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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. However what you think and what the law states are two different things and a woman has the right even if the partner does not like that decision. Quite right in my opinion.
  2. Yes really in every single one. If you think that protesting against this ban does not concern them then you need a serious reality check Ok bye
  3. Why are there so many protests in the states that have enacted this draconian ban then? They seem to be complaining about their freedom being taken away from them
  4. Should check him for monkey pox too ????
  5. The law is very clear in this: "If a man's pregnant partner seeks to have an abortion, the father's consent isn't legally required; a woman may choose to terminate a pregnancy against the father's objections." Infact he's not even got a legal right to be told by her that she's going to get one. This has already been ruled by the courts in the US
  6. If the bear drops a nuclear poo then it'll be the last one he ever drops
  7. At least 16 dead now with more to uncover and 59 injured, I wonder why they would be in a supposed closed shopping center. Oh wait, yea as mentioned already, that information could be out of date. Ukraine war: Russian strike on shopping centre a war crime - G7 leaders
  8. The male has a right to his say, there is free speech but unless you want to head back to the dark ages and slavery then he certainly has no rights on what a woman does with her body. This is also enshrined in law that he cannot compel a woman to have a baby against her will. It is her right and hers alone.
  9. I was giving you the facts of life. How long that life remains viable without added intervention is another debate. Sperm indeed needs that, as does an early fetus. Some more facts for you: 9 out of 10 abortions are carried out within 12 weeks not the same as your image shows. In addition, two thirds of those were carried out before 9 weeks.
  10. What about all the other reasons? Here's a small list for you to consider. An abusive relationship. A school or college girl with an unplanned and accidental pregnancy Stealthing Contraceptive failures
  11. Well over 90% of abortions are carried out before 14 weeks, the first trimester, those at 30 plus weeks are rare and normally only carried out because of a doctors opinion and medical grounds.
  12. Yes we know what happened at Mariupol, one of the worst war crimes so far including the theater that was clearly targeted and bombed with 600 dead. You seem to find this amusing
  13. Awful vids and images on twitter coming out of east Ukraine where Russia has struck a shopping centre with about 1000 people inside. BBC breaking news report Zelensky said Russia carried out a missile strike at a crowded retail area while more than 1,000 people were in the building. Footage from the site shows the badly damaged, collapsing building ablaze, and fire crews struggling to contain the flames. "The occupiers have hit a shopping centre with over a thousand civilians inside," Zelensky said on Telegram.
  14. Did you read the media waffle? "I'm confident that Moscow, President Putin, understands our collective security guarantees, understands the consequence of attacking a Nato-allied country," This is about deterring Putin from expanding his attacks into other countries
  15. I can see it all too well, the carnage created by Putins attack and ongoing war crimes will be defeated by the west.
  16. But the west is helping and Russia is not flying flags everywhere, sorry to disappoint you.
  17. They did very well without any help repelling the attempted invasion into Kiev. This is not about Biden alone, its about NATO, EU the UK along with other countries. Who knows where this goes? certainly not you that's for sure
  18. Ukraine's decisions are theirs to make, not yours, not mine, they are fighting for their homes, families and children and they will not stop nor will the west stop helping fortunately. A sovereign Ukraine will outlast Putin. From Ukraine's Ministry of Defense yesterday: This war will stop only when Ukraine wins.
  19. Nobody said it was easy but then freedom is never easy but will prevail over an evil dictator intent on expansion through war crimes
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