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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Putin had an embarrassing moment in Kazakhstan At the summit in Astana, President of Tajikistan Rahmon addressed Putin: "Please do not relate to the countries of Central Asia as the former USSR!" ???? not many places want Russia
  2. The evacuation of Kherson has officially started. Ukraine war: Russia begins evacuation from Kherson in south Tens of thousands of civilians and Russian-appointed officials are being moved out of Ukraine's southern Kherson region ahead of a Ukrainian offensive, says the Russia-installed local leader. Vladimir Saldo said 50-60,000 civilians would leave four towns on the west bank of the Dnieper river in an "organised, gradual displacement". All Russian-appointed departments in Kherson city would cross the river too, Russian TV footage showed a number of people gathering near the Dnieper. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63311744 In a separate development an interesting meeting in the US with the UK defense secretary? Defence Secretary @BWallaceMP is in the US on a seemingly hastily-arranged trip. Fellow minister @JSHeappey hinted at what it’s about: “To have the sort of conversations that… beyond belief really the fact we are at a time when these sorts of conversations are necessary”
  3. Not a lot of good annexing 4 territories in a scam referendum when you get pushed out FOREVER. I see the Russian Embassy in Poland has just been annexed.....lol Annexations are in this season," the organisers said in a statement, referring to Moscow's recent claim to have annexed four Ukrainian regions following referendums dismissed as a "sham" by the West. "We decided to go down that road and organise a referendum on the annexation of the Russian embassy... in Warsaw." The queue to cast a vote extended down the street housing the palatial Russian embassy, in front of which the ballot box had been placed. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20221015-polish-ngos-stage-mock-vote-on-annexing-russian-embassy
  4. Iranians in Crimea helping with the drone attacks Current and former US officials confirmed to the New York Times on October 18 that members of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) are in Russian-occupied Crimea to train Russian forces on how to use the Iranian drones they purchased, thereby enabling likely Russian war crimes.[5] ISW had assessed on October 12 that any Iranian personnel in Ukraine were likely IRGC drone trainers.[6] The New York Times reported that it remains unclear whether Iranian trainers are flying the drones themselves, or merely teaching Russian forces how to do so. https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-october-18
  5. 8 month in now to the illegal invasion and Russian forces show no signs of improvement and a worsening situation, latest UK Defense update "Eight months into the invasion, major elements of Russia’s military leadership are increasingly dysfunctional. At the tactical level, there is almost certainly a worsening shortage of capable Russian junior officers to organise and lead newly mobilised reservists. Poor lower-level leadership is likely worsening the low morale and poor unit cohesion in many parts of the Russian force. Four of the five generals with direct operational command of elements of the invasion in February 2022 have now been dismissed. Their replacements have so far done little to improve Russia’s battlefield performance. The lack of command continuity will likely be more disruptive than in a Western military because under Russian doctrine the development of plans sits largely with the commander personally, rather than as a collective effort across a broader staff." https://twitter.com/DefenceHQ/status/1582598944600731651
  6. Read the report and the witness statements, I can't do that for you. Please do not try to justify war crimes on a mass scale.
  7. "It doesn't make Tucker some right wing zealot." True, he's already a right wing zealot, no need to appear on Russian tv for that
  8. Last time Putin left Russia was a trip to Iran with his buddies there, managed to get himself stocked up with drones and missiles. Thailand? A couple of subs with no engines, nah
  9. The Russians love Tucker, we are talking about the same one right? The one that regularly has segments shown on Russian state TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJabseVzB_U
  10. ????Not long to go now, even Putin's new Ukraine General speaking out about Kherson. Ukraine war: Russia admits Kherson 'tense' under shelling The commander of Russian forces in Ukraine says the situation in the southern city of Kherson is "difficult" and residents are to be evacuated, his rare admission of big problems was echoed by a top local official. Russian-installed regional official Kirill Stremousov warned Kherson residents that "in the very near future" Ukrainian troops would launch an assault on the city. "Please take my words seriously - I'm talking about evacuating as quickly as possible," he said on the Telegram messaging service, he added that people on the River Dnieper's west bank (called Dnipro in Ukraine) were most at risk. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63309095
  11. I take it you can read English? I also take it the link to the vid you watched of Putin is still non existent?
  12. "We’ll kill as many as we have to: 1 million, 5 million, or exterminate all of you.” The Russian Federation’s Ongoing Aggression Against Ukraine As we take stock of the horrific attacks against civilian infrastructure in Ukraine over the course of the last week, we must never lose sight of the fact that the Kremlin’s aim from the very beginning of this war – in fact before it even launched the war on February 24 of this year – was to eliminate democratic Ukraine as an independent state with its own national identity and replace it with a Russian-imposed one. This is the purpose of Russia’s “filtration” operations, the essence of its so-called “de-Nazification” goals, and the rationale for its re-education policies in the areas of Ukraine it temporarily controls. One of Russia’s proxy officials in the so-called “DNR,” Pavel Gubarev, has articulated this aim rather succinctly. Addressing the people of Ukraine in a video posted this week, he said “We aren’t coming to kill you, but to convince you. But if you don’t want to be convinced, we’ll kill you. We’ll kill as many as we have to: 1 million, 5 million, or exterminate all of you.” https://osce.usmission.gov/the-russian-federations-ongoing-aggression-against-ukraine-27/
  13. What point are you trying to make? Of course the war would stop if Ukraine ran out of weapons.............???? It would also stop if Russia ran out of weapons It would also stop if Russia stopped its illegal invasion
  14. Its not just TV hosts though is it, if you really want to see the plans for Ukraine then listen to: Deputy Defense Committee Chairman Vladimir Shamanov Post a few pages back with his video interview here
  15. Where are you getting your information from that these are valid targets? Russia destroys power and water infrastructure across Ukraine https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russian-suicide-drones-strike-terror-ukraine-us-warns-war-crimes-2022-10-18/ “Damage to key power stations and lines ahead of the upcoming winter raises further concerns for the protection of civilians and in particular the impact on vulnerable populations,” Ravina Shamdasani told reporters at a U.N. briefing in Geneva. “Attacks targeting civilians and objects indispensable to the survival of civilians are prohibited under international humanitarian law.” https://news.wttw.com/2022/10/11/un-g7-decry-russian-attack-ukraine-possible-war-crime Article 51: Targeting Waters or Water Installations 1. Combatants shall not, for military purposes or as reprisals, destroy or divert waters, or destroy water installations, if such actions would cause disproportionate suffering to civilians. https://casebook.icrc.org/case-study/water-and-armed-conflicts#:~:text=1.,cause disproportionate suffering to civilians.
  16. Lets see, how can Russia dictate to the west not to supply military equipment? Then threaten to target shipments?
  17. All over twitter, more drone attacks happening now in Kyiv. Time for the west to step up with longer range missile systems, further sanctions against Iran are not enough. How about introducing ATACMS to take out the launch sites? Its obvious Putin has forged a close relationship with Iran. His visit there in July was only his second international visit since the invasion. At the meeting Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Tehran and Moscow should strengthen their ties, and suggested that the West was to blame for the war in Ukraine. "If you did not take the initiative, the other side would have caused the war with its own initiative," Mr Khamenei told Mr Putin. Ukraine war: US says Iranian drones breach sanctions The US agrees with the French and British assessment that the drones violate UN Security Council Resolution 2231, the US State Department said. That resolution, linked to Iran's nuclear accord, bars Iranian transfers of certain military technologies. Ukraine has identified the drones - or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) - as Iranian Shahed-136 weapons. They are called kamikaze drones after the Japanese fighter pilots who flew suicide missions in World War Two. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63294698 strikes against Ukraine are being framed in context of "retaliation" for its strikes in Belgorod, as though poor "tormented" Russia is simply defending itself. State TV host says Russia will spare no missiles or drones in the run-up to US midterms.
  18. Another home goal for Russia. Russian tower block in flames after deadly warplane crash A military aircraft has crashed in a residential area of the southern Russian town of Yeysk, killing at least four people and injuring up to 25. An apartment block was set on fire and emergency services called in. A nearby school was evacuated, reports say. Russia's Investigative Committee said it had opened a criminal case and sent investigators to the site of the crash, without giving any reasons. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63292320
  19. U.S. to penalize Iran, third parties for missile sales to Russia “We’ve been we’ve been very public warning people about coming sales, including the UAV sales since the summer,” the official said. “Iran has just lied about them, and they’re being caught in their lies.” “Are we going to do more about Iranian military sales to Russia? Absolutely, yes,” the U.S. official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject. “For anybody in the world who is either selling material to Iran that could be used for [unmanned aerial vehicles] or ballistic missiles, or who is involved in flights between Iran and Russia: Do your due diligence, because we are absolutely going to sanction anybody who’s helping Iranians help Russians kill Ukrainians.” https://www.politico.com/news/2022/10/17/iran-russia-missile-sales-00062075
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