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Bkk Brian

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Posts posted by Bkk Brian

  1. 19 minutes ago, webfact said:

    "It is important to remember that the success of this mission and origin-tracing is 100% depending on access to the relevant sources," Thea Fischer, a Danish member of the team, told Reuters on Thursday.


    "No matter how competent we are, how hard we work and how many stones we try to turn, this can only be possible with the support from China," she said.

    There is the problem as we all know. Already this is an admission they are at the hands of the masters

    • Like 2
  2. Prediction. This will be the next delay headlines. Problems at our AztraZeneca production facility at Bio Science Thailand mean there will be some delays to delivery. 


    Problem then is that nobody can go one to question Bio Science as it belongs to you know who.


    As far as I'm aware they've not even started production yet, about a week ago the head of Thailand Vaccine Institute said they are still perfecting the doses having received all the required ingredients and technology transfer from the UK. The doses have to be made in batches and each batch has to reach the same quality standards, they are in the process of making test batches for this.

  3. 1 minute ago, Natai Beach said:


    They will get there. 
    Those top four countries have small populations. 

    The whole world has a long way to go with the vaccines. And those figures are for only one dose only, the reality is still 99% of people still need to get more vaccinations.

    And let’s not forget the 2 million dead that died before getting it. 

    And the thousands that are dying everyday currently, it is too late for them also.


    If Thailand can score under 100 deaths before vaccinations are rolled out then they have done an excellent job. Some countries are recording more deaths than that every couple of hours currently. 

    Those figures are from at least one dose each.


    Nobody is forgetting the 2 million dead already and rising, hence why the vaccines are being deployed after countries wisely ordered them in plenty of time.


    India has also been doing a great job supplying some of the east asian countries, even offered 2 million to Thailand but hey, Thailand refused. Thanks to those who developed the vaccines, particularly the US and UK, with more Countries who have developed to gain approval in weeks. Apologies if I've missed other countries involved with the UK and US in the development such as Sweden.

    • Like 2
  4. 16 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    looks like when Jesus turned water into wine now the Good PM and Anutin must turn 50,000 doses into 37 million plus doses.  Wonder how they will pull it off.  India had offered the vaccine, but Thailand well did not accept it...hmm

    India Launches Vaccine Diplomacy with Gifts of COVID-19 Vaccines to Neighbors | Voice of America - English (voanews.com)


    India starts dispatching Covid-19 shots to neighbouring countries (nationthailand.com)


    Thailand struggles to secure COVID vaccines as new cases rise - Nikkei Asia

    Ooops what 50,000 doses?


    Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said this afternoon that “shipment delays” may force the postponement of Thailand’s vaccination drive, which was planned for Feb. 14.



  5. 8 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

    It would be a tandem process if the vaccines were available, but they're not. Thailand is not being tardy  in this regard. The vaccines simply aren't there. By the way I trust you keep up with the news in the western world. The EU for instance!

    They are not here because Thailand dragged its feet even turning away 2 million from India.


    "Anutin explained that both the Public Health Ministry and the National Vaccine Institute have been dragging their feet over the procurement COVID-19 vaccines for Thai people"


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  6. 1 minute ago, Moonlover said:

    Surely getting the virus under control is the number one priority and Thailand has clearly excelled in that regard. Once the current flare up is over, as I'm sure it will be soon, they can then vaccinate more or less at their leisure.


    There's no need to rush when the virus is not rampant in the community.



    Its a tandem process no? Get it under control and get it ended. Vaccinating at their leisure? Well that certainly seems to be the current approach for Thailand

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  7. 7 minutes ago, DaLa said:

    And here lies the problem with having a central database of inoculation records.  Nearly 100 countries missing from the list.  So we have  a 95% effective vaccine, travellers forging documentation and only 50% take up in monitoring the figures.


    What the flip have the WHO being doing for the last 10 months? Still going to be a long haul with this if there's no cohesive world plan.

    If you visit the link you can add more countries to it, its inter active


  8. 42 minutes ago, Victornoir said:

    Step by step, the first objective was to limit the contagion and consequently the victims.
    In this regard the statistics are overwhelming for the West, UK for example:
                   Thailand           UK
    Case       16211              3715054
    Death            76                 101887
    Thailand took drastic measures very quickly at the start of the pandemic. Containment, border closures, temperature control, Quarantine, masks.

    I remember how much these actions were mocked last year on this forum, as were the controversies over the usefulness of masks. Today we know the result and it is overwhelming. Thailand has well, very well done and in any case better than our native country.

    Having avoided the health emergency no doubt that they will manage to vaccinate the population without haste, more hindsight on the different protocols.

    We, mostly old and therefore more at risk, must remain humble and thank them for efficiency.

    For those of us comfortable here in Thailand with a pension or business where money is not such a large problem then yes thats fine. Measures in Thailand have been drastic yes to contain the virus but its also damaged peoples lives particularly those in the tourism sector and related industries. Economically Thailand needs to get out of this mess quickly. The only way is through vaccination and an effective vaccination plan, not the constantly changing narrative we are being given at present.


    Please do not try to tell me that 50,000 doses, enough for 25,000 people starting from 14th Feb is an effective plan. The government have already said they do not even intend vaccinating the general public until Jan 2022.

    • Like 2
  9. 9 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

    No link in English.  That's the problem here.  A lot of good info out there, just not in English. And if so, not translated properly.


    I'll have my wife try to find the link...


    Here's what they are doing....



    Ok I had a search in Thai and found 2 or 3 links mentioning it, these are from reports from early January 2021 stating that they intend to test this method of finding covid.


    Yes I'm aware its been used for many months in other countries.

    • Like 1
  10. 27 minutes ago, NorthernRyland said:


    Many of us have already had COVID or are prepared to take the hit so I think we need to split society into 2 camps and let those who want to move on in life do so. If you don't want to risk your kid getting you sick then sit home until the vaccine comes out. For the rest of us it's back to life as usual.

    If it was that easy to do but its not in anyway shape or form

    • Like 1
  11. 14 minutes ago, NorthernRyland said:

    Why do we want to vaccinate kids? They're basically immune and in fact I think COVID is less dangerous for under 18's than flu is.

    Agree, I'm not sure its going to be necessary to vaccinate children to end the pandemic. They are not immune but the risk to them is so tiny, not one healthy child with no underlying medical condition has died in the UK for instance. However can they transmit the virus to adults? They probably can but again I think this is a tiny proportion although again studies still needed.


    That said older children, in their teens, then thats a different matter, large spikes in covid cases worldwide have been attributed to secondary age young people under 18. Those are the ones who would in my view also need vaccinating.

  12. 41 minutes ago, wordchild said:

    one big issue here is , what about  kids? they cant get vaccinated.

    ie Will families with kids still have to quarantine? Including those of us who live in Thailand and may wish to travel abroad and then return to Thailand?   Or will it be sufficient just for the adult members of the family to  have been vaccinated? 

     No families will come unless this is resolved. 

    Single adult males only. Just like the old days!

    Very good point and one that will take some thinking about. Apparently some studies are now being carried out but will not have results on vaccinating children until 2022.

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