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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. You could of course always read the study from Oxford University to see how they calculated it https://academic.oup.com/ije/advance-article/doi/10.1093/ije/dyab207/6375510
  2. Agree although my opening comment to that was more to do with some posters yesterday saying that testing was a waste of time.
  3. This is in Phuket, all foreign teachers were vaccinated weeks ago and yes all parents and grandparents etc
  4. Yes all teachers vaccinated and all parents vaccinated, aside from that then normal covid measures within school and one negative antigen test carried out weekly, the school provides them for 100 baht each.
  5. Just got an email and am very happy, my daughter goes back next week, Phuket has been running a sandbox programme for year 5 and under, they are now extending it to year 6 to 13. My daughter is 13 and in year 9 Hope Bangkok follows suit for you!
  6. So testing does work then............ Widespread testing cuts down Covid cases in Koh Tao Conducting tests among residents has effectively eased the Covid-19 situation in Surat Thani’s Koh Tao island, provincial authorities said on Sunday. The operation was launched when more than 100 Covid-19 cases were reported after the island opened to tourists on July 15 as part of the Samui Plus Model. However, the authorities announced on Sunday that almost 98 per cent of the island’s population has been tested for Covid-19 and the infection rate is under control. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40006701
  7. Not speculating just providing a correction to your claims as they were completely untrue, if you find that zzzzzzzzzzzzz so be it
  8. Bangkok may reopen cinemas, gyms, spas – but no clubs or nightclubs A decision is expected today on whether preschools, museums, massage joints and other businesses in Bangkok and other hard-hit provinces may reopen – though nightclubs and bars were not mentioned. The COVID-19 task force this afternoon will consider 10 types of businesses, including cinemas, spas, tattoo shops, indoor gyms and museums in Bangkok and 28 other so-called dark red provinces may reopen months after they were shut to curb the spread of COVID-19. https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/bangkok-may-reopen-cinemas-gyms-spas-but-no-clubs-or-nightclubs/
  9. They have their own production of AZ Japanese drugmaker Daiichi Sankyo Co. began production for the AstraZeneca in March
  10. As of 19th Sept vaccine brands used in Thailand have been: AZ: 19,484,396 Sinovac: 17,749,526 Sinopharm: 6,294,801 Pfizer: 1,213,326 So your claims are not correct Sinovac has not been the predominate vaccine used.
  11. COVID-19 pandemic cut life expectancy by most since World War Two Read more >>> https://thaipbsworld.com/covid-19-pandemic-cut-life-expectancy-by-most-since-world-war-two/ https://twitter.com/ThaiPBSWorld/status/1442315267598524419
  12. Starting from 1st October, domestic tourists to Phuket must be vaccinated or recovered from Covid-19, AND they must do a Covid-free test no more than 7 days in advance. Full details: https://thainewsreports.com/2021/09/24/rules-for-going-to-phuket-from-1st-october-2021 #Thailand https://twitter.com/ThaiNewsReports/status/1442316825811775488
  13. More donations #Thailand to receive 122,400 doses of AstraZeneca’s #COVID19 vaccine, 200k test kits and 500k of nasal swab kits from #Singapore, following a meeting between Thai Public Health Min Anutin and Kevin Cheok, SG Ambassador to Thailand. https://twitter.com/SaksithCNA/status/1442317015658553344
  14. That sounds logical but Thailand's stats are not always logical, before they changed the format to now be the positivity rate and we do not know where they take that from, it was always the number of tests that were shown but they stopped showing these 2 or 3 weeks ago. At the time they were doing around 40k tests daily and the graph was decreasing showing a steady decline on the number of tests daily. However you can still get the testing figures here, last data point was around 37k per day but on the 7 day rolling average its around 50k https://djay.github.io/covidthailand/#testing
  15. UPDATE: 10,288 confirmed cases, 2,306 probable cases, and 101 deaths (1.04%). Out of 120,156 patients , 33,759 are in hospital, 65,469 in ‘hospitel’ and 14,966 in home/community isolation. 3,341 in a serious condition (+17) with 728 on ventilators (+4) https://twitter.com/ThaiNewsReports/status/1442307006732201984
  16. CFR now for Phuket is 0.71% which seems a little high considering the high vaccination rate, or perhaps another reason could be an under count in actual covid positive cases? More details on yesterdays stats here https://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-marks-193-new-covid-cases-two-more-deaths-81523.php
  17. Southeast Asia saw an increase in Covid-19 cases on Sunday but a lower number of deaths compared to Saturday, collated data showed. https://twitter.com/Thenationth/status/1442297972931194884
  18. Phuket health authorities are reporting 193 new local cases , zero cases from the Sandbox and two deaths. There are 4,277 patients in care . The #PhuketSandbox has had 109 cases since 1st July https://twitter.com/ThaiNewsReports/status/1442273203880022021
  19. Chonburi Public Health Office is reporting 587 new cases today and 6 deaths. Most new cases are in Chonburi City (218), Si Racha (136), and Bang Lamung/Pattaya (91). There are 11,862 patients in care https://twitter.com/ThaiNewsReports/status/1442273005262966795
  20. #COVID19 on Monday: 10,288 cases (127 from prison) 101 deaths 12,494 released from care High for cases: 23,418 on 13 Aug High for deaths: 312 on 18 Aug High for recoveries: 23,672 on 14 Aug https://twitter.com/ThaiNewsReports/status/1442289453465100291
  21. PCR test positive cases, total of 10,288 official new infections, with just 127 of those from prison and 10,161 from the community. 101 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 2,306 bringing the unofficial total to 12,594 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Rolling 7 day average (up to 25th Sept) which includes prison cases and bar chart of community cases from daily official announcements. https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  22. End of July over 1.5 million doses of Pfizer arrived from the US as part of its continued donations, did that take over a month also to complete the paperwork?
  23. Amazing Thailand they say, new high on the 24th, new low on the 25th. I see they're planning to give a 4th shot or second booster.
  24. A sad but good example of how not to conduct a responsible vaccine roll out, all for the sake of carrying out 1 million plus in a day when it would have been far safer spread over a couple of days and not end up with empty vaccine sites the following day. I remember when they first started the roll out in Phuket, there were a couple of sites that needed to be closed as they turned out to be spreader events and they were not even that bad.
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