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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Seeing as there was no third person then yea pretty easy to conclude it would have been the attacker or Paul. Mocking tone, na just one where its the only response left to people who carry on spreading misinformation even though official statements from police are clear that there was only two people.
  2. DePape already confessed that he broke in to hold Nancy Pelosi hostage and "break her kneecaps." The police were witness to attempted murder but they keep on pushing baseless conspiracy theories, living in a <deleted> up fantasy world.
  3. I can only repeat what I already said about that: Not sure the victim and his family would want a graphic, bloody and attempted murder peace of video making the rounds and going viral just to please a few doubters. Beside which it was only yesterday that this was issued so we not even sure they've seen or heard it yet Members of Pelosi family to hear 911 call and see bodycam footage The court cases are very soon, why not have a little patience? Judge Diane Northway set a hearing for November 4 in San Francisco Superior Court to set a date for the preliminary hearing
  4. Just not interested enough to pursue every link provided. Cool, then I'm happy to correct you as you are the only one who was confused enough to ask
  5. Fact Check-Attack on Paul Pelosi did not involve third person, say officials law enforcement officials told Reuters that Paul Pelosi and the suspect, David DePape, were the only two people at the Pelosi residence when police responded. One Facebook user wrote, “A third person, at the Pelosi’s opened the door for the cops? Getting weirder & weirder” (here).... “We want to make it clear that there were only two people in the home at the time that the police arrived, Mister Pelosi and the suspect,” Jenkins said. “There was no third person present.” https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-pelosi-depape-thirdperson/fact-check-attack-on-paul-pelosi-did-not-involve-third-person-say-officials-idUSL1N31X1VI
  6. Have you ever considered that we may never see the cctv footage of the attack? When its shown in court I suspect it will not be for public viewing. Not sure the victim and his family would want a graphic, bloody and attempted murder peace of video making the rounds and going viral just to please a few doubters.
  7. Every single right wing lie and conspiracy has been debunked chapter and verse by the police and the perpetrator’s own taped confession. There will be no apologies, corrections or retractions from them because they are busy creating new conspiracies.
  8. The last pieces of the original MAGA Pelosi Attack Conspiracies are coming apart. Why were there no security cameras???? There were, they recorded it, and showed the guy breaking in. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/11/01/capitol-police-cameras-caught-break-in-pelosi-home-no-one-was-watching/
  9. Respect, so now that you've read hundreds of pages covering: Summary for Policymakers, Understanding the impacts of 1.5°C global warming above pre-industrial levels and related global emission pathways in the context of strengthening the response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty. Showing how emissions can be brought to zero by mid-century stay within the small remaining carbon budget for limiting global warming to 1.5°C. Why is it necessary and even vital to maintain the global temperature increase below 1.5°C versus higher levels? The feasibility of mitigation and adaptation options. The interactions of climate change and climate responses with sustainable development including sustainable development impacts at 1.5°C and 2°C, the synergies and tradeoffs. You are indeed the go to expert if anyone has any questions.
  10. yea right, lol, 7 different download papers and you read them all, yet claimed only the Executive Summary was there.
  11. The full papers are there for download pdf format, do I really need to hold your hand and guide you through this? https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/
  12. I take it you never read this which I posted for you in this thread: Feel free to dig in: SPECIAL REPORT: GLOBAL WARMING OF 1.5 ºC CH00 Summary for Policymakers https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/
  13. Agreed that exactly why Scientific consensus is important: Do scientists agree on climate change? Yes, the vast majority of actively publishing climate scientists – 97 percent – agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change. https://climate.nasa.gov/faq/17/do-scientists-agree-on-climate-change/
  14. Well the evidence suggests that was always her view, her last appearance there was one of utter disgust for those who were attending
  15. Check the posts I was responding to. The poster claimed Greta may have changed her views, I was making it clear that was not the case at all. That's all.
  16. Russia halted participation in the grain corridor for what it claims was a drone attack carried out with UK specialists (no evidence of course), nothing to do the destination of the ships. Seems to have been a plus move....lol Record Volumes Of Grain Leaving Ukraine Ports Despite Russia's Withdrawal From Export Agreement
  17. New Report - Through six case studies, we show how the Russian military targeted civilian infrastructure in Severodonetsk. It's more verified evidence of how, despite denials, the Kremlin is breaking international law in Ukraine. https://www.info-res.org/post/targeting-severodonetsk-the-relentless-attacks-on-civilian-infrastructure-through-six-case-studies
  18. Calling Putin's bluff. Following on from 12 ships yesterday, today 3 more grain ships left Ukraine ports, despite Russia suspending backing of the scheme. UN coordinating centre says ships movement was agreed by #Ukraine, Turkey & UN, while Russia was "informed." LOL https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63467042 Russia is ready to return to "grain deal" and allow bringing grain out of Ukraine if Kyiv guarantees the safety of the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea, - Russian media
  19. Iran is preparing to send additional weapons including ballistic missiles to Russia to use in Ukraine, western officials say Iran is preparing to send approximately 1,000 additional weapons, including surface-to-surface short range ballistic missiles and more attack drones, to Russia to use in its war against Ukraine, officials from a western country that closely monitors Iran’s weapons program told CNN. The shipment is being closely monitored because it would be the first instance of Iran sending advanced precision guided missiles to Russia, which could give the Kremlin a substantial boost on the battlefield. The last shipment of weapons from Iran to Russia included about 450 drones, officials said, which the Russians have already used to deadly effect in Ukraine. Ukrainian officials said last week that they have shot down more than 300 Iranian drones. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/01/politics/iran-missiles-russia/index.html
  20. How do you know he was in a position to simply walk out of the door? Just because you open a door means nothing if you have an attacker next to you. But the loon has already admitted to wanting to knee cap Nancy and cops witnesses the attempted murder. See what I mean about compelling evidence?
  21. Self defense is a strange phenomina to you? Do you know just how close the attacker was to Pelosi when this occured?
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