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The Old Bull

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Everything posted by The Old Bull

  1. The press seems to believe that if you criticize Israel then you are pro- Palestinian or if you criticize Palestine you are pro-Israeli. In my eyes both sides are bad and so are the people that supply them with weapons.
  2. There is no left in the US only far right and even further right
  3. LPG doesn't need hardened valve seats for grocery shopping or the odd trip to Bangkok. If you have a pickup and intend on hauling heavy loads you will need them.
  4. The problem is most laws are written by lawyers for lawyers. When a scumbag is ordered deported he should be taken directly to the airport not even stopping at the 7/11 for a toothbrush. If he wants to appeal he can do it from outside of the country using his own money to pay his lawyer. That will never happen as long as laws are written by lawyers for their own benefit.
  5. They always go after past crooks but not present ones. Who cares about Thaksin, what about that lot that stole the government from the majority of the Thai electorate.
  6. Never seen that as a problem as most pass on the inside no need to cut in.
  7. Nonsense, Russia could steam roller over Ukraine any time they chose. Their problem is that a number of pro Russian Ukrainians would be impacted.
  8. Thai Smile always had a 10% discount for seniors until Thai airways took them over. about a year ago.
  9. Busses underpowered, once they get up to speed they hate slowing down.
  10. I knew before I finished reading this story that it was similar to all the other cases. They always go after yesterdays men who no longer have any political clout. How about going after those who's hand is in the jar today.
  11. Free speech is only for those chosen by the government. They have cut off every way for Russia to state their case. Also they totally ignore the fact that a lot of Ukranians prefer Russia to the US dominated west.
  12. Saw them in Udon Thani, awesome show.
  13. Two wrongs don't make a right. The state should not be in the killing business.
  14. Whatever turns your crank. I don't care for it myself. Two reasons first it's hard on my chest ,second it's a little to sneaky you don't realize you are stoned till you get up to walk across the room. With booze I know where I am at.
  15. The check is in the mail and I won't come in your mouth.,
  16. Two things got the Christian religion going in the west. The first is "the divine right of kings" that's why monarchy embraced religion . This has kind of faded out but the second one "pie in the sky" is going strong. It's important to the elite that the poor be content with their lot so the rich are not called upon to share . Telling people to be content with a life of misery because they are going to a better place when they die is the ultimate con. It beats me why people fall for it but they do.
  17. The trick is finding the right agent. Some of them are government employes making some cash on the side pretending to be independent agents. I paid around $100 once and got a visa in two hours that should have taken between three and seven days.
  18. The police chief immediately took control. Suggests to me that he knew some serious graft would be coming down the pipe and he expected he would get the major share.
  19. You beat me to it. I was just about to post the same. Only most lawyers are not left or right , just greedy.
  20. You reap what you sow. If the US had not interfered in central America resulting in dictators and poverty they would not be coming. The actions of the United Fruit company are coming home to roost.
  21. You reap what you sow. If the US had not interfered in central America resulting in dictators and poverty they would not be coming. The actions of the United Fruit company are coming home to roost.
  22. You reap what you sow. If the US had not interfered in central America resulting in dictators and poverty they would not be coming. The actions of the United Fruit company are coming home to roost.
  23. You reap what you sow. If the US had not interfered in central America resulting in dictators and poverty they would not be coming. The actions of the United Fruit company are coming home to roost.
  24. School dinners were all horrible. The only time they put salt and pepper on the table was when the school inspectors came around. It's difficult to make boiled spuds taste bad but they could .There was some kind of shepherds pie made with canned corned beef , that was the only thing I could choke down.
  25. I think it is more relevant to describe him by his present occupation, bus driver, butcher, teacher etc. not by the fact that he was once in the military.
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