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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Would this be a case of Russia abandoning its own territory to a foreign power even though Putin said these regions will be Russian forever? LOL
  2. There's not a democratic institution in the whole world that has complete 100% unity, part of the process of democracy. Its never perfect but they are united in their goals.
  3. Russian threat of using nukes. Part of their strategy to whip up a frenzy of pending doom on Ukraine to cover up their failures. Create fear and doubt, while all the time blaming the west. It never worked the first time and they know it so now they've tried again. This time with a tamer version of tactical nukes. While at the same time claiming Russia is a victim of nuclear blackmail from the west. "the propagandists’ public musings about nuclear security should be considered calmly and with a level head. Part of their intent is to whip up a frenzy and create the impression that the Kremlin and its master are unpredictable and if pushed into a corner, they will be forced to deliver the ultimate strike." https://euvsdisinfo.eu/the-dangerous-case-of-nuclear-corners/
  4. EU divided? Hardly. In the face of Russia's war of aggression as well as Moscow's latest escalation, the European Union stands resolutely with Ukraine and its people. We are unwavering in our support to Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty. Ukraine is exercising its legitimate right to defend itself against the Russian aggression to regain full control of its territory and has the right to liberate occupied territories within its internationally recognised borders. The nuclear threats made by the Kremlin, the military mobilisation and the strategy of seeking to falsely present Ukraine's territory as Russia's and purporting that the war may now be taking place on Russia's territory will not shake our resolve. https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2022/09/30/statement-by-the-members-of-the-european-council/
  5. Nord Stream leaks in Baltic Sea due to blasts equal to 'several hundred kilos' of TNT explosive: Danish-Swedish report to UN Nord Stream 1, which opened in 2011, is co-owned by several European energy companies, but Russian gas giant Gazprom holds a 51% stake
  6. I personally don't see that happening, how can he drop a nuclear bomb onto a country that he claimed to be protecting their citizens? Its all sabre rattling because he's weak and losing. ????
  7. Because Ukraine does not have air superiority: Why the US's A-10 Warthog just isn't the right jet for the war Ukraine is fighting Ukraine doesn't need A-10 Warthogs that are 'slow' and 'vulnerable' to Russian air defenses, military adviser says
  8. That's figured out quite simply, an abstention does not affect the vote as long as there is a majority without a veto. China and India abstained on a vote to condemn Russia's annexation of Ukraine's land just weeks after Putin acknowledged their concerns about the war
  9. Actually the official vote was 10/1 with Russia being the only one to veto, if it had not been for that it would have gone through, India and China abstaining did not make a difference and at least showed they were not supporting the annexation. Its going to the full UN assembly now anyway where there are no vetos
  10. Its not alone, this from Sept 12th: In four days, Ukraine nullified four months of Russia's 'success' Since then they are now reclaiming Yampil and Lyman. With this level of support from the west in terms of military aid and training they can drive Russia out in time. Unless things get really ugly with Putin and his threats of a nuclear option.
  11. Not going to happen imo (unfortunately), however Ukraine doesn't need to join NATO to win. Its doing nicely without it now with the NATO support and from the west. Canada supports Ukraine’s bid to join NATO, Mélanie Joly says In Washington, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly condemned Putin’s latest moves, including “sham” votes this week that were “political theatre” to justify Friday’s “illegitimate” annexations. Joly said Canada supports Ukraine’s bid to join NATO. Blinken was more cautious, saying only there is a “process” to follow for any country seeking to join the western military alliance. https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/2022/09/30/canada-supports-ukraines-bid-to-join-nato-mlanie-joly-says.html
  12. This war will go for as long as it takes for Ukraine to drive the barbarians out.
  13. Annexation is going well then..........lol Zelenskyy thanks Armed Forces for reclaiming Yampil and Lyman: Ukraine takes over initiative in war https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/09/30/7369898/
  14. Israeli intelligence firm @ImageSatIntl has detected an “irregular presence” of Russian TU-160 & TU-95 strategic bombers deployed to Olenya Airbase. The base, on the Kola Peninsula, houses a significant number of military hardware, including tactical & strategic nuclear weapons More here While it is unclear why the bombers have been moved to the airbase, it comes as Russian President Vladimir Putin continues to threaten the West that he could use strategic nuclear weapons, including after he announced a partial mobilization in the country, saying that “this is not a bluff.” Olenya airbase is located on the Kola Peninsula near Murmansk. It houses Russia’s Northern Fleet and a significant number of arms and military hardware, including tactical and strategic nuclear weapons. https://www.jpost.com/international/article-718618
  15. Yes Germany explains it very nicely, just 2 weeks after Biden's statement Germany shelves Nord Stream 2 pipeline “This sounds technical, but it is the necessary administrative step so that no certification of the pipeline can now take place,” Scholz added. “And without this certification, Nord Stream 2 cannot go into operation.” https://www.politico.eu/article/germany-to-stop-nord-stream-2/
  16. Nobody supported Russia in the UN Security Council resolution condemning its Ukraine annexations. Even China abstained. Russia vetoed a UN resolution Friday that would have condemned its referendums in four Ukrainian regions as illegal, declared them invalid and urged all countries not to recognize any annexation of the territory claimed by Moscow. US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said before the vote that in the event of a Russian veto, the US and Albania who sponsored the resolution will take it to the 193-member General Assembly where there are no vetoes https://www.timesofisrael.com/russia-vetoes-security-council-resolution-condemning-its-ukraine-annexations/ China, which has given Russia diplomatic cover since Moscow's February invasion of Ukraine, abstained from the resolution https://web.archive.org/web/20220930210303/https://www.reuters.com/world/us-act-un-friday-russias-proclaimed-annexations-ukraine-blinken-2022-09-30/
  17. Lyman, a town of strategic military importance in Donbass, a major embarrassment for Putin. I've read rumours that a couple of the territories will be announced as "independent territory" rather than Russian. Lets see.
  18. Apparently only a couple of hours to go till Putin makes his big speech with his appetite to redraw the map of the world on the sham annexation of 4 territories. Meanwhile in one of them, Zaporizhzhia, which is not fully controlled by Russia, a convoy of civilians fleeing was shelled killing at least 23 and injuring many more, awful vids on twitter. https://twitter.com/Flash_news_ua/status/1575722729772355586
  19. That depends what age you are and a multitude of underlying conditions that can affect the outcomes. Thailand also happens to be one of the highest Road death countries in the world at around 40 or 50 a day, where as somewhere like the UK it is only around 5 a day
  20. Biden The federal government will also cover the majority of the cost to rebuilding public buildings like schools and state fire stations. And folks in Florida who have destroyed or damaged homes — if you don’t have enough insurance, it means the federal government will provide individual assistance of [up to] $37,900 for home repairs, another $37,900 for lost property — everything from an automobile to a lost wedding ring. And that’s what we mean by “lost property.” https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2022/09/29/remarks-by-president-biden-on-hurricane-ian-and-ongoing-federal-response-efforts/
  21. They've also got some clips in this article, hilarious, a large group of new recruits can't even manage to hold a gun or sling it on their shoulders with a strap..........???? Ukraine Situation Report: ‘Army’ Larger Than Russia’s Invasion Force Likely Fled Mobilization More Russians have likely fled their country in the week since President Vladimir Putin announced mobilization plans than made up the entire force massed to invade Ukraine seven months ago, according to the U.K. Ministry of Defense. "In the seven days since President Putin announced the 'partial mobilization,' there has been a considerable exodus of Russians seeking to evade call-up," the U.K. MoD said in its latest intelligence assessment of the war. "While exact numbers are unclear, it likely exceeds the size of the total invasion force Russia fielded in February 2022." https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/ukraine-situation-report-army-larger-than-russias-invasion-force-likely-fled-mobilization
  22. Chaos is the only word to describe it. Here's another, a contingent of new recruits are told to get their wives and girlfriends to send them sanitary pads and tampons to treat the wounds they'll get. As confirmed in the latest UK defence update:
  23. Bottom of the page, last updated 22nd Sept, lets see when next one is
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