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The Old Bull

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Everything posted by The Old Bull

  1. Seems expensive in Canada I can get a kilo delivered to my door for around 900,000 ฿ but I would sooner have a beer.
  2. Haven't smelt a whiff of weed on the breeze since they made it legal in Canada. Young people like to rebel but since smoking weed is legal it is no longer a form of rebellion so is less popular. You know where you are at with booze but weed is sneaky stuff you don't realize how stoned you are till you get up to walk across the room.
  3. It's a reward for staying in the UK and paying mega taxes instead of running off to some tax haven. Cliff Rihards, Paul McCartney, Elton John and more.
  4. He can't impose any tariffs till he is in the Whitehouse. What he is doing is testing the waters to see the amount of blowback from his own people. For example pasta makers like Canadian wheat, if they have to pay 25% more by the time it gets to the customers it will bee higher and they will be pissed off. How many oil companies in Canada have extensive US capital, another problem. The auto industry another can of worms best left unopened.
  5. You get to park nearer the shop door. That's the only benefit I can think of.
  6. I don't wear one going to the village shop for a pack of smokes but put one on when I go to town.
  7. Small girls are nice and can't do you any harm but stay away from men or women that are built like men.My spine is deteriorating so I can see no benefit from anybody messing with it. Had a foot massage from one of these women built like men had a hard time walking for three days. As for letting someone crank on my neck not a chance that will happen.
  8. Taking the pensioners fuel subsidy and giving it to that Ukranian weasel is not a smart move if they have any hope of staying in power.
  9. Without the old man to protect him he had better clean up his act. If he has stashed enough loot he may be OK but if he pissed it all away he will need more and will get in trouble that will not go well for him.
  10. What scares me more than Putin are religious nutters that think they are going to a place called heaven when they die,the Jews the Christians and the Muslims. The ones that believe the end of the world is pre determined.
  11. Don't believe American bull<deleted> .Xi has a lot of support in Taiwan. When it becomes beneficial for them to join mainland China they will.
  12. Glad there were no serious injuries.
  13. It's hard to be neutral because you could loose support from both sides. So politicians go for the side they can get the most support from. In reality both sides are wicked and should not be supported but in the day of polarized politics it is assumed that if you do not support one side you must support the other.
  14. I use ghee but not in a deep fryer.
  15. When you have two or three hundred people on a plane the CO2 per person is a lot less than when you only have one or two.
  16. When someone is ordered deported they should be taken directly to the airport not even stopping at the 7/11 for a toothbrush. If they want to appeal they can do it from outside the country. The problem is there would be no money in that for the lawyers who made up the laws.
  17. Just because you criticize one side does not mean you support the other. Both sides are evil in my opinion and neither should be supported.
  18. The trick is to know someone with a pool not to own one. Every pool owner I know spends more time fiddling with it than swimming in it.
  19. I have eaten rat meat in Indonesia not the ground hog but the real thing. Small bits on meat on a skewer , real tough but the sauce was good.
  20. He came and he went at the same time.
  21. What a load of rubbish, anti Russian propaganda.
  22. A horrible little man ,trying to get a world war going so he can keep his job.
  23. Warmongers trying to prepare for a major conflict. Must have found a way to make some money from it. China and Russia are fine if you don't provoke them , US missiles on their border etc.
  24. Sure, closing the stable door after the horse is gone serves no purpose. A lot of what went on was common knowledge . The authorities live in a different world they don't want to open a can of worms unless they are forced to do so.
  25. True religions confine themselves to affairs of the soul. When they interfere in worldly things like what you can eat, what you can drink or what you can wear then they should be considered a cult and eliminated.
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