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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. First accurate mercury thermometer was in 1714 before Victorian times
  2. "evidence does not support globally synchronous periods of anomalous cold or warmth over this time frame, and the conventional terms of 'Little Ice Age' and 'Medieval Warm Period' are chiefly documented in describing northern hemisphere trends in hemispheric or global mean temperature changes in past centuries."
  3. The data is derived from a wide variety of sources already posted in this thread, your ignorance in claiming its from "paltry data derived by a few random, desultory, clippers and steam ships" Is just that, ignorance of the facts
  4. The chart source and data is not from the IPCC so how Stephen McIntyre ex board of directors of Southeast Asia Mining Corp and now running the climateaudit.org have fixed it? The original chart is here https://www.climate-lab-book.ac.uk/2020/2019-years/ with added data from here https://www.nature.com/articles/s41561-019-0400-0
  5. Lets face it, 5 months now and Russia has failed to achieve its operational objectives with its illegal invasion, announcing further areas for annexation over and above Donetsk and Luhansk was always there plan from the beginning. With its rag tag military in tatters and resorting to its barbaric indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets reminiscent of its Syria days the war crimes continue daily unabated. Russians May Face First Hague War Crimes Case by End of Year The International Criminal Court is aiming to put forward its first case over alleged Russian war crimes in Ukraine as early as this winter, according to people familiar with the matter. A joint investigations team comprising several European judicial authorities was set up in March to gather evidence of alleged Russian crimes in Ukraine, the office of the prosecutor of the ICC is a participant in the investigative team, whose work is supported by the European Union’s agency for criminal justice cooperation, Eurojust. Separately, the ICC and Ukraine are in talks about Kyiv delivering at least one Russian official -- a prisoner of war -- to the court, according to the people, the Russian official may be willing to testify against senior Russian commanders, the people said. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-20/russians-may-face-first-hague-war-crimes-case-by-end-of-year
  6. Hot on the heels of the RAF statement comes this.....???? They Did It Again: Russia Shoots Down Another Of Its Own Jets — Were They Aiming At An American Rocket? A day after ignominiously shooting down one of their own top-end Su-34M jets, Russian surface-to-air crews seem to have repeated the mistake, this time apparently knocking a Russian Su-35 out of the sky. The loss of an $85m Su-35 is an even bigger embarrassment than the previous loss of a $36m Su-34 bomber. The Su-35 is one of Russia’s most advanced fighters, a ‘supermaneuverable’ evolution of the Su-27 It is packed with advanced sensors and armed with a built-in cannon and twelve hardpoints for air-to-air missiles, and can also attack ground targets. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2022/07/20/they-did-it-again-russia-shoots-down-another-of-its-own-jets--are-american-rockets-confusing-them/
  7. You don't need to use ice cores when in an area that has none in fact just as accurate can be fossils, rocks, isotopes in the sea water, sediment at the bottom of the sea bed. Measuring past climates is complex but with many proxy methods: https://realonomics.net/what-can-fossils-tell-us-about-past-climates/#How_do_we_know_about_past_climates https://www.smithsonianmag.com/blogs/national-museum-of-natural-history/2018/03/23/heres-how-scientists-reconstruct-earths-past-climates/ "Yearly banding is also found in fossilised corals and lake sediment deposits, and each band has a specific chemistry that reflects the temperature when it formed. Growth rings in tree trunks can be wider or thinner depending on the climate at the time of growth, so fossilised trees can reveal the length of growing seasons. And fossilised or frozen pollen grains allow scientists to determine what plants were growing in the past, which can give us a good idea of the climate at the time. Marine sediment cores provide temperature records spanning millions of years. They contain the fossilised shells of tiny marine creatures that preserve a chemical record of the sea temperature when they lived." https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2012/mar/07/past-climate-temperature-proxies
  8. Yes a strategy for the real aim of taking over taking over the whole of Ukriane, this from the Kremilin: "There is “no historical basis” for the “idea of Ukrainian people as a nation separate from the Russians.” However its not going to work and nobody is ignorant enough to believe their statements.
  9. Nope you've not been paying attention, latest statement and this is only what they are admitting to: Lavrov said that while Moscow's aim remains the same - "denazification and demilitarisation" of Ukraine -- the "geography" has changed since Istanbul talks between Moscow and Kyiv in March 2022.
  10. Who said anything about duplicating laws? There currently are no laws is many areas of cannabis use. They are putting those in place now whether you like it or not. New traffic laws in pipeline as cannabis use legalised in Thailand Its like saying we may as well do away with drink driving laws as there not enforced which is also ridiculous. Laws need to be in place, that's what makes a functioning society. I don't think anyone predicted a collapse in society in 6 weeks, that would be quite the extreme scare mongering rhetoric that nobody with logic would use. Even after years of legality in some states in US and other countries, have studies and statistics started to come out on the negative effects. A pity Anutin did not look at those first.
  11. Its sourced from here ???? https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/marijuana-addictive
  12. Should I have also posted this then? Apologies Approximately 1 in 10 people who use marijuana will become addicted. When they start before age 18, the rate of addiction rises to 1 in 6. https://www.samhsa.gov/marijuana
  13. Which is what makes this whole episode such a farce but at least with clarity on regulations/laws then people know where they stand on the legalities because at the moment its virtually a free for all wild west show with no police intervention whatsoever because of the lack of laws. Bus companies are having to tell their drivers not to smoke before coming to work. The DLT is now studying new cannabis regulations for public transport, with similar regulations for all drivers in the pipeline. The biggie for me is clarity on recreational and medical use because latest statements are that recreational use was not intended for legalization. So yes I agree even with regs, how well with they be enforced? Without them however, none are.
  14. Enforcement obviously which did not work in this particular example, besides which its much more than that as my post alluded to. Legislation on medical use only is still going through as are all the other regulations, that's why I called it a balls up. Cart before the horse senario in which the police even have no clue what to do.
  15. Well you stated off saying that this was an opinion piece only, I referred you to the article that yes indeed it is but one based on sources and studies, now your verging on another debate on whether you find a study credible. Here is the source and its a meta analysis which is one of the best, plus peer reviewed: A Review of Cases of Marijuana and Violence Whether you are convinced or not is immaterial to me.
  16. His invasion was not about NATO expansion, if you believe this you have no idea and carried out little research into why he attacked Ukraine
  17. Thats your opinion, but the article as I said cites sources and studies: "But can pot make people violent? A study last year found that young people with mood disorders such as depression who also smoke weed are 3.2 times more likely to self-harm and die from murder – often after starting violence – than those who didn’t. A meta-analysis found that the risk of engaging in violence was more than twice as high among young adults who used marijuana. It is possible that marijuana can trigger dangerous behaviors in adolescents who are absent for other reasons, such as B. prenatal drug exposure, are predisposed to it."
  18. A little sense coming in from his new statement and new OP: BANGKOK (NNT) - Deputy Prime Minister and Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul has reaffirmed that cannabis legalization is expressly for medical purposes and not recreational use. https://aseannow.com/topic/1266460-health-minister-defends-cannabis-policy-during-censure-debate/
  19. If you actually read the article it also gives sources with real studies and statistics that informs those opinions
  20. Why would you think I am? This is in addition to any problems that maybe associated with alcohol and off topic.
  21. I wouldn't want to take your money correct. When a country such as Sweden makes a promise I tend to believe it rather than you.
  22. CO2 is not the only indicator, somewhere close to 50% of climate change is being caused by gases and pollutants other than C02, including nitrogen compounds, low-level ozone formed by pollution, and black carbon. In addition atmospheric CO2 has never been higher for hundreds of thousands of years https://timescavengers.blog/climate-change/co2-past-present-future/
  23. That's right, if the promises are not kept, you are assuming Sweden will not fulfill them, why?
  24. NATO officials on Tuesday celebrated Turkey’s lifting of its veto against Sweden and Finland joining the transatlantic alliance
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