow "dirty bomb": Russian representative to UN tells more frenzied lies Vasily Nebenzya, the Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN, has said that the Russian occupiers allegedly discovered drones in Ukraine that can "spread mosquitoes infected with dangerous viruses." Nebenzya noted that "such an infection among enemy servicemen would have a significant military effect". https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/10/28/7373988/index.amp
  17. Like this you mean lol Trump tried to vote with wrong address while railing against voter fraud https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/03/donald-trump-vote-by-mail-fraud-florida
  18. The conscripts are calling for regime change..................???? "Down with Putin's regime, lets go home guys!" Mutiny at the front
  19. More cannon fodder, better to stay in Russia and revolt ‘We were completely exposed’: Russian conscripts say hundreds killed in attack “I saw men being ripped apart in front of me, most of our unit is gone, destroyed. It was hell,” he said, adding that his unit’s commanders abandoned them just before the shelling started. “We were completely exposed, we had no idea what to do. Hundreds of us died,” said the second soldier, who asked to remain anonymous. “Two weeks of training doesn’t prepare you for this,” he said, referring to the limited military training conscripts received prior to being sent to Ukraine. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/07/we-were-completely-exposed-russian-conscripts-say-hundreds-killed-in-attack
  20. This was back in Sept when most believed in Biden's recent remarks, lets see how this plays out now: Majority sees Trump MAGA movement as threat to democracy: poll A majority of Americans believe former President Trump and his “Make America Great Again” movement poses a threat to democracy, according to a new Reuters-Ipsos poll. One in 4 Republicans agreed that the party’s MAGA wing is a threat to democracy, while 60 percent said they don’t believe Trump’s movement represents the majority of their party, the poll said. https://thehill.com/homenews/3634006-majority-sees-trump-maga-movement-as-threat-to-democracy-poll/
  21. Well the head of Wagner did warn and say this: Yevgeniy Prigozhin paces about a large group of prisoners, giving them the hard sell on joining the Russian war effort. He offers them a deal: six months of service in return for a pardon for their crimes. But, should they arrive in Ukraine and refuse to fight, they will be considered deserters and shot. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/wagner-group-exposed-recruiting-russian-prisoners-for-ukraine/ Russia may be ready to shoot its retreating and deserting soldiers in Ukraine, according to Britain's Defense Ministry's daily update on Russia's war on Ukraine. "Due to low morale and reluctance to fight, Russian forces have probably started deploying 'barrier troops' or 'blocking units," Friday's intelligence update said. "These units threaten to shoot their own retreating soldiers in order to compel offensives and have been used in previous conflicts by Russian forces." https://www.voanews.com/a/uk-russia-may-be-ready-to-shoot-retreating-and-deserting-soldiers/6819757.html
  22. The Russian Federation’s Ongoing Aggression Against Ukraine Russia’s desperate attempts to take its frustrations out on civilians will not achieve its desired aims, while Russia has been manufacturing international crises and stoking fear of nuclear weapons usage, Ukraine has continued to heroically liberate its sovereign territory. We cannot allow Russia’s forces to get away with torture, sexual-based violence, and forced deportations, the sooner Ukrainian forces liberate their land, the sooner these bestial practices will end. The United States’ commitment to Ukraine has been and will remain ironclad and we will put an end to this madness. https://osce.usmission.gov/the-russian-federations-ongoing-aggression-against-ukraine-30/
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