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The Old Bull

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Everything posted by The Old Bull

  1. I went to buy a helmet in Udon Thani. Out of about fifty helmets the only one was big enough was a pink one. I bought it so I don't know what the next farang is going to buy.
  2. Fentanyl is nasty stuff . In British Columbia Canada six people die every day from it, 1200 this year to date .If it comes to Thailand you will see the bodies pile up.
  3. What a load of rubbish. The Crimea chose to go with Russia. The USA is waging war all over the place with 150 overseas bases. How many did they murder in Iraq and Afghanistan? Still in Syria stealing oil. Can't bear to see China getting ahead, dreaming up all kinds of ways to screw them. Truly an evil pox on the world. I have friends just returned from the Ukraine ,they welcome the Russians coming to run off the gangsters currently running the country.
  4. What I would like to know is if you can drive through Laos to Vietnam as that would be the nearest place to go to the beach. I could drive to Rayong in about 9 hours but since the fixed the road there is more traffic and it takes 12 hours.
  5. Waterfalls are especially dangerous at low water as the surrounding rocks are very smooth and slippery. I slipped on one twenty years ago popped my big toe nail. Taped it down, it was healing well till a big ant bit me and my toe swelled up and popped it again.
  6. There is a fellow that comes through the village trading plastic buckets for dogs. The dogs go to Vietnam. The only time Thai customs seize them is if a bunch of doo gooders come from Bangkok, and offer to feed them, as they don't want to be stuck with a hundred mangy dogs.
  7. The price of implants went up from B20,000 to B50,000 or B60,000 in a few years . If you need a mouthfull you are better going to eastern europe somewhere like Latvia, or Slovakia.
  8. Last time I flew from Heathrow to Bangkok I'm sure the flight went on to Australia. Maybe Singapore gives them a better deal on landing fees and fuel?
  9. I went to Tesco Lotus ,they had three shelves full and only one fit and it was pink. Some people get a chuckle out of it but I don't mind as it's very visible and that may make the difference some time of been seen or not. Also I saw the Chiang Mai football team all dressed in pink so I guess pink has different connotations here.
  10. Thailand will go with the winner when one is apparent. Now they are keeping their irons in the fire dealing with both sides as there is no apparent winner at this time.
  11. Never smelt a whiff on the breeze since they legalized it in Canada. Not cool anymore now it's legal just a few old stoners still smoking.
  12. I always scope out in the daytime anywhere I plan to go at night. Memorize the location of the potholes. It can save your life.
  13. The Anti Corruption Commission's job is to go after previous administrations ,never the one that's feeding them.
  14. Since they legalised weed in Canada People have lost interest in it. a few old stoners persist but young people don't regard as cool anymore something you buy from a government outlet. A lot of legalised grow opps that thought they were going to make a fortune have gone broke.
  15. Fifty years ago it was Japanese junk by the time the west woke up everyone was driving Hondas and Toyotas.
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