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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Your claim was: You on the other hand have reached all your conclusions based on the statement of one police chief. That's just not true and your spreading misinformation again. Look at the many links already provided not going to waste my time providing them again The FBI San Francisco Field Office, the U.S. Capitol Police, and the San Francisco Police Department are investigating the case.
  2. According to the affidavit, the hammer attack occurred as police were closing in on DePape. “DEPAPE stated that they went downstairs to the front door. The police arrived and knocked on the door, and Pelosi ran over and opened it. Pelosi grabbed onto DEPAPE’s hammer, which was in DEPAPE’s hand. At this point in the interview, DEPAPE repeated that DEPAPE did not plan to surrender and that he would go ‘through’ Pelosi,” the documents said. https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/feds-say-suspect-behind-paul-pelosi-hammer-attack-wanted-to-break-nancy-pelosis-kneecaps-so-shed-have-to-be-wheeled-into-congress/
  3. I did: "According to the complaint, minutes after the 911 call, two police officers responded to the Pelosi residence where they encountered Paul Pelosi and DePape struggling over a hammer." Just because added detail is not contained in every report does not mean they don't sinc. So what do you believe was my question?
  4. You on the other hand have reached all your conclusions based on the statement of one police chief. Its not based on the conclusions of just one police chief though is it. Another example of your misinformation. There have been multiple witness statements from all sides. All are in unison with the facts presented.
  5. Not sure if this has been posted before but maybe a timely reminder that this involves real people. From Nancy "Our children, our grandchildren and I are heartbroken and traumatized by the life-threatening attack on our Pop," she wrote. "We are grateful for the quick response of law enforcement and emergency services, and for the life-saving medical care he is receiving. Please know that the outpouring of prayers and warm wishes from so many in the Congress is a comfort to our family and is helping Paul make progress with his recovery." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/paul-pelosi-attack-suspect-target-list-sources-say-nancy-pelosi-husband/
  6. I suggest you wait then because your the one spreading doubt. The rest of us are giving facts
  7. Until then you carry on with deliberately laying doubt despite ALL available credible evidence including from De Pape himself in police interviews yesterday who also stated his intentions for the attack. "During an interview with San Francisco police, David DePape told authorities he decided to break into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's home to hold her hostage and break 'her kneecaps' to teach other members of Congress a lesson." I can see a pattern of denial here and like I stated its absolutely despicable.
  8. “There is absolutely no evidence that Mr. Pelosi knew this man,” San Francisco Police Chief William Scott told CNN in an interview. “As a matter of fact, the evidence indicates the exact opposite.” But the explosion of social media posts discussing the theory shows how quickly conspiracies can spread.
  9. Again, even after corrected from later reports they still believed thier own rubbish. The following day the reports were corrected from other sources, but too late, wild and baseless theories of a homosexual tryst have been making the rounds in conservative forums, even though Pelosi told authorities he had never seen the suspect before. Untrue assertions about how the attacker got in, the list is endless. Its not till today, ie the latest reports already posted that their lies seem to be dying down. Its pretty sad to see such desperation to justify their positions.
  10. What are you talking about. That was a conspiracy theory, the journalist writing it even said its his opinion only. This was his disclaimer: "IMHO--in my humble opinion."
  11. Even when corrected the MAGA nuts still carried on with their conspiracy theories, only after this new information has come out, the facts, they seem to be a little quieter although I see the excuses are now rolling in. Its pretty sad to see such desperation to justify their positions.
  12. What is mixed up about the stories in the latest reports? Why not dissect it in a logical timestamped manner?
  13. Politico made an error that officials since corrected the following day. First of all, the Police did not come in response to an alarm. They come in response to a "wellness check". So someone called them to check on Pelosi." "When he didn't answer the phone, the cops broke the sliding glass door to get in. Pelosi was struggling with the suspect, who was in his underwear. Who called 911 to initiate a wellness check? Either Nancy or her staff, who hadn't hear from Paul all evening and suddenly it's 2 am. Then of course all you need do is check back on your own posting history "I would certainly be keen to see the police body cam footage with my own eyes." Yea I bet you would, having admitted what you like to watch involving hammer attacks to kill people in the dark corners of the web then this will be breeze entertainment for you.
  14. Top European official: if Twitter ignores the law, penalties will 'haunt' Elon Musk COPENHAGEN, Denmark — The European Union's competition czar has a message for Twitter's new boss Elon Musk: We are watching you. Since the Tesla CEO took ownership of the social network last week promising, among other changes, to loosen up rules around what people can post to Twitter, authorities in Europe have been standing by for any signs that Twitter may run afoul of European speech laws. "There is a European rulebook, and you should live by it," said Margrethe Vestager, the European Commission's executive vice president who oversees digital policy for the 27-nation bloc, in her first interview since Musk took over Twitter. https://health.wusf.usf.edu/2022-10-31/top-european-official-if-twitter-ignores-the-law-penalties-will-haunt-elon-musk
  15. From my full post: The attacks were 220 kilometers away from the grain corridor Quite the dilemma for Russia, A grain convoy has left Odesa in defiance of a RU blockade. Proceeding south, the convoy posses a dilemma for Putin: does he attack merchant ships in international waters, or does he back down and permit UKR to resume grain shipments? Hunger games being played by Russia, using food as a weapon but then with the world watching them daily carrying our mass war crimes in Ukraine cities then we can expect nothing else.
  16. That's not what anyone claimed and the question did not even touch on that but then unless I ditto my post there's nothing else to add
  17. Here we go...............the police were wearing body cams but you can find you own links for that and puzzle no more. Next question why not release footage? There is an ongoing investigation, patience.
  18. The attacks were 220 kilometers away from the grain corridor Quite the dilemma for Russia, A grain convoy has left Odesa in defiance of a RU blockade. Proceeding south, the convoy posses a dilemma for Putin: does he attack merchant ships in international waters, or does he back down and permit UKR to resume grain shipments? Hunger games being played by Russia, using food as a weapon but then with the world watching them daily carrying our mass war crimes in Ukraine cities then we can expect nothing else.
  19. Common sense already here. Ukraine war: Two cargo ships leave ports despite Moscow's grain exports deal pullout Earlier, the United Nations, Turkey and Ukraine were said to have decided to continue implementing the grain deal after movement was halted on Sunday, with a transit plan in place for 16 ships on Monday now active. https://www.euronews.com/2022/10/30/ukraine-war-russias-grain-deal-pullout-will-worsen-world-hunger-say-western-leaders I guess the statement by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov warning that continuing grain exports without Russian participation was "hardly feasible" are not stopping it going ahead.
  20. In addition Russia just doesn't seem to learn from history. Bombing Kyiv Into Submission? History Says It Won’t Work. It typically aims to achieve this by forcing those leaders to ask whether the capital’s cultural landmarks and economic functioning are worth putting on the line — and also, especially, by terrorizing the country’s population into moderating their support for the war. But for as long as leaders have pursued this tactic, they have watched it repeatedly fail. More than that, such strikes tend to backfire, deepening the political and public resolve for war that they are meant to erode — even galvanizing the attacked country into stepping up its war aims. https://web.archive.org/web/20221024015725/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/11/world/europe/russia-ukraine-kyiv-bombing.html
  21. More here, debunking of those crazy conspiracy claims. The facts are coming out but they'll be ignored by MAGA Federal affidavit debunks wild far-right conspiracy theories about the attack on Paul Pelosi amplified by Elon Musk, Ted Cruz and Marjorie Taylor Greene "It starts out with these weirdos, and then next thing you know, it's Ted Cruz, and then it's Marge Greene and then it's 50 people in Congress saying it by tomorrow," said criminal defense attorney Ron Filipkowski, who tracks extremists on social media. "It's the case with all these conspiracies." DePape told authorities that he broke in with a hammer through a glass door, according to the affidavit, disproving theories that the glass was broken from the inside. The attacker entered the bedroom where Paul Pelosi was sleeping and said he wanted to talk to "Nancy," according to the affidavit. https://sports.yahoo.com/federal-affidavit-debunks-wild-far-215845547.html Paul Pelosi tried to escape to an elevator equipped with a phone to call 911, San Francisco district attorney said Paul Pelosi tried to escape to an elevator equipped with a phone inside his San Francisco home to call 911 after a suspect broke into the house and entered his bedroom, San Francisco District Attorney Brook Jenkins said in a Monday press conference. The district attorney announced additional charges against David DePape, 42, in connection to the assault against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband. Charges included attempted murder, residential burglary, assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, false imprisonment of an elder, and threats to a public official and their family. https://www.businessinsider.com/paul-pelosi-attack-escape-elevator-home-call-911-da-said-2022-10
  22. Calm down comrade. I know its been taken down from youtube but the tv channel is still available 24/7 in english if you had bothered to actually explore the website. Let me know who your favourite hosts were I'm due a good laugh and I'll send a message to the boss Margarita Simonyan. Her Kremlin paymasters may be able to offer them a bit more blood money. https://www.rt.com/on-air/ https://www.rt.com/where-to-watch/
  23. She was the one who wrote the book that includes 100 experts views, not the publisher. You said she had changed, her views remain the same.
  24. The other aspect to this being that if a relitively small number of people can cause so much hate speech then it only reinforces the need for more effective controls. Otherwise the lesson learned will be for more of the same from aligned groups with intent on causing harm or disruption.
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