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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. When you cannot defend the topic matter deflect and derail par for the course so far with your posts: EU Catalogs Renegade Orban’s Dozen Years of Democratic Decay The European Commission’s missive, sent to Budapest on Wednesday, is striking for both its level of detail and its sweep, linking the erosion of the rule of law during Orban’s 12-year rule to graft, the text of the letter, which is dozens of pages long, cites “serious irregularities such as conflict of interest, fraud and corruption, indicative of breaches of the principles of rule of law.” Hungary is the first country targeted under what’s seen as a belated effort by the world’s largest trading bloc to hold renegades to account in the club of democracies. “The continuation of the described facts over more than ten years indicates that there is a continued mismanagement of EU funds and a persistent failure by the Hungarian public authorities to effectively protect the financial interests of the Union,” according to the letter, signed by Budget Commissioner Johannes Hahn on behalf of the EU executive. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-04-29/eu-catalogs-renegade-orban-s-dozen-years-of-democratic-decay
  2. Ukraine hasn't invaded Hungary or is ever likely to is it? If you ever get an indication that it will then do post an OP on it so we can stay on topic
  3. Strange perception. He's a loony podcast owner who made himself a mulit millionaire spreading dangerous conspiracy theories one of which has already cost him over $50 million
  4. I'm afraid Alex expanded on that a little more: Chemicals in the water are turning frogs gay One of Jones’ most notorious conspiracy theories is that the government is using chemicals in order to turn people gay, using a mysterious “gay bomb” devised by the Pentagon. “The reason there’s so many gay people now is because it’s a chemical warfare operation, and I have the government documents where they said they’re going to encourage homosexuality with chemicals so that people don’t have children,” he said on his broadcast in 2010, according to NBC News. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/14/alex-jones-5-most-disturbing-ridiculous-conspiracy-theories.html
  5. Well with Russia at 19/100 then yes its a fight for democracy
  6. The tweet from the professor claiming. "The Insurrection Act requires a formal proclamation in order to be invoked. Trump threatened to use it if state National Guards aren't effective. But vague threats and ambiguous speeches don't cut it. He wants to look tough without actually taking responsibility." Is no longer there, in that string of tweets he made some have already been deleted so that article Longwood50 posted is making a claim based on a deleted tweet https://twitter.com/steve_vladeck/status/1267628693607911424
  7. As should people who question how they were flown or why when its clear they were hijacked along with testimony from cell phone logged calls from flight crew and passengers
  8. Oh just one of many of his extreme conspiracies, here's just a few more: secret government operations behind chemtrails The government has ‘weather weapons’ Chemicals in the water are turning frogs gay Hillary Clinton is running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor Robert Mueller is a demon, and also a pedophile Bush administration had taken part in a staged terror attack 7/11
  9. Fortunately the nonsense that Alex Jones has spewed out is costing him a lot of money and his nutter followers are being asked for donations....????
  10. 9/11 conspiracy theories: How they've evolved https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-14665953
  11. More conspiracy theory nonsense. Why would the security cameras be pointed at the sky? No one expected a domestic jet to crash into government buildings. And why would they release secret videos which would help future attackers to know more about video surveillance? If you know more, then you have the ability to avoid the surveillance. This endangers US troops and defense. There were plenty of photographs of the ensuing damage. There is video of the fire fighters and rescue operations. The earth is round. Evolution is a fact. Vaccines work and save lives. Human caused climate change is real. The WW2 holocaust which killed millions of civilians, including six million Jews is a fact. The footage of the impact they did obtain and release was from a security camera at a parking lot that happened to be facing in the right direction.
  12. Seems your spending some time on conspiracy sites. Security cameras point down at entrances and sidewalks, not up 80 stories at a completely different building.
  13. Terrible example actually, the planes were hijacked that's how.
  14. The situation at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is not getting any better with more evidence and concerns emerging. Zaporizhzhia: Real risk of nuclear disaster in Ukraine - watchdog The UN's nuclear watchdog has called for an immediate end to any military action near Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, warning of a "very real risk of a nuclear disaster". Friday's strikes underline "the very real risk of a nuclear disaster that could threaten public health and the environment in Ukraine and beyond", Mr Grossi said in a statement. "Any military firepower directed at or from the facility would amount to playing with fire, with potentially catastrophic consequences," he added. Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, August 6 A Russian opposition outlet reported that Russian forces are storing explosives and ammunition around the nuclear power plant. The Insider reported on August 5 that a source claimed Russian forces mined the turbine room of energy block 1 of the NPP around August 2.[6] A separate source claimed that about 500 Russian soldiers, as well as armored personnel carriers and anti-aircraft guns, were stationed within the plant and that Russian forces mined the area around the plant. Russian troops deliver unknown cargo to Zaporizhzhia NPP, sources say power plant is mined (video) The Insider's sources at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Energodar, which has been occupied by Russia since March, report suspicious activity of Russian soldiers at the plant. The publication also has video of Russian military trucks pulling onto the plant site and unloading cargoes.
  15. Alex Jones and his "general conspiracy" theories..............here's just a few secret government operations behind chemtrails The government has ‘weather weapons’ Chemicals in the water are turning frogs gay Hillary Clinton is running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor Robert Mueller is a demon, and also a pedophile Bush administration had taken part in a staged terror attack 7/11 All made him a lot of money through his right wing followers
  16. Putin a brilliant strategist. Comedy gold. LOL Thought he'd conquer Ukraine within the week, its over 5 months and he's still bogged down, currently on plan C with D in the rear view mirror. Great ambassador for recruiting more countries into the NATO alliance however ????
  17. Wow the authoritarian leader of an Indiana-sized European country comes to the US and promotes division and turmoil: "Calling for Christian nationalists to “unite forces”, We must take back the institutions in Washington and in Brussels. He described Republicans and Democrats as at war with each other, and called on the right to take lessons from him. “We must find friends and allies in one another. We must coordinate a movement of our troops because we face the same challenge,” he told the audience. Coming elections in the U.S. and in Europe “will define the two fronts in the battle being fought for Western civilization.” No surprise with this really considering Tucker Carlson hosted his Fox show from Budapest for a week last year. The crazies are uniting.
  18. So an apology due on your post below making this false claim, the school mass shooting was 1 year before the stricter laws https://www.npr.org/2022/06/01/1102239642/school-shooting-dunblane-massacre-uvalde-texas-gun-control https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/how-1996-dunblane-massacre-pushed-uk-enact-stricter-gun-laws-180977221/
  19. Are you having problems reading? this is what I claimed: "We all know that and they got a whole lot stricter after the shooting. No mass shootings since" Since you are finding it difficult to follow links: By the following year, Parliament had banned private ownership of most handguns, as well as semi-automatic weapons, and required mandatory registration for shotgun owners. There have been no school shootings in the U.K since then.
  20. I do know but its vering off topic and its all in the article and the links within the article to the sources so try again and stop the pathetic baiting
  21. Thats why i posted the l8nk for you, if you want to research more on your questions then please do so.
  22. We all know that and they got a whole lot stricter after the shooting. No mass shootings since
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