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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Isn't Mike Flynn the one that claimed covid vaccines were being planted in salad dressing. Lol. A true loon
  2. Where I am is irrelevant. Apart from your own government initatives together with schools and the food industry, what do you suggest?
  3. Well I gave you a link to the school curriculum in your country that promotes healthy eating lifestyle but your respone was some kids play truant. If schools could fix this problem in a perfect world then we could also tell them to fix drug abuse, violence, anti social behaviour and release any responsibilty from parents, guardians, communities, society, goverments. So you previous claim that it was the schools fault would then be correct. In the real world schools form a part of this but so do many other people responsible for the welfare of society. We all have a part to play.
  4. I was responding to your claim that it was the schools fault and made it clear that is just a small part of it. However @Bluespunk explained it much better than me.
  5. Ukraine war: US and Russian defence ministers discuss Ukraine in rare talks The US and Russian defence secretaries have spoken in a phone call, in a rare moment of high-level contact between the two countries since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, its is the first time they have spoken since a call on 13 May. After Friday's call, Pentagon press secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder told the BBC that the US was "eager to keep lines of communication open". "It has been since May since the two gentlemen spoke, so Secretary Austin took today as an opportunity to connect with Minister Shoigu," he said. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63348743
  6. The way Russia's going they are the ones kicking themselves out of the UN, throwing a hissy fit, also known as spitting out the dummy. It would be comical had they not been so devastating to see their own duma members and media hosts admitting to having and buying Iranian drones while others deny it. They are relishing their purchase on this vid even talking about setting up manufacturing partnerships with Iran A great hot mic moment: the expert, member of the Russian Defense Ministry's Public Council, urges the hosts not to mention that the drones used in recent strikes are Iranian, since the authorities refuse to admit that: "It's like an as* — you have it, but don't say the word."
  7. Plenty of overweight kids in all developed and developing countries, its not just about schools, that's just one part.
  8. It would be good, I agree: ‘If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth?’ Trump said — years after invoking it himself https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/05/23/if-youre-innocent-why-are-you-taking-the-fifth-trump-said-years-after-invoking-it-himself/
  9. Unless he takes the 5th I believe his lawyers will be the ones regretting it
  10. My whole point exactly, escalation by Russia trying to bring in other countries to invade Ukraine as just one real world example, not a posters rhetoric
  11. Promoting healthy lifestyles We've developed resources in consultation with the Ministry of Health to assist schools and early childhood education services to promote healthy lifestyles. https://www.education.govt.nz/school/health-safety-and-wellbeing/student-and-staff-health/why-promote-healthy-lifestyles/
  12. Yet you do choose to challenge some posters and get exercised when you falsely claim they want to start WW3
  13. Yet again you miss the point of what deliberate escalation by Russia drawing in Belarus can mean.
  14. Its an interesting thought, particularly since just 4 days ago China told its citizens to get out of Ukraine, personally don't think it will happen but thinking is not good enough, no doubt those higher up officials in NATO and the rest of the alliance are making plans for this just in case. Perhaps one of the reasons that the UK defence secretary visited the US yesterday in a rushed visit?
  15. Monstrous ghouls, the lot of them. Publicly calling for more mass war crimes committed against the people of Ukraine.
  16. More threats by Russia to deny the truth, this time directed towards the UN Russia to review working with U.N. chief if he inspects drones in Ukraine UNITED NATIONS, Oct 19 (Reuters) - Russia said on Wednesday that it will reassess cooperation with U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres if he sends experts to Ukraine to inspect drones that Western powers say were made in Iran and used by Moscow in violation of a U.N. resolution. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-review-working-with-un-chief-if-he-inspects-drones-ukraine-2022-10-19/
  17. Russia's leverage lives on in Madagascar? ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar — The Russians were hard to miss, they appeared suddenly last year in Madagascar’s traffic-snarled capital, carrying backpacks stuffed with cash and campaign swag decorated with the name of Madagascar’s president. It was one of Russia’s most overt attempts at election interference to date. Working from their headquarters in a resort hotel, the Russians published their own newspaper in the local language and hired students to write fawning articles about the president to help him win another term. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/11/world/africa/russia-madagascar-election.html no paywall source
  18. Trump Jan. 6 subpoena: New poll shows 60% of Americans believe former president should testify A new poll released by Monmouth University on Wednesday showed that 60% of Americans feel that former President Donald Trump should testify before the Jan. 6 House special committee. Just one-third of the public — 34% — says he should not have to appear, which includes 67% of Republicans. https://news.yahoo.com/trump-jan-6-subpoena-poll-165159247.html
  19. Looks like its going to be out of action for quite some time:
  20. That's one way of shrugging off the message, nobody actually believes Russian media but they certainly have that rhetoric, the same as they had the rhetoric of striking the west with nuclear weapons. However the evidence is plain that Russia would like Belarus to join with them, they have gone as far as sending 9,000 Russian troops to Belarus to join there forces there. If Belarus does happen to get directly involved on top of allowing Russia to use its country to attack Ukraine then that is a very clear escalation of the war promoted by Russia. Whats the response, can another non NATO country join the war against Russia and help Ukraine, can Ukraine strike Belarus to defend itself. Your obviously not seeing what the overall picture here is aside from laughing it off. Fears of joint attack on Ukraine as more Russian troops arrive in Belarus https://www.euronews.com/2022/10/19/fears-of-joint-attack-on-ukraine-as-more-russian-troops-arrive-in-belarus
  21. That's certainly not the evidence demonstrated by Russia so far and they have already delcared openly in Russian media that they are already in WW3 with NATO
  22. That's a dilemma but its one brought about by Russia's own actions. Its not only NATO either providing military aid, other countries such as your own NZ, Australia and such are also assisting. Russia is directly attacking Ukraine from within its own borders, especially Belgorod. We know that Ukraine has struck various targets there already and continues to do so. Russia is also launching missiles to strike Ukraine from Belarus, we know that Russia is actively trying to get Belarus to join them in its war on Ukraine. WW# is a concept Russia seems to be promoting. Now we have the drone strikes, with many launch bases and stocks in Crimea, with Iranian military trainers on the ground there helping Russian forces The Wests dilemma is its response. So far not rising to the bait.
  23. Federal Judge Concludes Trump Lied About Voter Fraud ‘Both in Court and to the Public,’ Applies Crime-Fraud Exception to Docs Held by John Eastman Former President Donald Trump knew that voter fraud numbers that he cited were false but continued to tout them “both in court and to the public,” a federal judge ruled on Wednesday. On top of ratcheting up the pressure on the 45th president, the decision means that Trump’s lawyer John Eastman cannot shield 33 of the documents for which he sought protection. Eight of those were ordered released under the crime-fraud exception. https://lawandcrime.com/federal-court/federal-judge-applies-crime-fraud-exception-to-8-privileged-emails-john-eastman-wanted-shielded-from-jan-6-committee/
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