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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Already, Thailand has never carried out mass testing, its one step ahead of Sweden https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-testing
  2. What stands out like a sore thumb to me there is the number of test and go tourists that have tested positive on the 5th day, 96 of them! Compared to just 7 on the first day. No doubt caught it in Thailand.
  3. So what you say...........lol. There are risks with every drug or vaccine taken even paracetamol, its risk/benefit ratio that is important, approved covid vaccines have a far better benefit than the minute amount of risk associated per million people. That list of a handful of vaccines you provided shows just how vigorous the follow up has been in any concerns even when unsubstantiated, within the first year of use. I see many of them were also withdrawn because they were no longer needed ie they had eradicated the disease or were no longer economically viable. With more than 10.3 billion covid doses having been administered already across 184 countries, you would think that any concerns that the risks outweigh the benefit would have already been highlighted. Never before have so many scientists got together to produce this feet with a mountain of scientific evidence to support their excellent achievements. You say: "You guys are preaching the science as if it's final" Nobody is doing that, as variants move on so does the science behind the new vaccine developments and effectiveness of vaccines can always be improved. There are over 40 in human trials now, testing the science behind them. New vaccines on the horizon Thats in addition to those being developed that will be Omicron specific
  4. Totally different approval process for vaccines and drugs... https://www.fda.gov/drugs/development-approval-process-drugs https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/basics/test-approve.html
  5. Here we go…….. Tough Covid measures likely for Valentine’s Day and Songkran Covid-19 preventive measures are likely to be increased for Valentine’s Day next week and Songkran in April as daily infections have exceeded 10,000 for several days now. The Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration’s (CCSA) Operation Centre on Thursday is considering proposing tougher preventive measures for Valentine’s Day and Songkran, according to a Government House source. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40012172
  6. Unfortunately Thailand is looking to do it the other way round, stop daily reporting of testing and keep restrictions in place
  7. From one of the slides from Who Thailand's weekly update report yesterday. https://www.who.int/thailand/emergencies/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports
  8. Late charts as just got home. https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/
  9. Understood, however by far the majority dying in the US are the unvaccinated, their decision and they face the consequences of that. Everyone in Thailand has already had the opportunity to get vaccinated, those that decided not to, let them face the consequences also. Thailand cannot afford to keep in place all these restrictions for a small minority of people.
  10. 7,745 ATK positive tests today with 14,882 PCR positive, totaling 22,576. Positivity rate up to 14% https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/
  11. I don’t think Thailand has the testing capacity to see rapidly increasing cases as in other countries or even if it has, it has no inclination to utilize it. Agree, once peaked it should then follow other countries in decline.
  12. Actually there are 111 on a ventilator and 547 in ICU, there will be more in covid wards receiving supplementary oxygen and treatment. I take your point though, the thousands in hospitels when only mild should not be there. As for the separate warning of the cancellation of Songkran if need be, it just shows how out of touch they really are with whats going on in the rest of the world with Omicron.
  13. Those other countries you mention have all dropped their restrictions both for travel and internally, things are open, schools, bars, entertainment, life is going on. So the logical next step would be to look at the need for daily reporting of testing to a more realistic weekly or bi weekly. Thailand is nowhere near that stage although I'm sure Prayut and Anutin will love the withdrawal of the published daily numbers, especially while they still have the emergency decree in place along with strict restrictions and of course the double tap test and go. I'm pretty sure tourists also want to know the risk of being forcibly incarcerated on their 5th day test when arriving.
  14. PCR test positive cases, total of 13,182 official new infections. 24 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 5,928 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 19,110 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Rolling 7 day average chart from 7th Feb https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  15. Isn't that what a country would do if they were treating Covid-19 as endemic? To do that you would need to do away with the more serious restrictive measures like the emergency decree, face masks outside and on motorbikes, ensure all schools and bars are opened up, do away with the test a go go. These are the things that induce public anxiety. While all these measures are still in place and then deliberately holding back on releasing testing data will lead to more anxiety imo Instead we have Anutin blabbering again today........... Anutin says no to easing restrictions, praises Thailand’s handling of pandemic Thailand’s Health Minister has ruled out any further easing of Covid-19 restrictions, despite reports yesterday that the CCSA is considering such a move. According to a Nation Thailand report, Anutin Charnvirakul has also praised the country’s handling of the pandemic, including the vaccine rollout. Yesterday, Opas Karnkawinpong from the Department of Disease Control was reported as saying Thailand would need to move on and learn to live with the virus in a manner similar to what’s happening in other countries. https://thethaiger.com/coronavirus/anutin-says-no-to-easing-restrictions-praises-thailands-handling-of-pandemic
  16. Actually the US have given full approval for Pfizer back in August and recently also gave full FDA approval for moderna. However just for an explanation as to why these vaccines were developed in a shorter space of time then I suggest you read this as it covers just about all points that could be raised. How did we develop a COVID-19 vaccine so quickly? https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-did-we-develop-a-covid-19-vaccine-so-quickly No I did not contend that the potential new Omicron specific vaccine was a one shot deal at all. All I did was show you that when you said "This Pfizer vaccine may take that up to 7." this is totally incorrect. The first trial for it is with one additional dose to people with previous 2 shots of Pfizer. The second trial is for people who have already had 3 doses of Pfizer and have this as an additional shot. The third trial is for unvaccinated people to have 2 doses of the new vaccine with no additional shot.
  17. Exactly, the insurance needed here in addition to normal health insurance for Thailand is quarantine insurance, nothing more, nothing less however Thailand will not admit to this as being the necessity as its so hard to get that cover from anyone.
  18. I understand you perfectly thank you. You agreed that the risk from transmission is more so in the unvaccinated than the vaccinated, this is already evidenced. As for the unvaccinated wearing a label, that seems to be a suggestion your putting forward and asking my opinion about which is nothing to do with my point.
  19. Just about says it all. You can ask questions but are blind to learn the answer......lol
  20. Here, have a read........... How did we develop a COVID-19 vaccine so quickly? https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-did-we-develop-a-covid-19-vaccine-so-quickly
  21. Of course it did, there was one prolific one banned yesterday, low and behold this springs up today
  22. Evidence already posted in this thread you looked, if your not infected you can't pass it on and this is without boosters: https://www.healthdata.org/covid/covid-19-vaccine-efficacy-summary
  23. All vaccines that were previously manufactured had to undergo clinical trials before approval, there was never any quarantine they would pass the criteria required which WHO had at the time set as 50% effective. The new Omicron specific variant version is being divided in 3 separate cohort studies as in the link you provided. It would not take your vaccine intake to 7 as you misleadingly imply. "Participants in the first cohort have received two doses of the current Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine at least 90 to 180 days before the study. They will receive one or two doses of the Omicron-specific vaccine. Participants in the second cohort have received three doses of the current Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine at least 90 to 180 days prior to the study. They will receive one dose of the current Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine or the Omicron-specific vaccine." Participants in the third cohort have not received any Covid-19 vaccine. They will receive three doses of the Omicron-specific vaccine."
  24. Well great we both agree that there is a higher risk of the unvaccinated transmitting the virus. Now, do you understand why some business owners deny entry to the non vaccinated? Do you think some vaccinated customers who like to keep themselves safe by not mixing in crowded buses/trains etc and instead apply sensible measures due to concerns for their own health would welcome an environment like that, where everyone is vaccinated so reducing the risk a little?
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