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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. My quote: "His yacht is named as one for seizure" Based on this article: US and allies look to seize Russian oligarchs' megayachts among sanctions for Ukraine war "The 246-foot Cloudbreak, valued at $98 million according to Forbes, is owned by Russian billionaire Alexander Svetakov" https://www.usatoday.com/picture-gallery/news/world/2022/03/04/russia-oligarch-sanctions-superyachts/9367299002/ I'll leave it there for you to debate further amongst yourself
  2. Agree, it the same as Thai's feeling cold when to us its not in anyway cold: Whenever the temperature drops to 23 degrees C (74 degrees F) or lower in Chiang Mai, Thais start to say it's cold. Jackets all come out at 21-22 degrees
  3. I don't think there's a strict incubation period. In my experience it was just two days. A few weeks ago my daughter came down with it, very high fever, 2 days after travelling in a school mini bus with the rest of her football team, 8 players in the bus caught it at the same time after they had been to another school for a match.
  4. Global heat anomaly maps from June 1976 and June 2022 taken from Nasa. https://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/maps/
  5. I can assure you, nothing blows my mind when I read one of your posts especially your constantly resort to flaming
  6. Quote me where I claimed he had been personally sanctioned? The article I linked to clearly states: US and allies look to seize Russian oligarchs' megayachts among sanctions for Ukraine war "The 246-foot Cloudbreak, valued at $98 million according to Forbes, is owned by Russian billionaire Alexander Svetakov"
  7. I'd be a bit careful, nothing on the internet about this so called company "Fleet Talent Management"
  8. Tweet from BBC monitoring reporter ???? A snippet from the vid (paraphrase) "in memory of our son we bought a nice white car so we can go to the cemetery to visit" VIDEO with English subs You couldn't make this up Last night Russian state TV ran a report on the unexpected 'benefits' of having your son killed in Ukraine You can buy a Lada with the compensation given to you by the state!
  9. ???? Yep UN warns of hunger risk as talks stall over Ukraine grain blockade A deal to allow Ukrainian food exports was “essential for hundreds of millions of people in developing countries, including in sub-Saharan Africa”, Guterres said on Wednesday. The war was “threatening to unleash an unprecedented wave of hunger and destitution, leaving social and economic chaos in its wake”, he added. https://www.ft.com/content/5946a436-b27c-49b2-8ced-470442a03e86
  10. The majority or wheat/grain exports from both Russia and Ukraine go to African destinations not the west. ????
  11. Food/wheat exports from Russia are not sanctioned or banned by the west. Russia however did itself make a partial ban on grain exports to keep it for itself Russia has also been stealing wheat and steel from Ukraine along with blocking wheat/grain exports to the world
  12. Probably munitions, Serbia already provides self propelled artillery to Bangladesh https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/Equipment_of_the_Bangladesh_Army
  13. Nah just taking advantage of the new cannabis laws, probably the same as the pilot of the chopper, a little higher than he should have been ????
  14. as the UN Secretary General stated: Today’s report makes clear that the war’s impact on food security, energy and finance is systemic, severe and speeding up. It is amplifying the consequences of the many other crises the world faces: climate, COVID-19 and the severe global inequalities in the resources available for the recovery from the pandemic. https://press.un.org/en/2022/sgsm21314.doc.htm
  15. Damning report in the linked article: "The gunman fired approximately 142 rounds inside the building — and it is “almost certain” that at least 100 shots came before any officer entered" Officials even tried to change the narrative: Document Shows Uvalde Officials Sought Favorable Account of Police Action Top Uvalde officials wanted to highlight the heroics of officers at Robb Elementary. The state police director refused to do so. "in a one-page document, laid out their own version of events, one that praised the officers for initially rushing to the gunfire and saving hundreds of other children in the school. The document prepared by Uvalde officials and labeled “narrative” was obtained by The New York Times after a public information request." https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/15/us/uvalde-police.html
  16. Alexander Svetakov is close to Putin and been on the US official "oligarch list" for a long time. His yacht is named as one for seizure if docking in a supporting country. He's currently trying to sell his private Gulfstream G650 jet. Still up to Thailand, they don't want major headlines and rock the boat yacht over this. I hope he enjoys his hols while Ukraine burns ????
  17. I'd say we have at least one member on here who has taken up the call: Zelensky warns of ‘media terror’ of propaganda, disinformation amid Russian invasion BY JARED GANS - 07/16/22 5:42 PM ET Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky warned against the “media terror” that he says is coming from Russian propaganda and disinformation amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in an address on Saturday. Throughout the war, Russia has mounted an intense disinformation campaign, accusing the Ukrainian government of committing genocide as a false pretense for its invasion and exaggerating Russian military successes. https://thehill.com/policy/international/3562666-zelensky-warns-of-media-terror-of-propaganda-disinformation-amid-russian-invasion/
  18. Your constant misinformation is getting boring: The Reuters article you quoted is online and clearly states it began: DONETSK, Ukraine, Feb 13 (Reuters) - Staff of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which has been monitoring the situation in eastern Ukraine, began to pull out of the rebel-held city of Donetsk on Sunday as fears of a possible Russian invasion grew. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-staff-osce-begins-pullout-donetsk-eastern-ukraine-2022-02-13/ You can also access the same article via this site and it goes onto say: (OSCE), which has been monitoring the situation in eastern Ukraine, began to pull out of the rebel-held city of Donetsk on Sunday as fears of a possible Russian invasion grew. The OSCE said in a statement that "certain participating states" had told their citizens at the mission to leave within the next days. It did not name the countries but said the mission would carry on with its work. https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2022-02-13/u-s-staff-of-osce-begins-pullout-from-donetsk-in-eastern-ukraine In addition on the 24th Feb The OSCE issued its official statement of full evacuation as I stated in a previous post to you: Statement of the Secretary General on the temporary evacuation of OSCE staff from Ukraine VIENNA 24 February 2022 Due to the ongoing fighting and deteriorated security situation in Ukraine, in coordination with the Chairman-in-Office, I have decided to temporarily evacuate all international mission members from Ukraine as soon as possible. https://www.osce.org/secretary-general/512953
  19. Fake Ukrainophobic publications: OSCE and Russian propaganda Back in June, 2015, Ukrainian economic and investigation journalist Andrii Ianitsky, published the post on Facebook informing that Maksim Grigoriev put the propagandistic materials on the tables during OSCE conference “Journalists Safety, Media Freedom and Pluralism in Times of Conflict”. He emphasized that Ukrainian journalists noticed the provocation so the oganisers had to take the “report” away. However, this “report” in English was not deleted from OSCE website. The Foundation for the Study of Democracy is led by Maksim Grigoriev. He is the Chairman of the Coordinating Council for Public Control over Voting at the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation. The organisation started working on discrediting the Ukrainian side in 2013 https://neweuropeans.net/article/3638/fake-ukrainophobic-publications-osce-and-russian-propaganda
  20. The OSCE evacuated because it was unsafe due to the Russian invasion but you know that already. Have you gone through those reports? Do you really know how many civilians have been killed in that 8 year period and by who? in 2014 the Russian backed separatists formed militias with Russian forces, although Russia claimed they were there voluntarily, then took over government buildings. The ensuing chaos and war was brutal. However there have already been far more civilians killed in Ukraine since 24th Feb by the Russians than in the whole of that 8 year period. For the period 2014 through to Dec 2021 the official number (UNHR) of civilians killed was 3,404 with 306 of those being foreign. The vast majority of those deaths were in 2014/15 with the numbers going down each year after. In 2020, 26 civilians were killed and by 2021 it was 25. Links to UN and OSCE sources in the below article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War
  21. OSCE Chairman-in-Office and Secretary General condemn intimidation and detention of OSCE staff in Donetsk and Luhansk WARSAW/VIENNA 25 May 2022 VIENNA/WARSAW, 25 May 2022 - OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Foreign Minister of Poland Zbigniew Rau and OSCE Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid today reiterated their condemnation of persistent allegations against the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) and called for the immediate release of four national Mission members detained in Donetsk and Luhansk. https://www.osce.org/chairmanship/519042
  22. Stop the baiting nonsense, its Ukraine territory that is temporarily in control of Russian murderers, as for your further deflection on the OSCE we've been through that countless times and you know well that Russia refuses to attend their meetings which are damning on the war crimes committed by Russia in this invasion. "Today’s Moscow Mechanism report gives us an opportunity to pull back and document the unconscionable atrocity crimes, human rights violations, and abuses members of Russia’s forces have committed since Russia launched its brutal full-scale invasion in February of this year" https://osce.usmission.gov/response-to-moscow-mechanism-report-on-ukraine/
  23. Use a little logic, its impossible for Ukraine to confirm civilian casualties if any when they happen in Russian controlled territory. Although I'm sure you've been keeping yourself up to date on the Russian propaganda RT, Sputnik and telegram channels.
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