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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. "Western military officials estimate Ukraine could take Kherson up to the Dnipro as soon as next week." https://www.ft.com/content/79ee35bf-08ca-4b58-aa29-fa02825e6585 My only concern with this being the evacuations that they are doing in Kherson and the real possibility that they will kidnap more civilians and children to take them to Russian controlled areas or Russia. How Moscow Grabs Ukraine kids and makes them Russians Russia’s open effort to adopt Ukrainian children and bring them up as Russian is already well underway, in one of the most explosive issues of the war, an Associated Press investigation shows. Thousands of children have been found in the basements of war-torn cities like Mariupol and at orphanages in the Russian-backed separatist territories of Donbas. They include those whose parents were killed by Russian shelling as well as others in institutions or with foster families, known as “children of the state.” https://apnews.com/article/ukrainian-children-russia-7493cb22c9086c6293c1ac7986d85ef6
  2. No fact and actually it could well have been Ukraine: Other outcomes were possible. As of December 1991, although nobody pursued the possibility at the time: two UN Members besides Russia were also, in principle, suitable to fill the USSR Security Council seat. Ukraine and Belarus had both been Union Republics of the USSR — and both were also “original Members” of the UN, i.e., founding member states. https://cepa.org/article/expelling-russia-from-the-un-security-council-a-how-to-guide/ Helsinki Commission Recommends Kicking Russia Off U.N. Security Council https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/10/13/helsinki-commission-recommends-kicking-russia-off-u-n-security-council/
  3. Have comfort that you have Syria, Nicaragua, Belarus, and North Korea on your side. In the meantime keep on promoting Putin's favourite nuclear narrative to instill fear in you.
  4. Putin’s statements that the power in Ukraine is controlled by neo-Nazis is blatant falsehood. As any other country, Ukraine has some problems with far-right movements. In Russia itself, there are no fewer ultra-right, Neo-Nazi and nationalist, sharply xenophobic groups and organizations close to them in spirit. Moreover, there are people today in the Russian circles of power who used to openly back extremely nationalist views and participated in the infamous “Russian Marches.” https://www.eupoliticalreport.eu/russia-is-the-worlds-breeding-ground-for-neo-nazi-culture/
  5. How convinient to ignore Russias massive military complex the ones that started the illegal invasion
  6. The military industrial complex of Russia is doing very well, so well they've nearly run out of supplies and beefing up their output. Along with the supplies they get from North Korea, Iran and Belarus they are all very happy and rich as you insinuate for some weird reason. The dead would not be dead if Russia had not invaded, the tortured and raped, the children killed and kidnapped. Ukraine and its people have made the decision to defend their home. Even with the recent missile strikes history which should tell Putin that this does not work, all it does is unite the people even more.
  7. Too many and the Ukrainians have even more resolve to carry on until their home is liberated.
  8. Ukraine is not ceding territory, quite the opposite, reclaiming more and more daily.
  9. 119 countries did vote in the UN condemning Myanmar although Russia is still supplying them with weapons as it carries out its genocide but this is about Thailand
  10. NATO to hold nuclear exercise despite Russian warnings BRUSSELS (AP) — NATO will push ahead with long-planned nuclear exercises next week despite rising tensions over the war in Ukraine and President Vladimir Putin’s insistence that he is not bluffing about using all available means to defend Russian territory, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Tuesday. The exercise, dubbed “Steadfast Noon,” is held annually and usually runs for about one week. It involves fighter jets capable of carrying nuclear warheads but does not involve any live bombs. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-putin-nato-jens-stoltenberg-b922486609ba5cf10ad23bbabc0c9b9f EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell said that the people supporting Ukraine, the EU, its member states, the U.S., and NATO are “not bluffing” when speaking about the response in case Russia uses nuclear weapons against Ukraine.
  11. I know all about the Minsk agreements but you need to do much better than that. A major blockage to those agreements were Russia’s insistence that it is not a party to the conflict and therefore is not bound by its terms.
  12. If Mr Trump does not comply with the summons, known as a subpoena, he could face criminal charges and imprisonment. The subpoena is expected to be issued in the coming days, and include a deadline for when Mr Trump must either comply or face punishment. His former political strategist, Steve Bannon, also flouted a similar legal summons from the select committee to testify, and he was found guilty in July of criminal contempt of Congress. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-63251303
  13. that's one way to avoid substantiating your claims, the other is to provide credible links, oh you won't find those on RT news.........
  14. won't find what exactly, you've spewed so much unsubstantiated nonsense its hard to keep up.
  15. Why do I need disprove what the article said? I accept it at face value.............."dude" Here's another quote from it: "To be clear, the Kremlin’s claims that Ukraine is a hornets’ nest of fascists are false: far-right parties performed poorly in Ukraine’s last parliamentary elections, and Ukrainians reacted with alarm to the National Militia’s demonstration in Kiev." How Russia Uses Neo-Nazi Groups to Spread Chaos Russian Imperial Movement” or RIM. Analysts say RIM is among several ultra-nationalist and white-supremacist groups used by the Kremlin
  16. Also confirmed by BBC Russian-installed Kherson governor tells residents to evacuate Vladimir Saldo, the Russian-installed governor of southern Ukraine's Kherson region, has asked residents to evacuate as fighting between Russian and advancing Ukrainian forces nears, Reuters reports. Saldo also publicly asked for assistance from Moscow on Telegram with transporting civilians to Russia. Kherson is one of four areas where Moscow-installed officials held so-called referendums last month to claim support for annexation. The votes have been denounced as a sham by Ukraine's government and its allies.
  17. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted a resolution calling the Russian Federation a "terrorist regime". https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1580529438844137478 99 member countries in favour & only 1 abstention https://twitter.com/PACE_News https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/10/13/7371797/
  18. The offense still on course: #BREAKING Moscow-installed head of Ukraine's Kherson region asks Russia to evacuate locals https://twitter.com/AFP/status/1580530037421244416
  19. Both of your claims are totally untrue and misinformation. False that there were 14,000 deaths caused by Ukraine bombardment (source) and false that all the areas being annexed are mainly populated by Russians. Kherson is Ukrainians – 82.0% ; Russians – 14.1%
  20. I'll cite whatever source I care to, the Guardian is sourcing and links to the UN report you really should try to get past your own bias and not make assumptions on other peoples intelligence.
  21. It wasn't invited to carry out war crimes though was it: Russia committed war crimes in Syria, finds UN report The country was also blamed for indiscriminate attacks in civilian areas without ‘a specific military objective’ Or in Africa: Russian mercenaries behind Central African Republic atrocities - HRW Now Ukraine
  22. Russia's also partial to having several military operations going on at one time in the world. The Wagner Group is in military operations across at least half a dozen African nations. Of course the Russians are also in Syria and Libya. Then we have its illegal invasion of Ukraine
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