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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Things to seem to come back and bite Trump: - "Anyone being investigated by the FBI is not qualified to be the President of the United States" - dates as your image - "If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?" - 2016 - Trump pleaded the Fifth more than 440 times during his deposition in New York - 2022 - Trump approved a law increasing penalties for mishandling classified info. - 2018 - Not Even the President Can Declassify Nuclear Secrets - The Washington Post reported that the material included “documents relating to nuclear weapons,”
  2. Totally irrelevant argument anyway, any charges laid against him are not reliant on the documents being classified (although they certainly were in my opinion). The warrant statutes make that clear.
  3. Trump’s Shifting Explanations Follow a Familiar Playbook “What he doesn’t have the right to do is possess the documents; they are not his,” Jason R. Baron, a former director of litigation at the National Archives for more than a decade, said. “There should be no presidential records at Mar-a-Lago, whether they are classified or unclassified or subject to executive privilege or subject to attorney-client privilege.” Mr. Bolton, who served as Mr. Trump’s third national security adviser over 17 months, said he had never heard of the standing order that Mr. Trump’s office claimed to have in place. It is, he said, “almost certainly a lie.” https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/14/us/politics/trump-documents-explanations.html non paywall link here
  4. Looks like the netizens on Thai social media did the work of the police. In the meantime the son is on parole and his father the real owner is where? It would be nice to think we'll see him arrested for this but the odds are currently not good. 19 dead so far and others with horrific burns. I would be banned for saying what he deserves
  5. Then spat the dummy out because it wasn't enough, Jan 6 was another failure so he nabbed classified docs and sped away to Mar-a-Lago...........
  6. BREAKING: (1/2) Court on Monday issued an arrest warrant for the father of 27-yr-old Mountain B Pub owner which caught fire & led to 19 deaths. The court believes the real owner was not 27-yr-old Pongsiri Panprasong but his father - 55-yr-old Somyot Panprasong. (2/2) Somyot Panprasong is now wanted for causing deaths and serious injuries through negligence and operating a pub without license.
  7. From none other than Fox News......lol Sources told Fox News that some records could be covered by executive privilege, which gives the president of the United States and other officials within the executive branch the authority to withhold certain sensitive forms of advice and consultation between the president and senior advisers. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fbi-seizes-privileged-trump-records-during-raid-doj-opposes-request-independent-review-sources
  8. "‘The country is on fire. What can I do to reduce the heat?’" Tell the truth
  9. Satire missed you this morning? Reminds me, all those documents he declassified, can anyone now put in freedom of information request and get them all made public?
  10. Trumps new defense? "I have a standing order that any time I commit a crime it’s not a crime."
  11. Bad enough when it was 13 dead when this first occurred but the numbers creep up and now 18 dead because of turning a blind eye to rules and regulations. RIP to the latest victim.
  12. What like Phalit died after bravely pulling Kim from the flames and saving her life before he himself died in the tragedy. A true hero who also died needlessly.
  13. No you didn't, you clearly said this: My sympathies for the other Thai's who were caught up in this tragic affair, whose lives came to an end and for those who will carry on suffering for the rest of their lives are already expressed in the other OP's but here, just did it again for you. Moving on and back to this OP nong kim who will suffer for the rest of her life and have a heavy hospital bill on top. Something the other Thai's luckily do not have. While she should have had insurance that fact is this was criminal negligence at the very least and the very least that should happen is for her to not only be reimbursed but additionally have compensation from the club owners, as should everyone involved, not the measly amount being banded about at the moment. A total disgrace but that's already been covered well in the previous 9 pages.
  14. Check my post history on my posts for the tragic deaths of the Thai's in the 5 other previous OP's on the matter
  15. Death toll now at 18 from the fire: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/18th-victim-of-mountain-b-pub-fire-dies-at-thammasat-u-hospital/
  16. Are you saying that the Justice Department is lying or its dreamed up by the media? "The lawyer signed a statement in June that all documents marked as classified and held in boxes in storage at Mar-a-Lago had been given back. The search at the former president’s home on Monday turned up more. The written declaration was made after a visit on June 3 to Mar-a-Lago by Jay I. Bratt, the top counterintelligence official in the Justice Department’s national security division."
  17. Desperation now setting in. Lets get rid of the Espionage Act, wouldn't that be handy, the very act Trump is being investigated for, Paul Rand today on twitter. "The espionage act was abused from the beginning to jail dissenters of WWI. It is long past time to repeal this egregious affront to the 1st Amendment. Repeal the Espionage Act – The Future of Freedom Foundation"
  18. We all know what you want though don't we... Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is facing intense backlash for indicating support for political violence and pushing wild conspiracy theories and extreme anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic comments before she was elected to Congress. The House voted Thursday evening to remove Greene from her committee assignments. On Wednesday, GOP House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and the Republican Conference declined to take action against the freshman Republican for her violent endorsements and incendiary comments.
  19. Well spitting his dummy out often then I guess you would
  20. "Even if Mr. Trump declassified the information before he left office, none of the three potential crimes cited by the department in seeking the warrant depend on whether a mishandled document has been deemed classified."
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