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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. & I've already answered you, a mass of guns more than he's ever seen since being in the military. But yes I agree they were fortunately not the brightest sparks at their attempts at insurrection. Since when have these right wing loons been anything other?
  2. Are you being deliberately disingenuous. He testifies to "a mass of guns" He had not seen that many since being in the military.
  3. Terry Cummings told the jury during the second week of the historic seditious conspiracy trial that he traveled to Washington with several members of a group from Florida, bringing his own AR-15 rifle and ammunition box to contribute to the Quick Reaction Force (QRF) allegedly established by the group in a hotel outside the city. “I have not seen that many weapons in one location since I was in the military,”
  4. "THAT is the difference between a riot and an insurrection" No that is the difference between a successful insurrection and a failed one. Had the Oat keepers got all their weapons that they had ready into the building then it could have been much worse.
  5. Total denial. There were hundreds in the building ransacking and smashing offices, looking for Pence with calls to hang him. Even a shout to shoot Nancy Pelosi. It only takes a few loons to cause mayhem. No firearms needed look at what just happened to Paul Pelosi
  6. Like this you mean: On Twitter, Trump said: “South Korea is finding, as I have told them, that their talk of appeasement with North Korea will not work, they (North Korea) only understand one thing!” It was the latest signal that Trump is losing patience with the international community’s response to the increasingly belligerent regime of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Last week, Trump tweeted that “talking is not the answer” in terms of dealing with Pyongyang. On Sunday, Trump also tweeted that North Korea’s “words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous to the United States” https://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea-missiles-trump-idUSKCN1BE0OB
  7. Total false equivalence, it was not a threat at Russia but a general stance on what any head of country with a nuclear arsenal must do if necessary. Truss said the duty was an "important duty of the prime minister", and received a round of applause after saying she would have no problem ordering the use of the UK's nuclear arsenal if necessary. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/audience-liz-truss-ready-press-nuclear-button-unleash-global-annihilation-103552126.html Got anything else?
  8. The blue tick charges are causing some backlash, Musk claims its the only way to raise money to solve the bots and trolls.....................lol Elon Musk reacts to Stephen King saying he won’t pay for Twitter blue check “$20 a month to keep my blue check?” King tweeted. “F–k that, they should pay me.” “We need to pay the bills somehow!” Musk wrote to King. “Twitter cannot rely entirely on advertisers. How about $8?” The company’s most recent earnings report showed a net loss of $270 million — a sharp swing from the $66 million in profit from a year prior. https://nypost.com/2022/11/01/elon-musk-reacts-to-stephen-king-saying-he-wont-pay-for-twitter-blue-check/
  9. You can't get a clearer threat of using nuclear weapons than this. Deputy Chair of Russia’s Security Council, Dmitriy Medvedev, threatened Ukraine with nuclear retaliation for liberating its territory “If Russia doesn’t win, then, apparently, Ukraine will,” said Medvedev. “Ukraine’s goal in the war was stated – the return of all territories that previously belonged to it. Which means seizing them from Russia, this is a threat to the existence of our state, and it means the collapse of Russia as it is today, it is also a direct reason for applying Clause 19 of the Fundamentals of the State Policy of the Russian Federation in the field of nuclear deterrence.” Medvedev's new threats emerged after Russian domestic public opinion was agitated by Moscow’s moves to evacuate its “administration” in occupied Kherson to the eastern bank of Dnipro River, ahead of an expected push by Ukraine’s armed forces to liberate the city. https://english.nv.ua/nation/former-russian-president-threatens-ukraine-with-nukes-news-50280872.html
  10. Sorry Russia, the UN does not believe your constant lies, deceit and conspiracy theories. Ukraine war latest: UN rejects Russia's call for biological weapons investigation The Security Council has rejected a resolution drafted by Russia calling for an investigation into its accusations of Washington's involvement in the alleged development of biological weapons in Ukraine. Russia had officially requested a UN investigation into the accusations, which it has regularly made since the start of its war in Ukraine. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/ukraine-war-latest-un-rejects-russias-call-for-biological-weapons-investigation/ar-AA13Ga5k
  11. In the same vein as the above video report: Grain deal U-turn offers lesson in calling Vladimir Putin’s bluff In the end, Vladimir Putin backed down. Faced with blocking ships carrying grain from Ukraine or tacitly admitting that his threats to do so had been a bluff, the Kremlin leader opted not to rekindle a global food crisis. Russia’s exit from the deal that allowed exports of grain from Ukraine through the Black Sea was weeks in the making, Russia had threatened to do so after an explosion rocked the Crimea Bridge in October, and again after the drone attack on its Black Sea fleet last week. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/02/grain-deal-u-turn-offers-lesson-in-calling-vladimir-putin-bluff
  12. no paywall https://web.archive.org/web/20221102014631/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/01/us/pelosi-attack-depape-arraignment.html
  13. Nancy threatening to punch trump is not exactly comparable especially when that statement was made while she was trapped inside of Captiol Hill while the riots were going on. But if you really want to be fair then don't miss out the many examples of right wing baggage eh.
  14. Trump's got a lot of loon followers, when he spreads conspiracy theories they listen and act. You may have noticed.
  15. As police said in the court filing "in the moment" the attack occurred. Of course he misses that
  16. Once you've seen how it all unfolds please check back as I've not seen one person pushing wild theories that have already been debunked, acknowledge their error, instead all they do is deflect and move onto another detail that can be picked apart despite the overwhelming evidence already there.
  17. Israel to give Ukraine military communication systems - report Korniychuck did welcome Israeli aid "on some technical issues related to defense," pointing to promises by Israeli officials to provide an advanced warning system to help alert civilians of incoming attacks, but pushed that "we are expecting more from Israel of course." https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-721137 Not surprising Israel is softening its approach after comments made by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Putin’s top diplomat sought to justify Moscow’s absurd goal of “de-Nazifying” Ukraine – a baseless portrayal of the country, which is led by a Jewish president – by claiming Adolf Hitler had “Jewish blood” and that “the most ardent anti-Semites are usually Jews.” https://edition.cnn.com/2022/05/04/middleeast/israel-russia-lavrov-comments-mime-intl/index.html
  18. Click the link to the OP, screenshots of his blog posts are contained. You read that from an ex girlfriend spending 10 years in prison for abduction who had a call from a New Yorker journo, anywhere else? Yes thats already been clarified
  19. No they do, its an easy 2 second google search. The following have all been debunked. There was no third person. They did not know each other. He was a right wing loon. He did admit to wanting to kneecap Nancy. The police did witness an attempted murder. Paul did not meet him in a gay bar and bring him home. The list goes on..............
  20. You were the one claiming he's mentally ill, not me, when challenged you now say you don't give a fork. As for who opened the door, they were both right next to each other could have been either of them, who cares? Now tell me what the over whelming evidence in this case is so far?
  21. You don't have to be American to hold the exact same views as the MAGA lies and conspiracy theories, plenty of UK British do the same. Besides my post to you had nothing to do with that. "your the most prominent poster here asking why why why and clutching at straws. Now the only straw you have left is the actual attack scenario as everything else has already been debunked."
  22. Its only been his ex partner who claimed he's mentally ill, do you have any credible links for a formal diagnosis? I guess if you believe this from a call while she's in prison for abduction: “He is mentally ill. He has been mentally ill for a long time,” Taub told ABC7 in a call from the California Institution for Women, where she is serving time after being convicted last year of abducting a 14-year-old boy near his Berkeley high school. Yet you seem to not accept the statements from officials and even the attacker on the attack. Says just about all we need to know about you.
  23. No you obviously can't, your the most prominent poster here asking why why why and clutching at straws. Now the only straw you have left is the actual attack scenario as everything else has already been debunked.
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