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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Well I'm not surprised you didn't include the republican party then as a fine example of Anti-Semitism and racism.
  2. I would also add any Anti-Semitism and racism from any party including the conservatives but this is not on topic and you know it.
  3. Only 2 days ago he said: ‘I can say anti-Semitic things, and Adidas can’t drop me. Now what?’ ????
  4. Rape definition, unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person
  5. Ukraine alleges Russian dirty bomb deception at nuke plant KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine’s nuclear energy operator said Tuesday that Russian forces were performing secret work at Europe’s largest nuclear power plant, activity that could shed light on Russia’s claims that the Ukrainian military is preparing a “provocation” involving a radioactive device. Energoatom, the Ukrainian state enterprise that operates the country’s four nuclear power plants, said Russian forces have carried out secret construction work over the last week at the occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine. Russian officers controlling the area won’t give access to Ukrainian staff running the plant or monitors from the U.N.’s atomic energy watchdog that would allow them to see what the Russians are doing, Energoatom said Tuesday in a statement. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-kyiv-sergei-shoigu-climate-and-environment-government-politics-6ea801e22edee2d25c1e24d613f18e4a
  6. Difference between Russia and Ukraine Russia threatens to ‘reassess collaboration’ with UN chief over drone inspection Russia has threatened that it will reassess cooperation with the United Nations secretary general, António Guterres, if he sends United Nations experts to Ukraine to inspect drones that western powers say were made in Iran and used by Moscow in violation of a UN resolution. UN nuclear watchdog to revisit sites amid Russia 'dirty bomb' claim The UN's nuclear watchdog IAEA says its inspectors have regularly visited two sites in Ukraine at the centre of Russian claims that Kyiv is preparing a so-called dirty bomb. Inspectors would return in the coming days following a Ukrainian request, director general Rafael Grossi said.
  7. He was referring to late abortions where its almost always due to a medical reason for the safety of the mother or if the foetus has a severe abnormality that would limit their life or have a significant physical or mental impact. As for all the others the links to that have already been supplied. Its also worth noting that about Half of U.S. Abortion Patients Report Using Contraception in the Month They Became Pregnant. Contraceptive methods are highly effective at preventing unintended pregnancies, but no method—and no user—is perfect.
  8. "in the USA they want it to happen even minutes before birth, how sick is that?" Not as sick as you sprouting such a lie
  9. More amateur propaganda by Russia using fake images claiming they're from Ukraine to justify their accusations. The bottom tweet
  10. More baseless nuclear rhetoric from Russia, anything to distract from their dismal failures, attempting to sow fear and possible false flag operations. Again no evidence presented on this, oh wait, they did try this as justification, using an old image from 2016 as evidence. Crop the image they've used do an image source search and its a widely used image dating back to at least 2016 and used on various websites. https://twitter.com/mfa_russia/status/1584547788335251462 Here's some old sources for the image: Link to above https://www.atomic-energy.ru/news/2016/03/10/64024 Or another, this time the image is used as an example of appropriate handling of medical waste: https://medicalwaste.org.ly/التعامل-وجمع-نفايات-الرعاية-الصحية/
  11. I'd also call that nuts if it were true but its not. This is also not about right or left wing, its about Thailand and its pledge to its constitutional principle that an individual has rights and liberties over their life and body.
  12. Here's the video clip of his disturbing rant. As you say it gets to something when even RT suspend a host for their rhetoric although Margarita Simonyan, RT News boss can be just as sick with her previous genocidal and nuclear rhetoric.
  13. Good move. Although this will not make a huge amount of difference as those seeking abortions in this period are normally due to medical reasons and the expert medical opinion needed helps to determine that and whether it is necessary. Currently 92.7% of abortions were performed at below 13 weeks, with 65 percent occurring within the first eight weeks.
  14. Absolutely, more needs to be done there. I saw a BBC doc the other day on how healthy Japan is, apart from one Island where obesity is rife. The cause of this was the US forces there and the huge amount of Mcdonalds and fast food outlets springing up, yes and plenty of large bill boards advertising fast food outlets Japanese get a taste for Western food and fall victim to obesity and early death https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/3342882/Japanese-get-a-taste-for-Western-food-and-fall-victim-to-obesity-and-early-death.html
  15. Its not a resounding success that's for sure but unless you want total government control over what you can and cannot eat then what do you suggest. People at the end of the day have freedom of choice and personal responsibility last time I looked.
  16. and another Russian warplane just went down in Russia.............lol
  17. Logan and Marjorie Green would make a fine duo.........???? Lunatics running the asylum. Oh wait, Trump apparently talked about having Greene as his running mate. For months, Trump has 'repeatedly' discussed choosing Marjorie Taylor Greene as his 2024 running mate
  18. wiggle room, really. Link to that? Your daughter is also only 13, oh wait more wiggle room I suppose
  19. My takeaway quote from that article: “The loss of Kherson will turn all those southern dreams by the Kremlin into dust,” From the Ukraine current offense to take it, here's yesterdays update, all going ahead nicely: Russian forces continued to withdraw from western Kherson Oblast while preparing to conduct delaying actions that will likely be only partially effective, the Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russian forces have completely abandoned their positions in Charivne and Chkalove (both approximately 33km northwest of Nova Kakhovka), and Russian officers and medics have reportedly evacuated from Beryslav.[i] The Ukrainian General Staff added that Russian forces are also removing patients from the Kakhovka Hospital on the eastern bank of the Dnipro River, likely to free up hospital beds for Russian military casualties that may result from the withdrawal across the river.[ii] The Ukrainian General Staff noted that some Russian elements are preparing Kherson City for urban combat, while other servicemembers continue to flee the city via the ferry operating in the vicinity of the Antonivsky Bridge. https://www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-october-22
  20. I suggest you read up on good parenting, child development, sexual and emotional development in children & adolescents before you claim a 13 year old is ready and mature enough for sexual relations. Not to mention the legality. 'if you have sex, you'll be back in the village speech" are not the only consequences.
  21. Ukrainians are not scared, they are angry. Apparently the bombardment today has been the worst ever. Russia's version of holodomor U.S. sees no evidence Russia is interested in ending Ukraine aggression - Blinken https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/us-sees-no-evidence-russia-is-interested-ending-ukraine-aggression-blinken-2022-10-21/ Ukraine state energy company on today’s Russian missile attack: “The scale of damage is comparable or may exceed the consequences of the attack on Oct. 10-12.” Power outages in Kyiv, Chernihiv, Cherkasy, Zhytomyr, Sumy, Kharkiv, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kirovohrad. Deliberate strikes on Ukraine’s critical civilian infrastructure are part of Russia’s genocide of Ukrainians. Article 2(c) of the Genocide Convention: “Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”. In Lutsk, an energy facility that was hit by Russian missiles was actually destroyed. "Damage to the energy facility that was hit is critical. In fact, it has been destroyed. It is currently impossible to restore it. It was hit by three Kh-101 missiles," - Mayor Ihor Polishchuk. Ukraine war: Russia air strikes target more power facilities Air strikes have hit critical infrastructure in central and western Ukraine, as Russia continues to target the country's energy grid. Sites to the south and west of Kyiv have been struck and power cuts have been reported across the country. Ukrainian officials say many Russian cruise missiles have been intercepted by air defence systems. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63357393
  22. Right, so there will also be many other examples of inappropriate behaviour by adults who are supposed to be looking after their children responsibly. Highlighting cases that are outliners are not what you implied at all. I have a 14 year old daughter right now, I also looked after my other daughter when she was 14. They are not ready for a sexual relationship and certainly not marriage.
  23. Your kidding me, when's the last time you brought up a 13 or even 14 year old daughter, they are not ready for marriage or a sexual relationship, I can assure that is not the case in the vast majority of countries and certainly not in the US or UK.
  24. Whats relevant in one country is relevant in another, its the same initiatives that work or not as the case may be.
  25. He was mocking your diagnosis. While the trauma can have lasting effects you are the one claiming "it started a spiral into conspiracy and eventual paranoia that has led to her current state." Has anybody of the medical profession also agreed with that diagnosis or even a jounalist?
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