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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. The one you edited on.............no, I won't, its not about me its about Russia and Ukraine
  2. Russia cut off gas supplies and clearly said it would not reinstate them until sanctions were lifted. Russia has cut off gas supplies to Europe indefinitely. Here’s what you need to know No problem, Europe has over 90% in reserve now and gas prices are going down
  3. As land ice in Greenland, Antarctica and elsewhere melts, it changes Earth’s gravity field and slightly shifts the direction of Earth’s rotation. This causes uneven changes in sea level across the globe. Each melting ice mass around the world creates its own unique pattern of sea level change in the global ocean. For example, when ice melts in Antarctica, the amount of sea level rise it generates in California and Florida is up to 52 percent greater in those locations than if the global ocean just filled up uniformly, like water in a bathtub. https://climate.nasa.gov/ask-nasa-climate/3002/sea-level-101-part-two-all-sea-level-is-local
  4. Considering you edited your post 10 mins, yes its time stamped after I had already relied forgive me for not believing you.
  5. Global sea levels are rising as a result of human-caused global warming, with recent rates being unprecedented over the past 2,500-plus years. Sea level rise is caused primarily by two factors related to global warming: the added water from melting ice sheets and glaciers, and the expansion of seawater as it warms. https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/sea-level
  6. This is why you are baiting: You added your question as an edit after I had already replied, a dishonest method of debate.
  7. To be fair its the UN security Council that is the major problem and the veto that Russia has, its used it more times than any other country. That's where it needs to be kicked out.
  8. 193 countries that form the UN disagree with you including Russia who is using to promote its conspiracy theories
  9. The UN disagree's with you, probably why you prefer to say: Let them police themselves. Not my business. No one likes an interfering neighbour. Russia’s nuclear threats ‘totally unacceptable’, says UN chief The UN secretary general has issued a strongly worded rebuke to Russia for “totally unacceptable” nuclear threats and denounced its plans to annex parts of Ukraine as a “violation of the UN charter and of international law”.
  10. Your claim: Which I addressed already. For some added context: https://freedomhouse.org/explore-the-map?type=fotn&year=2022 So where did you get this notion from? "Only news sources citing the accepted narrative is allowed (in the west)."
  11. Strange because all news sources are available to research on the web, one of the wonders of freedom in the west.
  12. It seems you are tarring all conservatives with the same brush and also assume the lefties as you call them of doing the same. Perhaps those lefties already know that not all conservatives are MAGA as my poll demonstrated and perhaps they can also #bekind
  13. "Extinction of species is enivitable" Well theres your get out clause then. Others have hope and do things about it.
  14. Good for you. Sit back and relax nobody is forcing you to do anything else. I'll carry on doing what I am doing
  15. Was I trying to make her a scholar or responding to posters calling her an empty head?
  16. Diversion...lol. why did you bring it up then? It was a direct response to your claim.
  17. I pay fees for my daughters international school with over 800 pupils that produces 100% of its own electricity. I drive a hybred car and looking to get ev. I won't bother listing all the other small contributions we try to make.
  18. I don't know any climate warriors in Thailand so you'll have to ask them. I do know plenty of people who agree that the world in its current manmade form is on a path to destruction and rather than sit back and do nothing they help in their own small way.
  19. Wheres all the water coming from then? https://www.epa.gov/climate-indicators/climate-change-indicators-sea-level
  20. Actually most republicans 62% reject MAGA. Its the loons who fall for it. Yes i have links to. https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/meetthepressblog/poll-us-republicans-reject-maga-label-rcna49749
  21. I've occasionally observed that some of the prominent climate denialists or those who just have the attitude that there's no point trying to change things are often those who have already lived their lives, have no children or grandchildren and just don't care about the future. Then there's those that feel it may already be too late but surely its our duty as a human race to attempt to preserve the future. Future generations deserve good ancestors right.
  22. What a terrible experience for the Pelosi's. This loon suffered from some serious online radicalization. Paul Pelosi’s Alleged Attacker Raged About ‘Pedos,’ Shared QAnon Beliefs His blog had dedicated sections for Holocaust denial, climate change denial, transphobia, racism, misogyny, voter fraud conspiracy theories, Second Amendment absolutism, screeds against groomers and “pedos,” and trashing actress Amber Heard, the ex-wife of Johnny Depp. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/david-depape-alleged-paul-pelosi-attacker-shared-qanon-beliefs-1234620507/ I wonder how Marjorie Taylor Greene is feeling now? One post, from January 2019, Greene liked a comment that said “a bullet to the head would be quicker” to remove House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
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