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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Brilliant Russia has signed a deal to allow grain to be exported from ports they claimed not to be blocking in a country they claimed not to be invading. Lets see how this works out.
  2. Maybe you additionally have a problem actually reading my posts in which I said: Now do you comprehend the big deal in spreading dangerous misinformation?
  3. Wait are you now admitting that what you said is totally untrue? What big deal have I referred to apart from calling out your lies?
  4. Well avoidance of the truth always helps anti covid vaxxers, especially since the current variants are extremely more transmissible than previous variants so far more people catching covid along with their heightened immunity evasiveness than previous variants. However the FACTS are the vaccines still provide an excellent level of protection from serious illness and death.
  5. Found it, its a long report will read it tomorrow, just did a quick skim now and confirmed the the details you posted https://www.osce.org/files/f/documents/3/e/522616.pdf
  6. You're skating on very thin ice there, have you looked at the history of disasters and deaths due to accidents/fires/corruption and poor workmanship in Thailand?
  7. Same there was one years ago in Phuket along the fault line, our pool looked like a tsunami hit it and our villa received some enormous cracks in the walls, that was a 4.3
  8. Putin wants a new world order but his world order is one of terror, rape and genocide. The only new world order should be the continued isolation of Ruzzia with sanctions to carry on indefinitely and the worlds largest war crimes trials to convict all the murderers. Putin Warns West Current World Order Is Over and New Era Is Coming While he carries on dreaming the west continues to step up with its new world order: TOP AIR FORCE GENERAL OPENS DOOR TO FIGHTER JETS TO UKRAINE: Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. C.Q. BROWN hinted that the U.S. or one one of its allies may soon send fighter jets to Ukraine. The UK has announced that it will supply “scores of artillery guns, hundreds of drones” plus 50,000 rounds and more anti-tank weapons to Ukraine in the coming weeks. British Stormer HVM protect Ukrainian skies – British Defense Ministry Love this one! Russia 'about to run out of steam' after 'epic fails' in Ukraine, MI6 chief says Richard Moore said President Vladimir Putin's soldiers will "have to pause" as they find it hard to find more troops and equipment to send to the frontline in eastern Ukraine in the coming weeks. This will enable the Ukrainian military to "strike back" in what the UK spymaster said is a "winnable war". https://news.sky.com/story/russia-about-to-run-out-of-steam-after-epic-fails-in-ukraine-mi6-chief-says-12656390
  9. You're probably right so unless you want to take the trouble of going through all the necessary permissions not least of which including 1964 Plant Quarantine Act, plus permission under the 1975 Plants Act, for seeds, then they should probably only consider doing this if they want to take the same risks as the boys above which is not so sensible.
  10. Is that also when he questioned whether the rape had happened at all: “Every day that goes by, the more likely that this is a fabrication,” he said on Tuesday. “I’m not saying it could not have happened. What I’m saying to you is there is not a damn scintilla of evidence. And shame on the Indianapolis paper that ran this thing on a single source who has an obvious ax to grind.” Its a pity he didn't check with his own police department before questioning the rape happened. Professor of Law and Bioethics Sharona Hoffman from Case Western Reserve University to try and sort this out. There are concerns about how doctors will be able to treat their patients under this law. Since much of the medical emergency exception is left up to a doctor’s discretion, there’s a gray area. Doctors could face a fifth-degree felony charge if someone questions their decision down the line, putting them in a tough spot. “They have to engage in a calculus,” Hoffman said. “They have to balance the patient’s best interests against their own best interest and think about whether doing a procedure will result in a risk of prosecution for themselves. And that is very dangerous.”
  11. You've seen the video, looks more to me like they ran for their lives as fast as their cowardly legs could take them as soon as they heard the shots
  12. Yet he waited till his 18th birthday to legally buy 2 AR-style rifles and 375 rounds of 5.56-caliber ammo then used 30-round magazines. Although he left one of the rifles in the truck he crashed nearby the school. It was also around 142 rounds he fired inside the building.
  13. Yea well seeing as you've posted this topic about football which is also an rammed down your throat then thats to be expected from you
  14. Now you've just shown outright sexism, no place in the world for that. Girls do play touch rugby and they also certainly take part in boxing especially Thai and kick boxing 15. You will not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, nationality, disability, medical history, marriage, civil partnership, pregnancy, maternity, paternity, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other irrelevant factor.
  15. Yea I noticed you can't stand womens football, reminds me a few years ago when the girls teams at my daughters school were first starting out, they got a lot of similar abuse from the boys and it really zapped their confidence with some even leaving. The team coaches all ex professional UK players, one an ex Tottenham coach soon put a stop to it and got the boys onboard. They excelled after that.
  16. Yep they have a long way to go but ecouragement and positive feedback helps confidence and progression
  17. Nearly 400 law enforcement officials armed to the teeth rushed to a mass shooting and the shooter still kills 21. If there is ever any argument about the awful guns laws and mass shootings in schools with assault or any weapons this is it. Disgusting and shameful.
  18. Oh no thanks for providing the information you were asking for then.......and you expect me to carry on answering your questions, go away
  19. I just told you they were in Pattaya when available, why would I do that if they weren't? Let me guide you through this, I gave you the link to when they stopped reporting in April right. So now go to the covid archives here https://thepattayanews.com/category/covid-19-coronavirus/ Scroll down for daily updates before then, here is the one for 12th April The three new deaths were aged 79, 97, and 98, with severe personal health problems and pre-existing conditions. Two of them were not vaccinated. https://thepattayanews.com/2022/04/12/chonburi-announces-791-new-and-confirmed-cases-of-covid-19-and-three-new-deaths/
  20. Because Pattaya covid stats including deaths by vaccination status when available were shared daily, they stopped reporting in April: https://thepattayanews.com/2022/04/23/editoral-as-test-and-go-goes-away-its-time-for-our-daily-covid-19-reporting-to-go-as-well/
  21. Lock them up then, since cannabis can be important legally then at least do it legally.
  22. Much be such a drag for you, my sympathies. In the meantime my daughter who's 14 and in the schools football academy loves to watch an international game and so do I.
  23. Then you just haven't been looking: "Scientists use four major datasets to study global temperature. The UK Met Office Hadley Centre and the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit jointly produce HadCRUT4 . In the US, the GISTEMP series comes via the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Sciences (GISS), while the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) creates the MLOST record. The Japan Meteorological Agency ( JMA) produces a fourth dataset." Nothing anecdotal in the links provided in the article to the data sets but only for those who can understand them and want to see facts. https://www.carbonbrief.org/explainer-how-do-scientists-measure-global-temperature/
  24. I know facts are painful sometimes Formal weather stations, which before the mid-1800s were mostly in Europe and the US, became ubiquitous enough by 1880 to provide a robust picture of global temperature.
  25. Russia's got a problem recruiting more troops and we've all heard about the enforced conscription of Ukrainians in temporarily occupied territory that's been happening. Forcing Ukrainians to fight their own people. Here's some video evidence of just that: ‘They hunt us like stray cats’: pro-Russia separatists step up forced conscription as losses mount Footage emerges of Ukrainian citizens in occupied Donbas being press-ganged to fight for Moscow. Pro-Russia separatist forces have stepped up the forced conscription of men – including Ukrainian passport holders – in occupied areas of the Donbas region, amid mounting evidence of the scale of losses on the Russian side. According to credible evidence from the region, forced conscription – already a feature of the Russian-backed separatists’ rule before the Kremlin’s invasion on 24 February – appeared to have picked up again in June, with checkpoints and patrols, some reportedly involving Chechen fighters allied to the Kremlin, on the lookout for men to recruit. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/20/pro-russian-separatists-step-up-forced-conscription-as-losses-mount
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